Can I Really Make Money with Dropshipping?

The economy is tough, and it’s hard to make ends meet; people interested in starting their own business often ask, “Can I really make money with dropshipping?” The answer is yes. The concept of dropshipping has been around for quite some time, but now the internet makes it easier than ever before. An online store is all you need; no inventory or warehouse is needed.  

It’s easy, affordable, and scalable to start your own business with dropshipping. It also allows you to test different products without investing too much time or money into inventory management.  

You may have seen those adverts on Facebook from all the people making money through dropshipping, and you can indeed make a lot of money with this dropshipping model.  

You can find out more about what you need to get started by reading this blog post! 

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What is dropshipping, and how can you get started with it?


What is dropshippingWhat is dropshippingWhat is dropshipping

Dropshipping is a type of eCommerce business in which the dropshipper (the person selling the products) doesn’t keep any inventory. Instead, when an order comes through, the drop shipper passes on that order to their drop shipping supplier, who then ships it directly to your customer.  

When you dropship, you can offer a wide range of products without overstocking inventory. Your only requirement is a computer with an internet connection and your own website or marketplace account to make dropshipping possible! 

You can find dropshipping suppliers on platforms like Aliexpress,  Amazon, Oberlo’s, etc. 

You can choose suppliers who offer drop shipping integrations for dropshippers, allowing you to easily sync your dropshipping account with the supplier’s dropshipping account to make the process more accessible than ever before. 

The dropshipping method is one of the easiest ways to create an online business, but it also has some challenges. The key to a successful dropshipping journey is to spend some time and money on social media advertising.  

Dropshipping Business Model


Dropshipping Business Model Dropshipping Business Model Dropshipping Business Model 

Dropshipping business model is a low-risk business model and simple because it offers both flexibility and affordability. You can find drop shippers providing low-priced products, so you don’t have to worry about startup costs when you dropship. 

In this online business model, consumers visit your dropshipping store’s website and make their purchases. Then you pass the order details to your suppliers, and your vendor fulfills the orders on behalf of you. 

A successful dropshipping business depends on good supply chain management. This ensures the quality of products, reduces costs and time delays from getting your package to your consumer as quickly as possible after purchase! 

Dropshipping allows you to test out different products without worrying about inventory or other dropshipping expenditures. You just have to plan and set reasonable expectations to make your dropshipping profitable! 


Why you should consider dropshipping business?


It’s a great way to start your own online store because it’s easy, affordable, and rewarding.  

You also have the opportunity to test out different dropshipping products to find out what works best for you without the risk of having expensive inventory that may not sell.  

Dropshipping is usually a business model where products are bought at wholesale price, sell online at a high price; drop-shippers make money by purchasing drop-shipped products for less than retail price and then selling them at an increased price. 

Another reason drop shipping is so popular is that it’s scalable; as you begin to make money, you can invest it back into your business to improve your dropshipping business. 

You may want to use dropshipping tools like Oberlo and other drop shippers’ tools to help you with dropshipping automation and dropshipping management. 

Pros of Dropshipping


  • Traditional retail has a high overhead. So, when one product is not selling well, all the other products like it end up suffering as well because an excess of funds goes into advertising and promotion for that line. While an online retailer can overcome this problem by dropshipping. 

  • Dropshipping allows smaller companies to get their proper exposure but still avoid the high costs of storing inventory while creating a better shopping experience by having everything in one place magically appear on whatever screen you choose to view it on. 

  • Dropshipping is one of the most accessible business models you can use to start your own business online; there are not many initial costs involved. 

  • Dropshipping allows businesses to avoid the difficulty that comes with having to carry goods. 

  • Another advantage is being able to quickly change items and add new sell products to your Shopify website. 

  • If there’s a sudden shortage of a product, you can still maintain goods for your customers by getting it from another manufacturer who offers the same product. 

Cons of Dropshipping


  • Dropshippers are at the mercy of the suppliers they are sourcing their goods from, often overseas in manufacturing countries where you have no control or accountability to ensure your needs are met. 

