Cheap VPS Hosting India | Best VPS Server Provider in India

Shared hosting is basically for beginners and small business websites. With all resources being shared, users don’t get any sort of assurance of CPU or RAM with shared hosting. With no full root access to the server, you don’t get full control of your servers and are rather restricted. But for a beginner or in the initial phase of your website, shared hosting provides an apt platform for your website. In which you get the assistance of our customer support team round the clock to tackle any issue that you might come across in the due process. Contradictorily, VPS comes with fully dedicated resources which you need not share. With full root access, you get complete control of your resources i.e. your CPU, Ram, and even get to select OS or control panel as per your preference and convenience. So, you get the benefit of dedicated servers at a price point close to shared hosting. All this with 24×7 customer support for all your hosting-related queries.