Carnegie Mellon University | AACSB Accredited

Our Vision: To create value for business and society by providing intellectual leadership, advancing the science and practice of management, and developing ethical leaders to be the agents of change in a world driven by technology and innovation.

Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business has a long history of innovation, impact, and engagement. The Tepper School was founded on a revolutionary idea that economics, quantitative methods and behavioral sciences could form the foundation of a rigorous, scientific approach to the study of management and business. What became known as the Management Science approach transformed management education and research, and led to major advances in the study of organizations and the practice of management.

Over the years, the Tepper School has established itself as one of the leading business schools in the world, driven by its rigorous academic programs, its analytical, data-driven approach to problem solving, the research impact of its faculty, the ambition and creativity of its students, and the business successes of its alumni. The Tepper School prides itself on not just keeping pace with the changing needs of business, but anticipating and contributing to that change through innovative research and education.

A driving vision for the Tepper School is to be the leading business school at the intersection of business, technology and society. This is not a new direction for us, but one that has been a part of our DNA since the school’s inception. Our campus-wide strengths in science, technology, engineering and business, combined with our culture of collaboration and interdisciplinary problem solving, gives the Tepper School unique advantages in providing intellectual leadership and educating the next generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs for a world driven by technology and innovation.