  • If any mistake happens in the order, it could take weeks before another shipment arrives because of shipping time and customs regulations. 

  • The customer has no way to track shipments because there will be no UPS tracking number to use, lowering trust with customers who want good customer service. 

  • Limited customization for products (due to not having products on hand), difficulty enforcing seller policies, and charges often seem unfair. 

Steps to get started with your dropshipping business


Now that you’ve decided dropshipping is the best business model for your eCommerce store, it’s time to get started on building successful dropshipping businesses. Here is some initial process you can take to get started: 

Steps to get started with your dropshipping business Steps to get started with your dropshipping business Steps to get started with your dropshipping business 

Choose a profitable niche & trendy product.


Do some research on dropshipping niche and dropship products that can help you get started with your dropshipping company. 

Make sure to choose a niche that will be profitable. Also, make sure the products you plan to sell online are trendy enough to gain demand in the market. dropshipping stores 

Create an account with Shopify


Create an account with Shopify Create an account with Shopify Create an account with Shopify  

Shopify dropshipping is easy to set up; you can create your dropshipping store with Shopify in just a few minutes. Simply go to Shopify dropshipping site and click the “Start free trial” button; then enter your email address, choose a password for your account, select your country, and verify your account. 

You will then be redirected to the Shopify dropshipping store location page, where you can create your online store in just the blink of an eye.  

>> Start your dropshipping business with Shopify here!

Design/Build an online storefront & source drop ship supplier


Build an online storefront & source drop ship supplier Build an online storefront & source drop ship supplier Build an online storefront & source drop ship supplier 

After you’ve chosen a profitable dropshipping niche and products, it’s time to design your e-commerce store. Make sure to have a nice logo, attractive name, and website banner that makes first impressions on potential customers. If necessary, you may hire a graphic designer or web developer for this step. 

Make a list of suppliers for your chosen products. There are tons of drop shippers online, but you’ll need to visit each drop shipper’s website and verify their authenticity before deciding which drop shipper to work with. 

Purchase a domain name and Install Shopify Apps


Purchase a domain name and Install Shopify AppPurchase a domain name and Install Shopify AppPurchase a domain name and Install Shopify App

Shopify dropshipping is built on the powerful system that takes care of most product suppliers’ issues for you. 

Make sure to purchase a domain name and install the Shopify apps using the Shopify dropshipping store location page. 

Choose a drop shipping plan and start dropshipping


The apps allows you to instantly connect your online drop shipping business with the suppliers so that customers can get real-time information on their orders. 

Start dropshipping today by signing up for a free trial of the Shopify dropshipping app! You’ll get your Shopify store set up in a few minutes. 

Add products to your dropshipping shop.


As soon as you’ve created an account with Shopify, it’s time to add products to your online stores. 

If you’re dropshipping with AliExpress, simply go to the “AliExpress Dropshipping Center.” There are three tools available here to search for the winning products and analyze the suppliers. Then, use them correctly and find the best profitable products and suppliers for your dropshipping business. 

There are different dropship software that will help you manage your business. For example, to build an online store with Shopify, you can use the Oberlo dropshipping app, where all drop shippable products are available at your fingertips in one convenient place. 

Use the Oberloo App to find products dropship suppliers.


 Locate dropship suppliers on Oberlo app, the largest dropshipping directory containing verified dropship suppliers. If you want to quickly find suppliers’ contact info and product list, use the Oberloo dropshipping app! 

You can start your business with single or multiple suppliers. 

Import Your First Products with Oberlo


Import Your First Products with Oberlo Import Your First Products with Oberlo Import Your First Products with Oberlo  

When dropshipping with the Oberlo app, you can choose products from your supplier’s product feed by simply clicking “import this product. ” 

All products will automatically show there. Now you can choose your desired outcomes and write your product descriptions before importing them to your dropshipping store. These apps also allow you to track inventory and arrange to ship for each drop shippable product. 

List drop-ship winning products: You can start promoting products immediately; if one product isn’t selling well, you can immediately replace it with another made by the same drop shipper. 

Setup Payment, Fulfil orders, and ship products.


