Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center School of Dental and Oral Surgery

Interview Feedback

Results Overview

How did the interview impress you?

What was the stress level of the interview?

0 =


, 10 =


How you think you did?

0 =


, 10 =


Select Questions & Recent Responses

“Reply to our Emails would be highly appreciated. ????”

“I had a wonderful time interviewing at CDM – it was by far my favorite interview experience. Keep it up!”

“Please include the travel information to Columbia in the interview invite rather than in an email a few days before the interview.”

“Please provide parking locations in the interview invite. Update the website, it is outdated, and some of the videos require quicktime. The information on the website is very vague compared to other schools.”

“Need to respond to e-mails better – it was often tough to get in contact with them.”

“Everything was perfectly organized and well-executed. Great job!”

“No suggestions, I was in the first interview invitation group so it was smooth sailing for me.”

“It took me 2 weeks to get in contact with you to set up an interview!”


“It would be nice if they were available to answer questions on more days of the week than just Wed”

“Very impressive & productive”

“Tell me about your life story”

“Why do you want to leave your hometown and come to NY?”

“Why Columbia over other New York schools”

“Tell me about your dental school in your home country”

“How do you deal with stress?”

“What sparked your interest in dentistry?”

“Do you have any questions for me?”

“What should I tell the admissions committee?”

“What do you want me to tell the admissions committee? (Wrote my answer down word for word)”

“What other schools did you apply to?”

“What have you been up to lately?”

“How did you study for the DAT”

“How was your first year at your undergrad institution?”

“Why do we know you are 100% set on dentistry?”

“Tell me about your extracurricular activities: clarinet and ceramics. Who’s your favorite music writer?”

“Tell me about this activity that you’ve done.”

“What would you do if you couldn’t get into dental school?”

“What have you done to ensure you can handle to course load?”

“Tell me about your research.”

“Why dentistry, Why Columbia”

“?Why dentistry?”

“So tell me about these schools here (I had gone to more than one college).”

“What do you do in your free time?”

“Why dentistry? (I had been working since graduation)”

“So you went to these schools? Tell me about them.”

“Do you think your school is better than others?”

“Is Columbia your first choice?”

“just general questions about why dentistry. Very laid back interview”

“”Do you have any questions about what Dr. Davis talked about during Orientation?””

“about the dental school”

“Do you plan to specialize?”

“Why columbia?

“Your science GPA and DAT scores are very high. So, what do you want me to ask? So, I could suggest some questions:)”

“Tell me about your family”

“Why columbia?”

“Tell me about Alpha Phi Omega (service fraternity).”

“What was your favorite course?”

“There are many dentists in your family, tell me about your dental experience.”

“what do you do now? (I am currently not in school)”

“Tell me about yourself.”

“went over a lot of activities i’d mentioned in my application”

“what do you do beside school work”

“How well do you feel your undergraduate school prepared you for your graduate studies?”

“Why do you want to be a dentist?”

“How was the drive here?”

“Tell us about yourself?”

“What would you like me to tell the admissions committee on your behalf?”

“what are your hobbies?”

“What is your top choice?”

“If you were to marry yourself, would you do it, why or why not?”

“Tell me about your outreach activities.”

“why dentistry?”

“How was your flight here?”

“What are your extracurricular experiences?”

“What do you like about Columbia?”

“What do you want me to tell the admissions committee about you? ”

“Explain your grades. ”

“What do you do outside of school?”

“where do you see yourself in 5 years?

“Tell me about your hobbies.”

“Why app so late”

“Tell me about yourself”

“Tell me about yourself, nothing academicly.”

“Why Columbia”

“why dentistry”

“Do you have any questions about Columbia?”

“What are you doing this year? Tell me about your research.”

“Where do you see your self in 10 years?”

“Do you want to specialize?”

“Tell me about your major.”

“Why dentistry and not medicine? ”

“Where do you see yourself in 15 years?”

“Tell me about yourself and your family.”

“how do you want to be remembered? (yes, when you die. that was a cheerful question, esp given the neighbourhood. I guess it they were being realistic.)”

“Nothing really interesting”

“What do you look for in a friend?”

“Are you ready to move to New York?”

