Complete Guide to Business Environmental Analysis – DataMyte

Every business exists in an environment, and it’s important to understand that environment to be successful. Unfortunately, businesses sometimes tend to ignore this importance, which can lead to failures in strategic planning. By getting to know the business environment and conducting regular environmental analysis, businesses can make the right decisions to stay ahead of the competition.

But what exactly is environmental analysis, and how do you conduct one? This article will discuss environmental analysis, why it’s important, and how you can use it to improve your business’ strategic planning.


What is Business Environmental Analysis?

Business environmental analysis is studying the external factors that affect a business. This includes things like the political landscape, the economic conditions, the technological environment, and more. By understanding these factors, a business can develop strategies to optimize its performance within this context. 

This environmental analysis examines industry and organizational factors that can either positively or negatively affect the business. By determining short-term and long-term impacts, organizations can readily respond to them when they appear. 


Purpose of Environmental Analysis

An environmental analysis helps organizations define factors that can influence their business operations. By assessing and weighing these factors, business leaders can make better decisions about moving forward. Additionally, environmental analysis can help business leaders anticipate changes in the market and adjust their strategies accordingly. 


Elements of Environmental Analysis

Two main elements of a business environmental analysis are internal and external factors.


Internal Factors

These components are all about organizations looking inwards. It examines how the business is doing currently and what can be done to improve things. This includes organizational culture, business processes, human resources, mission, and vision. 


External Factors

On the other hand, external factors are all about what’s happening in the business environment. This includes things like: 

  • Industry and market trends

  • Economic conditions

  • Political landscape

  • Social trends

  • Technological advancements 


All of these can greatly impact how business is done and how successful organizations can be.  


Types of Environmental Analysis

There are two environmental analysis methods: PESTLE analysis and SWOT analysis. These methods help organizations assess their strategic positions based on the business environment and a wide range of internal and external factors. 


PESTLE Analysis

PESTLE analysis is a framework that helps organizations assess the factors which can influence their business on a larger scale outside the organization. It provides important insights into the market status based on relevant trends concerning the market, technology, customers, and more.


PESTLE has six key elements:



  • Local, federal, and state policies.

  • Tax regulations

  • Trade rules



  • Unemployment rates

  • Inflation rates

  • Economic growth rates



  • Attitudes and opinions

  • Key demographic trends

  • Consumer buying patterns



  • Research and development areas

  • Technological incentives

  • Up-and-coming technologies



  • Employment laws

  • Product regulations

  • Health and safety regulations



  • Energy consumption regulations

  • Environmental policies

  • Climate and weather conditions


SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is an approach that helps business leaders identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats facing their organization. It includes both internal and external factors.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors that are within the organization’s control. On the other hand, opportunities and threats are external factors that are out of the organization’s control. 

By understanding these four elements, business leaders can develop strategies to take advantage of opportunities and mitigate threats while working on improving their weaknesses. 


Business Environmental Analysis Process

A business environmental analysis systematically uncovers different factors that affect your business and its operations. When there aren’t any fixed and definitive rules on doing an environmental assessment, the following steps can guide you into making the most out of this process:


Identify the Environmental Factors

Every environmental analysis will need a list of the factors that will undergo evaluation. These factors will depend on the business and its specific goals for conducting the analysis. This list should include micro- and macro-environmental factors that have both short- and long-term effects on business.


Collect Further Information About These Factors

After outlining which factors will be included in the analysis, the next step is to conduct research and gather more information about each of these factors. This can be done through desk research, surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Again, you can utilize various sources to ensure accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information. 


Check the Competitors

When conducting an environmental analysis, your research isn’t limited to your organization’s business standing. It also involves understanding your competitors and how they’re faring in the business landscape. This will give you a better idea of where you stand and what you need to do to stay ahead of the competition.


Determine the Impacts on the Organization

Once you’ve collected all the relevant information, it’s time to determine how these environmental factors will affect your business. This is where you need to weigh the risks and opportunities of each business situation. Doing so will help you develop strategies to take advantage of the opportunities and minimize the risks.


Formulate an Effective Strategic Plan

The final step is creating a strategic plan to guide your business decisions and actions. This plan should be based on your insights from the environmental analysis. It should also be aligned with your business goals and objectives.


Why Use DATAMYTE for Environmental Analysis

To conduct a successful and effective environmental analysis, you need a reliable quality management platform like DATAMYTE. We offer tools that not only make it easier to collect data but also help you make sense of this data. 

Our Digital Clipboard software lets you quickly identify business trends and develop the necessary corrective actions. You can also use this tool to monitor your business progress over time. The DataMyte Digital Clipboard also lets you create tools like checklists and smart forms that will be useful in conducting your business environmental analysis.

Additionally, our software is designed to be user-friendly thanks to its drag-and-drop interface. By using DATAMYTE, you can be sure that your environmental analysis will be accurate, comprehensive, and effective.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how our software can help you with business environmental analysis!



While it may seem like a lot of work, business environmental analysis is crucial for any organization. With it, you can better understand your business’s strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats that come with operating in a certain business environment. 

So if you haven’t tried implementing this process in your business yet, now is the time. And with DATAMYTE, you can be sure that conducting an environmental analysis will be easier and more efficient. So book a demo with us today to get started!



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