Cheap SSL Certificates: Buy SSL/HTTPS Certificate at $2.99


Asked Questions

Why Do I Need an SSL Certificate?

You need SSL Certificate for the following primary reasons:

  • To secure your websites with primary and sub-domains.
  • To align with mandatory search engine and browse standards.
  • To build your digital reputation and enhance website visibility.

What is the cost of an SSL Certificate?

The cost of an SSL Certificate varies according to its Validation Level, Certificate Authority and Type. At, the SSL Certificates range from $4.99/year to $799/year. The mentioned range is the cheapest as compared to other SSL distributors.

Why I Choose to Purchase an SSL Certificate?

By choosing, you can avail the following exclusive leverages in the SSL industry:

  • DV, OV, and EV SSL Certificates at the lowest price.
  • Dedicated SSL Supports to help you with any technical query.
  • Wide variety of SSL Certificates, including Multi-Domain, Wildcard, and Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate.
  • Freely available tools, including CSR generator, CSR decoder, SSL checker, Certificate Key Matcher, and much more.
  • SSL Certificates from authorized Certificate Authority, such as Comodo, Sectigo, and Certera.
  • 30-day money-back period.
  • All certificates comply with the latest encryption and CA/B standards.

What do I need to do to obtain an SSL Certificate quickly and easily?

To quickly obtain the SSL Certificate, you can visit and purchase the digital certificate according to your requirement. In addition, you must keep all the required documents handy to submit them as soon as possible and complete the validation procedure.

To get more information on the Validation Procedure and to access the guide to undergo it, you must visit

How do I order an SSL Certificate and Code Signing Certificate at

The procedure to purchase SSL and Code Signing Certificate from is as follows:

Step 1: Visit and select the certificate you want.

Step 2: Add the selected certificate to the cart.

Step 3: The cart details will get displayed with the checkout form.

Step 4: Fill out the required information, make payment, and you will get forwarded to the vetting process.

Once the CA verifies your details, a digital certificate will get issued.

What is an SSL Certificate?

An SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is a X.509 digital security certificate, that get used for securing communications between a web server and a client through encryption.

Why Is an SSL Certificate Important for a Website?

The primary reason to have an SSL certificate for a website is to encrypt communication between clients & web servers and to prevent warning messages like “Not Secure” in web browsers.

What Does HTTPS Mean for Website Visitors?

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a combination of two protocols, HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) with SSL (Secure Socket Layer). In other words, an SSL certificate gets embedded in the HTTP protocol once the SSL certificate gets installed on a web server.

What Is TLS Certificate?

TLS (Transport Layer Security) is an updated and more secure SSL version. However, the SSL term gets more commonly used due to its popularity. Henceforth, whenever someone purchases an SSL certificate from CA (Certificate Authority) like Comodo, Sectigo, and Certera, the buyer purchases a TLS certificate.

What Are the Different Validation Types of SSL Certificates?

SSL certificates are offered in three validation levels; DV (Domain Validated), valid for content-based websites like personal blogs. An OV (Organization Validated) SSL certificate is used for securing organization data, and an EV (Extended Validated) SSL certificate is used to secure websites that deal with financial transactions.

Can You Use a DV SSL Certificate for Websites Dealing With Financial Transactions?

No, you can’t use the DV (Domain Validated) SSL certificate. To do financial transactions, you’re required to be PCI-DSS & HITECH/HIPAA compliant. And to achieve that, you must use an EV (Extended Validated) SSL certificate

How Do I Secure a Subdomain?

To secure a sub-domain, you must go for a Wildcard SSL certificate. It secures one main domain and an unlimited sub-domain. Similarly, it’s available in two validation types, DV and OV. And if you own multiple primary domains and associated sub-domains, then Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate is for you.

What Do I Need to Perform SSL Validation?

If you’re ordering a DV SSL certificate, all you need to do is confirm one email that you receive from CA on registered email with your domain name listed on record listing websites like WHO IS. And, if you’re ordering an OV or EV SSL certificate, you’ll need to provide certain documents before issuance to prove your business is legit and has a physical existence in your country.

What’s the Difference Between OV and EV SSL Certificates?

OV SSL certificate helps secure websites dealing with an organization’s data, such as government or NGO websites. And an EV SSL certificate is for websites that deal with financial transactions like credit card or bank account details, such as e-commerce websites.

How Long Does It Take to Get an SSL Certificate Issued?

DV SSL certificate gets issued within minutes once you confirm an email sent to you by the CA. An OV SSL certificate takes around one to three business days, and an EV SSL certificates take around one to five business days to get issued.

How Long Does It Take to Get an SSL Certificate Installed?

If you’re going with an SSL installation service, it’ll get installed the same day once it’s issued. However, if you’re trying on your own, it depends on your experience installing an SSL certificate or how well you understood an SSL installation guide.

Can I Use an SSL Certificate for Signing My Software?

No, you cannot use an SSL certificate to sign your software. SSL certificate is only for securing websites. To sign software, you need a code signing certificate. Likewise, you cannot use a code signing certificate to secure the website.

Is an SSL Certificate the Same as a Code Signing Certificate?

SSL and code signing certificates are both X.509 digital security certificates, but are entirely different. An SSL certificate encrypts communication between the web server and the client. And a code signing certificate is used for code signing and embedding your digital signature on your software to ensure that signed software hasn’t been tampered with since its signing.

What Is a Site Seal?

Site seals are small images provided with an SSL certificate. For example, the DV SSL certificate has a static site seal, and an OV & EV SSL certificate has a dynamic site seal, showing company information with the current time. Likewise, static and dynamic site seal helps visitors know that the site is trustworthy and verified by a recognized third-party web security company.