Common positive and negative effects of Social media – student lesson

One of the most interesting technological trends is probably social media. It keeps family and friends close, provides a practical tool for reflecting on happy moments, and even enables individuals who are hurting to receive support from complete strangers. Despite the fact that social media has a lot to offer in terms of advantages, you also need to be aware of its many drawbacks. Your day can be made more relaxed by the occasional tweet or a few minutes spent looking through your Facebook page. However, it becomes harmful to your mental health when you feel the need to post every ten minutes, check any and all changes during your lunch break at work, and feel that your life doesn’t measure up to those you see on your friends’ accounts.

Understanding social media and the common positive and negative effects it has on human beingsUnderstanding social media and the common positive and negative effects it has on human beings

Even if you adore your Instagram followers, is their admiration truly worth the cost to your physical and mental well-being? You should make that choice after reading about some of the drawbacks of social networking. In this article, the answers to the following questions will be discussed:

  • What is social media?
  • How does social media work?
  • What are the types of social media?
  • How can social media affect human beings positively?
  • What are the negative effects of social media?


Read more: How to avoid social media for better focus


Is it true that there are negative …

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Is it true that there are negative effects of social media on creativity?

What is social media?

Social media refers to any digital device that enables users to easily create, edit, and share content with the public. Numerous websites and apps fall under the category of social media. Some, like Twitter, are particularly good at distributing links and quick messages. Others are specifically designed for sharing photographs and videos, like Instagram and TikTok. Social media is special since it is both widespread and mostly free. Although, there are significantly fewer limitations on what someone can share on social media than there are with other forms of mass communication like newspapers, radio stations, and television channels, even though many social media companies do impose some restrictions—such as removing images that depict violence or nudity.

A social media account can be created by anyone with an internet connection. Users are free to share any content they want through that account, and everyone who views their page or profile will see it.

Read more: How to Easily Avoid Social Media Distraction

How does social media work?

The purpose of these tools also differs because social media involves so many kinds of websites and applications. On most social media platforms, a user must first create a profile by typically entering their name and email address. Users can produce and share content after creating a profile. For instance, a brand-new Instagram user can take a photo and upload it with a caption to their profile. Social media users can identify other users whose content they want to follow or comment on, in addition to providing content for their own profiles. A user may “follow” another user, “add” them as a “friend,” or “subscribe” to another person’s page, depending on the form of social media.

The “feeds” that social media platforms frequently utilize let users navigate through content. The content that appears and the order in which it appears are chosen by social media businesses using algorithms based on the personal information of users. Both content from “following” users and from organizations that pay for promotion of their content will be included in the feed.

Read more: Reasons why you’re addicted to Facebook and how to break free from your Facebook addiction.

What are the types of social media?

Social media comes in a wide variety of types, and many services may fall under more than one category. The following are some of the major types of social media:

  • Social Networks
  • Review Networks
  • Discussion Networks
  • Media Networks

Social Networks

Social networks are particularly good at bringing users together and facilitating the exchange of thoughts, ideas, and content—often between people who have similar tastes and interests. A couple of instances of social networking include Facebook and Twitter. LinkedIn may also be regarded as a social network, despite being more professional than others.

Review Networks

User reviews of goods and services on review networks like Yelp and TripAdvisor have been enhanced with social media features. Users and the companies receiving reviews can communicate directly with one another.

Discussion Networks

Reddit and other discussion platforms are the best places to publish content that can prompt in-depth discussion among users. In the comment section, users can post in-depth responses, and other users can reply directly to those remarks, enabling conversations to naturally expand and progress. Some people would argue that WordPress and other blogging platforms could be categorized under discussion networks, while others would argue that blogging is a distinct form of social media.

Media Networks

Media networks focus on spreading information like images and videos, as opposed to social networks, which let individuals discuss and exchange unfiltered views and ideas. Two examples of this are Instagram and YouTube. A user may upload a video to YouTube, for instance, and other users may “like,” “dislike,” or “comment” on the video. As a matter of fact, If a user finds the video entertaining enough, they may decide to “subscribe” to the creator in order to receive notifications of new videos from that creator in their feed.

How can social media affect human beings positively?

The following are the positive effects of social media:

  • Gives Better Communication.
  • Building good relationships.
  • It helps you share common interests.
  • Showing kindness and empathy.
  • Better learning.
  • Allows you to voice out on important issues.
  • It serves as a place to start and grow businesses.
  • Spread news worldwide.