“Who are your favorite composers? Who are your LEAST favorite composers? (classical music)”

“Why was organic chemistry your favorite course when you took “life and death”?”

“What other schools did you apply to? — We actually discussed the schools and their pros and cons. My interviewer was pushing Columbia over the other schools.”

“I’m thirsty, would you like anything to drink?”

“Why am i changing careers”

“What makes you stand out from other applicants?”

“Tell me about your study habits.”

“Who is your favorite artist?”

“How did you prepare for your DATs?”

“What would you like me to tell the admissions committee?”

“All pretty standard.”

“So how often do you swim now? (I’m a former collegiate swimmer) He was interested in how I handle my free time now.”

“What are you most disappointed in? How is ________ (my research professor!)”

“cant recall”

“None in particular.”

“Do you play any musical instruments?”

“Anything else you would like me to tell the admissions committee?”

“Lol, It was so laid back. Not stressful at all.”

“You had a lot of leadership. You think you had time for that?”

“Family tradition?”


“What do you want me to ask?”

“What makes a good reputation? what does it mean to have a good rep?”

“No particularly interesting questions really.”

“What’s your style of bowling? Do you hold it in your palms or do you stick your fingers in the ball?”

“The questions are all pretty standard. They are not out to get you, they just want to get to know you as a person.”

“None, all were pretty basic.”

“What should I tell the admissions committee about you?”

“Tell me about yourself.”

“What’s your favorite football team?”

“What else do you want the admissions committee to know about you…. (about 10x)”

“I am your representative to the admissions committee. What would you like me to tell them on your behalf?”

“Nothing. Everyt question was standard.”

“What do you like to do for fun?”

“What are your views regarding smoking?”

“Who is your favorite artist? (related to my undergrad major)”

“what are your hobbies?”

“How do you study?”

“None of the questions were particularly interesting or difficult; the interviewers are volunteers who advocate for you at a meeting of the admissions committee. My interviewer had gone through my application thoroughly and had very specific, but easy to answer questions about things he wanted to be prepared for.”

“If you were to marry yourself, would you do it, why or why not?”

“What was it like to be the daughter of dentists?”

“What do you think of the campus?”

“I was asked very little questions, he just kept asking me if I had any questions.”

“None, really. My interviewer asked me general questions. I think he already knew what kind of person I am from the file.”

“What do you want me to tell the committee on your behalf? ”

“What do you do outside of school?”

“None, too stressful”

“not many questions, the guy just asked me why dentistry? he said my file was great, and he basically went on about how great columbia would be for me”

“Nothing really too interesting. My interviewer wasn’t too conversational which gave the interview a drab overtone I felt. Probably not to my advantage.”

“Among all other dental students, what’s your most shining characteristic? How’s Las Vegas?”

“Do you sit in the front of the class?”

“nothing really interesting…mostly asked questions regarding my personal essay…asked more in detail of the experiences i had written”

“where do you want to open your practice?”

“How did you prepare for the DAT?”

“where do you see yourself in 10 years?”

“The interview is not concerned with grilling you. They just wanna get to know you better- put a personality to the paper. ”

“We have a very hard curriculum, are you up for the challenge?”

“any questions about Columbia?”

“What can your bring to this school?”

“Tell me about your trip to Honduras.”

“Do you plan on specializing?”

“what would you do if you couldn’t be a dentist”

“Are you concerned about your daughter being relocated if you come to Columbia? (I have a kid, and we live in another city)”

“I used to work for Gendex/Midwest (a factory that makes dental equipment) and I wrote about it in my application. The interviewer asked me what it was like to work for Gendex. I was excited they asked about it, b/c it showed that they took the time to notice the details of my application.”

“why columbia dental school?”

“just asked about life expereinces, why i wanted to become a dentists, the usual. ”

“What do you do with your hands? (sorry I’m not a woodcarver)”

“Why didn’t you apply to McGill? ”

“All the questions were very typical. (not to say that they were boring, rather, they were questions that most people already listed in the other interview ratings)”

“Explain your major to me. ”

“What would you do if you couldn’t be a dentist?”

“What would you like to say about you when I’m presenting your case to the committee?”

“can you make chili?”

“Would you go get me a glass of oreange juice?…I’m too old to walk over there.”

“nothing terribly interesting……it was pretty dull”

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