‎ConnectNetwork by GTL



Not happy with this app at all but unfortunately it’s the only way I can communicate with my bf. I believe y’all have taken now almost $40 of my money saying “funds are expired” when I just put the funds in there?? Why not REFUND my money instead of taking it sayings it’s expired?. Where do y’all have it written that funds expire? It’s only been a month. Same thing happened before and when I email y’all not once have y’all replied to me out of the numerous emails I’ve sent. And when I call no one has answers for me and still nothing has been resolved. I am extremely unhappy with your service! How u can justify taking money that’s hasn’t been used yet and saying it’s expired right after I deposit it is beyond me. And not right at all. The least u could do is notify us the funds are expiring and REFUND US OUR MONEY BACK. I won’t stop until I have answers. This is messed up! You can’t just take peoples money like that and think it’s ok. Furthermore you need to update your app bc the facility my bf is at doesn’t do messages anymore and y’all are still taking peoples money for that too and your call center can’t figure out the problem. Well I figured it out for u. So frustrating having to deal with shady apps like this. My review will change once y’all fix this huge and important problem on your end. It’s not right.