  • Allows for creativity and self-expression.
  • It keeps you entertained.


Read more: Why quitting Facebook is good for you and how to quit it.

Gives Better Communication

Everyone can connect with their friends and family online thanks to social media. However, social media also promotes better communication and makes it simpler to make new connections. Prior to the emergence of social media, communication was limited to close proximity and took a very long time to reach distant locations. However, you can now click to call distant family members and long-lost friends in another country or region. Isn’t that incredible? Many people now feel more connected and committed to their family and friends than ever before, thanks to social media. Additionally, you can engage and form friendships with hundreds of your pals. People can share their posts, content, thoughts, experiences, and many other things on social media, which can result in a greater number of connections worldwide.

Building good relationships

Social media is an essential tool for strengthening our communities and creating connections. You may make important connections and create new partnerships as you scroll through social media networks. However, People who were recently affected by the coronavirus pandemic found themselves alone, cut off from social contact and communication. They also began to experience a variety of mental health problems. And in these trying times, social media platforms have facilitated these kinds of interactions through various online communities and desk assistance. Through social media, you may connect with new individuals and begin forming relationships with others who share your interests so that you can easily share information, concepts, stories, and experiences. The sense of community that results from this degree of interconnectedness is only conceivable thanks to social media platforms.

It helps you share common interests

Each of us has a passion or area of interest. Additionally, you might participate in social groups on Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, etc., such as book clubs, movie and TV series, fashion, and scientific groups, where you can find others who share your interests and are looking for the same ideas. Through social media, we may discover and connect with thousands of people from around the world who have things in common with us. You can locate clubs, communities, and individuals who share your goals and interests. Even for people who reside in remote regions, the sense of connectedness provided by social media networks fosters a sense of community. Teenagers and young adults can utilize social media to feel included, and communities of like-minded individuals can take advantage of its positive aspects to explore their personalities and share their journeys.

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Showing kindness and empathy

Have you ever blogged or commented on how you were feeling, and people responded with love and support? Social media has some positive benefits, including this. People frequently talk about their struggles, ups and downs, and journeys. They certainly care, I’ll tell you that much. Through social media, there are a ton of encouraging remarks and messages that motivate users to improve their lives. By posting their own accounts of incidents on social media, users can show kindness and empathy. People can encourage one another when they most need it by joining various support groups, such as those for anxiety, depression, ADHD, and many more. People’s mental health is positively impacted by the kindness and love they receive on social media, which also gives them a fresh perspective on the world.

Better learning

One of the main places where people can learn things is social media. Additionally, it helps people of all ages learn something new every day, not only children and students. The numerous blog entries, tweets, videos, and articles posted on social media are a great resource for daily skill learning. Additionally, the COVID-19 global pandemic has clearly shown that you don’t have to stop physical learning in order to use social media. Social media is a powerful tool for improving learning and knowledge capabilities for both students and educators. Students can find a variety of mentors, online seminars, and free educational websites that can teach them new skills that will help them advance in their jobs. They can discover helpful videos on YouTube to improve their talents.

Allows you to voice out on important issues

Social media enables people to support groups, speak out on pressing issues, and raise their voices. Unlike traditional media, many of us have witnessed global movements like Black Lives Matter, Me Too, and Climate Change that have had a significant global impact. It has increased awareness and exposed everyone to such delicate subjects. Through social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and others, people involved in charity, funding, fighting injustice, and combating diseases are raising their voices and supplying information to the appropriate authorities and groups. Social media is an effective medium, particularly for people and groups whose voices are silenced. Social media can therefore have the biggest influence on people breaking out of their shells to discuss their problems and spread those worries throughout the world.

It serves as a place to start and grow businesses

Numerous markets and adverts for selling and purchasing products may be found on various Facebook pages and Instagram posts. In terms of business potential, social media has massively improved. Numerous company brands have already established themselves on social media thanks to the accessibility to users of all ages and the platform’s affordable environment. Social media marketing and promotion have drawn a large number of clients, and if used properly, they can enable a 24/7 business. Marketers and business organizations can broaden their consumer base and increase customer satisfaction. They can make full use of social media’s advantages to increase their financial investment in their company.

Spread news worldwide

Global communication has transformed as a result of social media. Additionally, news can spread more quickly through the various social media sites with accessible communication. With just a few clicks, consumers may get the most recent international news, events, and happenings thanks to social media. From local to international news, you may find information on the topics that interest you. There are numerous news stories and social media posts that have helped people find missing loved ones, friends, or belongings. This is unquestionably one of the benefits of social media, which has helped people in a variety of ways.

