Colorado EV Plan 2020 | Colorado Energy Office

Image of electric vehicle charger with vehicle in background

One of Governor Polis’ first executive orders, Executive Order B 2019 002 Supporting a Transition to Zero Emission Vehicles, includes supporting the acceleration of widespread electrification of cars, buses and trucks and adopting the goal of 940,000 light-duty electric vehicles in Colorado by 2030.

In 2018, Colorado released its first electric vehicle (EV) plan setting forth goals, actions and strategies to develop EV fast-charging corridors across the state and establishing a target of 940,000 EVs by 2030. In 2020, Colorado updated and released the Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan 2020 which envisions:

Large-scale transition of Colorado’s transportation system to zero emission vehicles, with a long-term goal of 100% of light-duty vehicles being electric and 100% of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles being zero emission. 

This will be accomplished by taking actions to meet five goals: 

  • Increasing the number of light-duty EVs to 940,000 by 2030

  • Developing plans for transitioning medium-duty (MDV), heavy-duty (HDV) and transit vehicles to zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) 

  • Developing an EV infrastructure goal by undertaking a gap analysis to identify the type and number of charging stations needed across the state to meet 2030 light-duty vehicle (LDV), MDV and HDV goals

  • State government agencies meeting directives and goals related to EVs from the updated Greening State Government Executive Order

  • Developing a roadmap to full electrification of the light-duty vehicle fleet in Colorado

Find the Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan 2020 here.