Setup Payment, Fulfil orders, and ship products. Setup Payment, Fulfil orders, and ship products. Setup Payment, Fulfil orders, and ship products. 

Go to the account settings page to set up your dropshipping business account for payment. Then, click on ‘Payment Providers,’ which will allow you to choose from PayPal accounts or third parties based on your region.  

The customer orders on your website, so it will be your responsibility to guarantee that they receive their order on time. This step of dropshipping may be daunting for some dropshippers because they don’t know how it works exactly. 

To avoid any mistakes and ensure products are delivered as quickly as possible, you can integrate drop ship software with your Shopify store. 

Start dropshipping and make more money.


You can start dropshipping right after that. Then, once you’ve made some sales, you’ll be able to reinvest that money into your dropshipping business and can make more money. 

Tools you can use for dropshipping.


Oberlo is a great tool that will help you find dropship products from different drop shipper suppliers, so you’ll be able to do drop ship automation and dropship management. 

Here are some other dropshipping tools you can use:


Profitbandit – A dropshipping tool that helps you find profitable dropship products by scanning their barcodes. 

Wholesale 2B – Helps businesses find wholesale suppliers in the US and dropship products directly from wholesalers. 

ShipStation – helps dropshippers manage their shipping and returns. 

Clickbank – Clickbank helps dropshippers get started with dropshipping and dropship marketing tools so they can start making money right away. 

Shopify – Offers dropshipping integrations for dropshippers that make it easy to dropship products directly from suppliers. 

How to find profitable products for your online store


do in depth market reserchdo in depth market reserchdo in depth market reserch

Do In-depth Market Research


The best way to find profitable products in your niche and make the most out of a search engine’s results is through In-depth Market Research. You can do this by looking for keywords or phrases that have good competition but low competition! Then, find out what people search on various search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. 

By investing time, energy, and effort into researching the best possible items in an industry or market sector will provide dividends later down the road with higher conversion rates for your dropshipping business. 

Shopify trending products


Select products that are trending on Shopify. Browse through drop shipping suppliers’ product feeds, find products that are popular with dropship customers. Oberlo also allows you to search for products using tags. 

Look for suppliers with a large inventory of trending products and avoid dropshipping products that can’t be found in huge numbers. 

Use Google Trends


Use Google Trends Use Google Trends Use Google Trends 

A must-have tool is Google Trends to find winning products for your eCommerce store. It is a great way to find out what people are searching for and interested in. When researching products on eCommerce sites, such as Amazon, AliExpress, or eBay, you can use this data. 

Google trends help search engine marketers by generating accurate insights about consumers’ online activities. It also gives valuable information on various regions of the world that would otherwise be impossible to discover. 

AliExpress Dropshipping Center Tools


Find Product to Sell AliExpressFind Product to Sell AliExpressFind Product to Sell AliExpress 

AliExpress’ Dropshipping Center offers a variety of tools to help you find what you’re looking for and get the products you want.  

You can use tools like 

  • Find Product to Sell 

  • Hot Selling Products 

  • Search By Image 

  • Sponsored Products 

  • Product Analysis Tool 

Score and filters to find what you need. You’ll also find a reasonable price range, if possible, as well as a shipping location. Searching by category will help narrow down potential candidates, so it’s easier than ever before not only picking out something new but getting quality pieces at an excellent rate, too—making your dropshipping business journey just a bit more enjoyable. 

Utilize other Ecommerce platforms tools


Utilize other Ecommerce platforms tools Utilize other Ecommerce platforms tools Utilize other Ecommerce platforms tools 

Make dropshipping a little easier on yourself by utilizing all of the tools available to you. Find dropship products on marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, AliExpress, and more. 

Check out what’s trending across various online marketplaces for drop ship that will likely be successful with your target audience. 

These are some great ways to find what customers really want and need with just a few clicks of that mouse or tap on an app screen. 

Check out existing customer reviews and feedback.


There’s data in customer reviews and feedback for dropshipping products. Suppose the product has a lot of positive reviews. In that case, it’s more likely to do well with your target audience, provided you price it competitively enough to make a profit while still winning over new customers. On the other hand, negative remarks should be taken seriously–they often highlight areas where products can be improved. 