Allows for creativity and self-expression

There are several blogs, movies, and tutorials where individuals demonstrate their amazing abilities in the fields of fitness, beauty, DIY projects, hacks, etc. People can now learn and spread a lot of this creativity around the world thanks to social media platforms. And it has evolved into a means of self-expression for kids and teenagers. Social media has given students practical experience, helping them to develop their creativity and increase their level of knowledge. It offers a platform for you to showcase your talents to individuals around the world and receive their feedback. Your abilities and inventiveness will be enhanced, and you can also follow these ideas in order to get money.

It keeps you entertained

In addition to all the advantages of social media, entertainment is a must. Social media has become a source of entertainment for people of all ages. There’s little doubt that certain social media posts have made you smile and laugh. Over the past few years, social media has expanded substantially as a medium for entertainment media. On social media, you can find everything you could possibly want for amusement, including songs, videos, games, and movies. People have become addicted to using social media platforms for their amusement, whether it is fans following their favorite celebrities, participating in live broadcasts, or viewing viral memes and videos.

What are the negative effects of social media?

Despite the fact that social media has great advantages like spreading news worldwide, starting and growing businesses, and keeping you entertained, there are also some disadvantages. The following are the negative effects of social media:

  • Reduces physical interaction.
  • Social media can divert your attention from crucial tasks.
  • It might distract one from one’s life goals if one is not careful.
  • Can Lead to depression.
  • Relationships might fail.
  • One might experience Cyberbullies.
  • Social Comparison Reduces One’s self-esteem.
  • leads to sleeplessness.
  • One’s privacy suffers.

Reduces physical interaction

People will quickly become upset when you are aimlessly scrolling through social media platforms instead of paying attention to them when you use social media more frequently since you not only spend less quality time with people who are physically present in your life. Being physically present with someone offers a level of comfort and support that social media will never be able to match. Social media can be great for finding support when you are unable to interact face-to-face with those around you. Non-verbal cues are just as significant as our words when we communicate with someone face-to-face. Non-verbal cues are lost when communicating online, complicating matters and increasing the likelihood of miscommunication—even between the closest of friends. The best thing you can do is to put your phone down and spend time with friends or family when it’s practical to do so.

Social media can divert your attention from crucial tasks

The demand for attention that social media induces is a major factor in why it is bad. For those who use social media frequently, posting unclear status updates to attract attention from others could easily turn into a bad habit. You may become consumed by the never-ending struggle for likes and alerts. Humans naturally need the kind of attention we refer to as belonging. It began as a strategy for group survival. The University of Toronto psychologist, Dr. Geoff MacDonald, asserts that “attention is one of the most valuable resources in existence for social beings.” It makes sure we have a secure landing spot in case we ever need it.

We can now solicit attention at any time by uploading new content and images on social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube, which is regrettably taking this demand for attention to an extreme. However, MacDonald observes that “when you show a curated version of yourself to the public, whatever approval that you obtain is not for your entire and whole self.” On social media, we attract attention by presenting a fabricated version of ourselves rather than our true selves. As a result, we receive a lot of attention while also feeling more alone and isolated than before, which has numerous negative repercussions on our lives that may be attributed to social media.

It can distract one from one’s life goals if one is not careful

People frequently disregard their real-life objectives because it is so simple to become engrossed in what is happening on social media. Individuals frequently strive for internet popularity rather than setting their sights on a dream career by developing practical talents. Goal-achieving requires a lot of effort and motivation. When we don’t feel like working hard, social media gives us an easy outlet to divert our attention. As a result, we may find that we simply don’t complete tasks because finding distractions is so simple.

Can Lead to depression

Recent research shows that people experience more bad feelings, such as depression, the more social media they use. Individuals who have had depression and/or anxiety disorders in the past may be particularly harmed by this. According to some views, the increased social comparisons and reduced social connection brought on by more time spent on social media are the causes of these unfavorable feelings and depression symptoms. Consider taking a break from social media if you start to notice that you’re feeling down all the time. This is one of the drawbacks of social media.

Relationships might fail

Online jealousy and nosy behavior are bad. When it comes to handling relationships, it may appear to be a simple alternative, but in practice, it causes more harm than good. According to studies, those who use Facebook more frequently are more likely to keep tabs on their relationships, which can result in fights and crumbling relationships. Stop checking Facebook all the time, schedule a date night, and perhaps leave your phones at home if you truly love your relationship.

