Cheap SSL Certificate : Buy SSL Certificates at $5 Low Price

HTTPS certificates are diverse and designed to serve different types of websites. There is a single domain, wildcard certificate, multi-domain certificate, multi-domain wildcard SSL, Code Signing certificate, Extended Validation (EV) SSL. These certificates can be classified into three validations types: Domain Validation, Organization Validation, and Extended Validation.

DV SSL: Domain Validation (DV) offers a primary level of validation where the certificate authority checks WHOIS information and domain ownership to issue the certificate.

OV SSL: The certificate authority verifies the organization’s operation details and the third-party business directory details to prove an organization’s credibility. It is a slightly upper level of validation compared to domain validation.

EV SSL: Extended Validation (EV) offers the highest level of validation where the certificate authority checks the business’s operation and legal status along with the verification of a third-party business directory to verify the listed business phone number.