Cheap SSL Certificates

Are you looking for cheap SSL certificates? This page lets you compare the best cheap SSL certificates from the major certificate authorities and lists the ones with the highest rating first. Make sure to compare each feature of the cheap SSL certificates to make sure you get the best value. If you aren’t sure what you need, use our SSL Wizard to compare SSL certificates from all providers. Some features of more expensive certificates are worth paying for like quality support, better management tools, etc. Make sure to do your research!

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from some of the providers displayed on our site. Our site features all providers,
including those who don’t pay us, so that you can make an informed purchasing decision.

Detailed SSL Certificate Comparison

Certificate Info

Product Name

Basic SSL

Instant SSL

Positive SSL


Price For 1 Year





Issuance Speed

Within a few minutes

Within 1 hour

Within a few minutes

Within a few minutes

Domains Secured

Single Domain Name (FQDN) + www SAN

Single Domain Name (FQDN) + www SAN

Single Domain Name (FQDN) + www SAN

Single Domain Name (FQDN) + www SAN






Validation Required

Domain Validation

Organization and Domain Validation

Domain Validation

Domain Validation

Notification Level in Browsers

Domain Name Shown On Certificate Only

Domain Name and Organization Name Shown On Certificate

Domain Name Shown On Certificate Only

Domain Name Shown On Certificate Only

Server License

Unlimited Servers

Unlimited Servers

Unlimited Servers

Unlimited Servers

Other Features





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Why buy cheap SSL certificates?

Why not buy a cheap certificate if it works just as well as a more expensive certificate? Keep in mind that not all certificates are the same and it is important to compare all the features to make sure the certificate you buy will work for your needs. Most cheap SSL certificates are domain-validated only and don’t provide the greatest trust for your customers. This means it is better to use a more expensive SSL certificate on e-commerce stores or other public-facing sites that require people to trust the site. Cheap SSL certificates can normally be used well on mail servers or internal sites where you just want encryption and don’t care about assuring users of your identity. Most of the cheap SSL certificates are compatible with all major web browsers. If you are just looking for an overall cheap SSL provider, check out our cheap SSL providers page. Remember, if you have an e-commerce site, a more expensive organization validated or Extended Validation certificate may help your customers trust you more, protect your customers better against man-in-the-middle phishing attacks, and help your customers to buy more (which means you make more money).