Join dropshipping interest groups


This is another excellent option for drop shippers who want to find dropship products people are interested in–not necessarily searching for, but interested in buying! Interest groups usually consist of drop shippers (sometimes resellers) who want to network and discuss dropship items they’re using–or plan to use–for dropshipping. If they’re talking about drop ship products on Facebook, you can bet there’s interest in those drop ship products! 

How to find a trustworthy dropshipping supplier for your eCommerce store


If you decide to start a dropshipping business with your eCommerce website, it’s essential to find out who your dropship supplier will be. You can use a couple of strategies to find drop shippers that work well with your online store, but here are some suggestions that will get you started: 

Look for suppliers with good feedback and reviews.


What are other drop shippers saying about this supplier? Are there previous drop-shippers happy who’ve worked with them? If the supplier has made others happy in the past, it’s more likely they’re suppliers you can trust to dropship with as well. 

Look for reputable suppliers.


Search for reliable suppliers to make your dream of becoming a successful business entrepreneur come true. 

In order not only to save time and money but also to ensure that you’re getting the best product at an affordable price, look into using reputable companies as suppliers in future orders or else risk being left disappointed with defective items from unknown retailers! 

If a supplier is using their own dropship product or has set up an online store specifically to dropship, this is a good indicator that they’ll be able to provide good dropshipping products. 

Check the dropship supplier’s website


Suppose you’re not familiar with the dropshipping business. In that case, it might be hard to pick out suppliers at first–but looking up their online store shows you what they sell and how they do business, which is an excellent indication of their level of trustworthiness. 

Check out dropship communities online


Dropship communities are often made up of drop shippers looking to network new suppliers who want to discuss dropship products they’re selling. This is another good way to find dropship suppliers, so it’s always a good idea to visit dropship communities and see what drop shippers they recommend. 

Join the drop-ship conference and event


Another way drops shippers find suppliers is by looking for drop ship conferences and events. These dropshipping events usually only happen once every few months but can help connect with suppliers who might not otherwise be available to dropship. 

Promoting your online business on social media


Promoting your online business on social media  Promoting your online business on social media  Promoting your online business on social media  

Promoting dropshipping businesses on social media is a fantastic way to get attention and increase the popularity of your dropshipping products. However, it’s essential to focus on the promotion aspect and consider how you’re going to promote dropship products from here on out to become a successful dropshipping store owner. 

However, dropshipping can do wonders for your social media marketing efforts if you know how to leverage drop ship products to gain your audience’s attention. 

Promote your e-commerce business on Facebook


More than 2.895 billion (July 2021) people use Facebook each day. So, it’s the best place to reach your potential customers. In addition, you can promote your e-commerce business on Facebook by running Facebook ads to get more views and ultimately generate more sales. 

Use Instagram to communicate with your audience.


As one of the fastest-growing social networks, Instagram has seen massive growth. It has one billion monthly active users, and it’s also a great place to promote dropship products from your Shopify store. 

The key to successfully promoting dropship products on Instagram is posting top-notch content engaging your audience, building rapport, and increasing your reach. 

You can also use Instagram stories to promote dropship products from your Shopify dropshipping store. 

Join LinkedIn and connect to the community


LinkedIn is a great platform to interact with dropship suppliers. All drop ship sellers and suppliers use LinkedIn as an online networking community. You can join LinkedIn groups; search for potential drop ship suppliers, and form relationships on this website. 

Use Twitter to share your products.


Twitter boasts 330 million monthly active users. So, don’t forget to find new customers here. 

Ways you can utilize Twitter to help build brand awareness and increase sales: 

– Promote new dropship products that your dropshipping store is offering—compelling offer details will entice customers to buy dropshipping products 

– Retweet dropship-related news and updates from your dropshipping supplier’s account—this will increase your reach among suppliers and potential customers. 

Upload videos to YouTube and advertise there.


YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google. It’s also an efficient dropshipping marketing tool. 

