Connected – Community Network for Vector-Borne Plant Viruses

CONNECTED is building a sustainable network of international scientists and researchers to address the challenges of vector-borne plant viruses.

The network is currently funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) International from the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).

CONNECTED is led from the University of Bristol (UK) by Network Directors Prof Gary Foster, Dr Andy Bailey and Prof Neil Boonham (Newcastle University).

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Network members are forging new links and consolidating existing ones to provide the collaborative, multidisciplinary approach essential for tackling vector-borne disease.

A key objective is to enable network members to successfully apply for research funding. To enable this, CONNECTED provided pump-prime funding for a wide range of short term research projects to be used as the basis for future funding applications with national and international funding organisations.

The network is working together with funders, farmers, stakeholders and policy makers.

Anyone with an interest in plant virus vector-borne disease can become a network member. It is simple and free to join, using this link.