Company Registration in Vietnam | Ongoing Support

A LLC in Vietnam can be established by a single shareholder of any nationality. This person need not be a resident of Vietnam. Additionally, one director of the business will need to be appointed as the company’s legal representative. While a non-resident can be appointed to this position, the need may arise for this individual to travel to Vietnam, obtain a work permit and demonstrate evidence of being in a managerial position for at least one year. 

Additionally, a foreign owned LLC will need to open a capital account with a Vietnamese bank and obtain approval for a foreign investment certificate. A minimum investment of $10,000 USD is required for most sectors, but some industries may require a higher minimum investment. They must also obtain a bank certificate of deposit for the amount of share capital that must be distributed within 12 months of the business’ formation.

LLCs must provide the Vietnamese government with a registered address during the incorporation process. They are required to provide authorities with annual financial statements.