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You can register your own nameservers for your domain (private nameservers usually look like this: and

Your “Internet Protocol” address refers to the unique number that is linked to all your personal online activity. Also may be used for your SSL certificate.

You can create different control panel accounts with their own settings and package limits.

Two-Factor Authentication works to improve overall security by requiring two forms of identification: 1) your password 2) a generated security code

The leading control panel which allows you to manage your content, email and FTP accounts, etc. ( demo ).

Subdomains allow you to create separate websites as subsections of your domain. For example, is the subdomain of the domain.

Number of domains with their own web sites, email accounts and DNS records that you may host under your cPanel account.

Refers to the monthly measurement of your server’s accessibility to the Internet.

Also referred to as “data transfer,” this is the amount of data that can be transferred between your website and Internet users.

Refers to the number of inodes (files, folders, and emails) you’re allowed to store in your hosting account.

Refers to the amount of space to store your website files, databases, emails, and more. Our web servers are all RAID-protected with redundant fault-tolerant hard disks.

This feature allows you to use .csv files to create multiple email addresses or email forwarders for your account simultaneously.

BoxTrapper protects your inbox from spam by requiring all email senders not on your Whitelist reply to a verification email before you can receive their mail.

An e-mail authentication system that allows for incoming mail to be checked against the server it was sent from to verify that the mail has not been modified.

This record will specify which machines are authorized to send email from your domain(s). Only mail sent through these servers will appear as valid mail when the SPF records are checked.

Allows you to receive all emails that are sent to an address that does not exist to the default email address created in your cPanel.

This feature allows you to create a list of email addresses and send them an email by specifying a single address.

Spam protection tool installed on our servers which can be easily enabled and configured through your cPanel.

Standard protocols that can be used for email sending and receiving.

An interface which is used to access your mail via web-browser. We offer Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube webmail interfaces.

These allow you to configure automatic email response messages. For example, a vacation notice.

This feature allows you to forward a copy of any email sent to one of your email accounts to some other email address.

Total amount of email accounts that can be created for all your domains and subdomains in the hosting account.

A third-party tool included with cPanel, used for managing PostgreSQL databases over the Internet.

Based on an object-relational management system PostgreSQL databases that allow you to manage the data which is used with CMS-software such as MediaWiki, Drupal, OpenCms etc.

A third-party tool included with cPanel, used for managing MySQL databases over the Internet.

Open source relational database management system that is used by CMS-software (such as Joomla, Drupal, WordPress) to store and retrieve all your blog information.

Secure remote command line access to your account. Jailed SSH gives you limited shell access where only basic shell commands are allowed, and the usage is limited to your account. To get jailed ssh enabled please submit a request to our helpdesk.

Ruby on Rails, often shortened to Rails, is an open source full-stack web application framework for the Ruby programming language.

Server Side Include – is a server-side scripting language used for creating dynamic webpages by inserting the content of one file into another.

Javascript is a client-side scripting language run in a web browser. It allows you to use .js files.

A high-level, general-purpose, interpreted and dynamic programming language which is installed on our servers.

Common Gateway Interface defines a way for a web server to interact with external content-generating programs. The program run by CGI can be any type of executable file. For example, you can use Perl, Python scripts, or other, similar languages.

Scripting language versions installed on our servers. PHP version can be selected in your cPanel account.

Control Panel Features


Allows you to download a zipped copy of your entire site or parts of it onto your computer or restore parts of your hosting account by uploading your partial backup zip file(s).

Backup Manager


With ClamAV™ Virus Scanner you can scan your mail, entire home directory, public web space and public FTP space.

Virus Scanner


You can easily configure your domain name for Google Email, Calendar and Docs using this feature.

Google Apps


Allows you to resize an entire directory of images to your preferred size and store them in a folder called thumbnails, resize individual images and convert one type of image file to another.

Image Manager


This allows you to manage apache handlers. Apache comes configured to handle CGI scripts and server-parsed files. You can configure Apache to handle a new file type with an existing handler by manually adding the handler and extension.

Apache Handlers Manager


This prevents other websites from directly linking to files on your website (e.g. restricts displaying your images on other websites). They will still be able to link to any file type that you don’t specify.

Hotlink Protection


A feature which is used to deny access to your site from a specific (or a range of) IP address(es).

IP Deny Manager


This allows you to customize the way a directory will be viewed on the web. You can select between a default style, no indexes, or two types of indexing.

Index Manager


A feature which sets the maximum number of logins that can occur within a 2-hour time limit in order to protect your site from brute-force attack.

Leech Protect


This allows you to create mailing lists and use a single address to send mail to multiple email addresses.

Mailman List Manager


Use this to specify how certain file extensions are handled by web browsers. MIME types can allow browsers to handle new technologies as they become available.

MIME Types Manager


These allow you to find out the IP address of any domain, as well as DNS information about that domain, or trace the route from the computer you are accessing cPanel from, to the server your site is on.

Network Tools


Use GnuPG key to encrypt your outgoing emails. Messages are encrypted with a public key. Only the intended recipient, who has the private key, can decrypt the message.



The random HTML generator picks a string of HTML code from a list and inserts it into an SSI (Server Side Includes)-enabled web page.

Random HTML Generator


This allows you to send all visitors of a domain or particular page to a different URL.

Redirect Manager


Allows you to create a special folder, called /scgi-bin, inside your /public_html directory in order for the scripts placed in this folder to be handled as CGI scripts.

Simple CGI Wrapper


This set of features allows you to access several lists to view information regarding your server. This can be helpful when troubleshooting both hardware and software issues.

Server Status Viewer


You can easily change cPanel interface language using “Change Language” feature.

Change Language


Use a Web Disk account to manage, navigate, upload, and download the website’s files as if they were on your local drive.

Web Disk


Set a password to protect certain directories of your account. When visitors attempt to view that directory via the website, they will be asked to log in.

Directory Privacy


You can manage all PHP settings with the help of your local php.ini file, such as whether global variables are turned on or the default directory to upload files to when writing upload scripts.

Customizable php.ini


Cron jobs are scheduled tasks that take place at predefined times or intervals on the server. Often, a cron job is a series of simple tasks executed from a script file.

Cron Jobs


This feature allows you to create and delete A and CNAME records for your subdomain names.

Simple DNS Zone Editor


This allows you to create and edit DNS records (A, TXT, CNAME, SRV) for your domains and subdomains.

Advanced DNS Zone Editor


PEAR packages are collections of functions that allow you to perform tasks in PHP.

Install PHP PEAR Packages


Perl modules are collections of functions that allow you to perform tasks in Perl.

Install Perl Modules


Ruby Gems are collections of functions that allow you to perform tasks in Ruby.

Install Ruby Gems


Sign up for CodeGuard – a leading backup, monitoring, and restore service on the web. Access it from your cPanel.

CodeGuard Backup