You can use YouTube to promote dropship products and attract customers. By uploading videos of your products on YouTube, you’re engaging potential drop ship customers who’ll watch your dropshipping videos for more details. 

Make use of Pinterest.


People come to Pinterest for dropship-related content and search for dropship products they can buy. Use this platform to promote your dropship products and find new customers who purchase dropship items from Shopify. 

Promoting dropshipping products on Reddit


People use Reddit to go dropshipping news. So, if you’re dropshipping from China or drop ship from a drop shipper in the US, find subreddit groups for dropshipping and dropships in your niche and reach potential customers there. 

Create a dropship email marketing campaign


Dropship suppliers and dropship products will be your dropshipping assets once you’ve found dropship suppliers that offer dropship products and dropship items, connect to them through Facebook messenger or email to increase your reach and get more dropshipping customers. 

Check out TikTok as well.


Adding TikTok to your dropshipping efforts will allow you to create a store with more credibility and get buzz for the items in it. The best part? It’s free! 

TikTok is a video-based social media platform that has more than 500 million users. If your dropship supplier offers dropshipping products in different categories, you can use TikTok to promote dropship items on this platform. 

The popularity of TikTok among teens and young adults would make it an ideal platform since these demographics normally share links on social media.  

Tips for doing successful online business 


Establish a Google Business profile and verify it


To become successful, you need to start with an established Google Business profile and verify your dropshipping Shopify store. 

Google looks at several different factors in ranking pages higher on its search engine. However, to do this effectively, one must create an authentic profile with accurate data about themselves or their drop shipping company. 

Make your site SEO-friendly to increase your organic social presence.


Search Engine Optimization is a good way to rank high on Google SERP and to increase organic reach. 

To stand out from the competition, make sure that your website is SEO-friendly and mobile-friendly. This will increase its organic social presence on sites like Google. 

Create a blog for your business


Creating a blog for your dropshipping business can be an excellent way to promote and sell products. 

A great example is Unboxd, which has over 600k followers on social media alone! They post reviews about different items to attract customers with their unique insight into what’s hot right now – all while staying up-to-date on trends like video games or tech equipment. 

Create and share engaging content


Creating engaging content is the key to keeping your consumers always busy. The most interesting content will keep your consumers energized and entertained, so you can rest easy knowing they’ve got something to look at. 

Participate in online events, trade shows, and discussions.


Join the digital world as an active participant. Search for and participate in online events, trade shows, or discussions that will help you grow your business! 

The opportunity to be involved with other entrepreneurs through social media channels is a great tool. There’s no need at all anymore for old-fashioned networking functions where a person is forced into small talk. 

Invest in Google Ads


Invest in Google Ads to become successful! This is also a very popular method, but it can be difficult and time-consuming, not for you! Google Ads are perfect if your company has been looking into this business idea as well – there will be no need to manage physical inventory. 

Keep an eye on the reviews of your customers and respond to them.


Reviews from your customers can be a helpful guide for what you should do next. So keep an eye on them and respond accordingly! 

Being a small business owner entails a lot of responsibilities, and it’s easy to let customer service fall by the wayside. But you should continuously monitor your online reviews so that when somebody has a painful experience with one of your products or services, they can tell other people about their bad experience too! 

We know how frustrating this must feel- after all, we are only human ourselves at times here on earth, but there might be something useful in those negative comments if read carefully enough. 

Consider collaborating with influencers.


Influencers have the ability not only to help you create demand for products that would otherwise go unordered or unnoticed by customers; they can also bring in traffic through social media channels like Facebook, Twitter where their followers will see these sponsored promotions as well! 

Promote locally and offline


Successful dropshippers are not just online retailers. Boost your chances of success by doing the following: Spend some time getting to know people in every part of town – they might need help right now but could be potential customers later down the line or even investors! And don’t forget about offline promotion either; post flyers on footbridges around lakes where lots more people would see them. It all adds up over time so take advantage while there’s still room left by keeping pushing hard. 

Establish a partnership with complementary brands


Finding the right dropshipping supplier isn’t an easy task, so it’s essential to establish a partnership with complementary brands. 