One might encounter Cyberbullies

On the internet, people speak in ways they wouldn’t ordinarily in real life because they feel too at ease. One of the many unfavorable effects of social media is that even if you’re not the one saying awful things, you’ll inevitably be exposed to them. Whether or not it is intended for you, cyberbullying will make you think more negatively and probably make you view people more negatively overall. The best remedy for this is to get out into the world and see the random acts of kindness that individuals perform on a daily basis.

Social Comparison Reduces One’s Self-Esteem

On social media, it’s simple to present a particular persona. The messy stuff in between is often hidden under beautiful holiday images or posts about new babies. We tend to primarily see the positive aspects, which can cause social comparison. In one study, “participants who used Facebook most frequently had weaker trait self-esteem, and this was mediated by increased exposure to upward social comparisons on social media.” This suggests that our self-esteem decreases when we observe the lives of others that we judge to be better than our own. If you’re still unclear about why social media affects mental health, the solution is that it makes the abovementioned issue worse by making us constantly compare ourselves to others, which eventually leads to mental health issues and social anxiety, especially in young people.

leads to Sleeplessness

One of the most common side effects of social media is sleep deprivation because the light from your various screens tricks your brain into thinking it’s not time for you to go to sleep. It’s challenging enough to get enough sleep every night without additional difficulties. In a study of teenagers, it was discovered that those who used social media more frequently had worse sleep patterns. The same is frequently true for grownups who return home, pass out on the couch, and spend the remainder of the evening browsing social media, only to discover that midnight has passed.

One’s privacy suffers

It’s obvious that privacy and the internet don’t get along, between social media platforms saving (and selling) your personal information and the NSA issue involving unauthorized government access to personal information, including email, Skype calls, and so much more. Employers are using social media more and more to check out the profiles of possible workers. If you post every thought, they might form a bad impression of you and you might miss out on possibilities.


What is the negative effect of social media?

However, people’s use of social media can also have a negative impact on them by diverting their attention, preventing them from sleeping, and exposing them to bullying, rumors, unrealistic expectations of other people’s lives, and peer pressure. The hazards could be tied to how frequently people use social media.

What are the negative effects of the media?

  • Reduces physical interaction.
  • Social media can divert your attention from crucial tasks.
  • It might distract one from one’s life goals if care is not taken.
  • Can Lead to depression.
  • Relationships might fail.
  • One might encounter Cyberbullies.
  • Social Comparison Reduces One’s self-esteem.
  • Might lead to sleeplessness.
  • One’s privacy suffers.

What are the negative effects of social media on students?

It is simple to get addicted to something, and studies have shown that students who rely on social media excessively may have a variety of problems, including poor sleep, eye fatigue, negative body image, depression, anxiety, cyberbullying, and more.

How does social media affect our society?

As a result, social media has the following effects on society: increasing awareness of political, social, ethical, and other viewpoints or issues. spread information effectively and swiftly. presenting new marketing chances for businesses.

How does social media affect students’ education?

According to past research, students who spend more time on social media sites are more likely to perform poorly academically. They don’t read books because they prefer to spend their time online chatting and establishing acquaintances on social media platforms.

What does social media mean?

Websites and programs that promote communication, community-based input, engagement, content-sharing, and collaboration are collectively referred to as “social media. Social media is mostly used by people to connect and communicate with their friends, family, and other communities.

What are social media’s advantages and disadvantages?

Businesses may find social media to be a beneficial tool for connecting with customers and increasing website traffic. However, there may be drawbacks as well, such as the resources needed and unfavorable reviews.

What is social media for students?

Social media refers to any digital technology that enables communication between individuals through online networks and groups. Students have a variety of options for digitally interacting with family, friends, peers, teachers, members of interest groups, and even complete strangers thanks to social media.

How important is social media?

The use of social media has become a daily requirement in today’s society. Social media is primarily utilized for decision-making, news and information access, and social interaction. It is a useful tool for sharing, creating, and disseminating information as well as for communicating with people locally and globally.

That is all for this article, where the answers to the following questions have been discussed:

  • What is social media?
  • How does social media work?
  • What are the types of social media?
  • How can social media affect human beings positively?
  • What are the negative effects of social media?

I hope you learn a lot from reading. If so, kindly share it with others. Thanks for reading, see you around!