You could do this by collaborating with multiple dropshipping suppliers from different countries, or you could even contact your dropshipping supplier and ask if there are any other businesses they’d recommend reaching out to! 

Final thoughts on whether or not you should start your own business as a drop shipper


You might be wondering if the dropshipping business model works good or bad for you – let dropshipping help warm up your bank account in an easy, affordable way. To start a dropshipping business is a good decision for you in 2022! 

Dropshipping can prove to be a lucrative business if you are willing to put in the work. Initially, dropshipping may seem daunting, but when it comes down to it, dropshipping is just selling products that other people manufacture and ship for you. 

Don’t forget that dropshipping is a fantastic opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to build their online presence. You can easily find suppliers with affordable prices to make it seem like the possibilities of dropshipping are endless! 

Before you start selling online on any eCommerce platform, ensure good product quality, exceptional customer service, and a simple dropshipping business model. 



Dropshipping is it possible to be successful?



Yes, dropshipping is possible to be successful when executed correctly. The key to success is selecting a product category with less competition and high search volumes. Then, you can out-rank them through Amazon or similar platforms if you’re willing to put effort into adding more (Professional) pictures and such.  

Before setting up a dropshipping store, ask yourself this–do my customers want what I’m selling? If yes, then there is a higher probability of success due to its low overhead costs for inventory and supplies. Even better yet, these days, it’s easier than ever before because most of the work can be done on your phone! 

The other critical factor for success is pricing. Once customers realize how much lower the price of your product is compared to everybody else’s, they’ll trust you and buy from you over everyone else because others look like opportunists! Finally, make sure your quality standards are high so customers don’t get buyer’s remorse. 

Make money drop shipping – how long does it take?



Making money from dropshipping can take anywhere from a few days to a few months. So, I would say that it takes around 2 or 3 months for most people before one’s inventory starts making money.  

-it takes a lot of hard work and the right resources. 

– You can also promote your dropshipping products via your social media platform or email list and make money quickly by selling them. 

Dropshipping in 2022: Is it profitable?



Dropshipping in 2022 is an actual business model and – as the internet continues its inevitable growth. But, of course, different variables can impact how “profitable” these businesses will prove to be for a given individual. 

Dropshipping business is indeed profitable in 2022 if you do it right! I’d suggest you concentrate on offering only high-quality products highly sought after by your local demographic. You can then contact suppliers and find suppliers who will drop ship those items for you and cover fulfillment issues like packaging and shipment to customers. 

Dropshipping may not have been in vogue when you were in college, but it has become something of an Enlightenment Era phenomenon. As you know, the general trajectory of the world’s digital footprint is increasing year after year with no end in sight. If this trend holds, then that means that the eCommerce industry has much more room to grow–and thereby provide opportunities for people looking to get their foot in the door without taking much risk at all. 

What is the average income of drop shippers?


Dropshipping allows you to set your prices, giving you the chance to control your profit margins. Dropshippers typically make 20-30% of their sales through the drop shipping business.   

The average income can vary drastically depending on what you’re doing with it, but for popular “boxes” like Shopify,, and MyDealz, revenues generally run between $750 to $4000 per month. The remaining funds are spent on buying the product from the supplier, drop shipping fees, hosting dropshipping websites, and marketing. 

Dropshipping is an Internet-based business model in which e-commerce retailers do not keep goods in stock; instead, manufacturers ship these items directly to customers from their warehouses. As a result, the retailer makes money solely on the commission (sale) but does not pay any upfront fees or stock costs. 

Under this model, E-commerce sellers need only concern themselves with performing initial market research and creating an online store that can be designed conveniently in their web browser. Visitors will not find such stores independently in malls/on streets like traditional brick and mortar outlets.  



Yes! You can make money with dropshipping, and you don’t need to risk any of your cash. During the last few years, our team has created successful businesses by leveraging the power of drop shipping. So, if you’re interested, contact us today – our team would love to help you get started on a journey towards success! 

>> Free! Free! Signup for Shopify free trial here!