CN Arena all stars Wiki

Cn Arena is a strategy , real time game where you help the characters of Cartoon Network get back their worlds.

  • World Tour
    This is where you fight against a ton of levels but you are fighting against a “computer”. The level of your characters and the base is normal here and will not change to a certain value unless you level up.
  • The other kind of arena
    This is where you fight other players, use emotes and just, go wild if you want to. You may steal cards from your opponent here depending on which “value” arena you decide to fight in. When you lose though other players might steal from you too.
  • Gold Rush
    As of April this kind of arena was removed. In this arena you fought a randomized “computer” character. After you get gold based on how fast you battled, what you attacked and stuff. This however will not give you packs or candy, only gold as the name suggests.
  • Raid
    If you were skilled and lucky enough to make it to the ninth world of world tour. The raid arena will be activated and you will fight what i like to call a “boss” otherwise known as the raid.

.Ladder- This kind of arena was also removed, In this kind of arena, You would choose cards to battle with and just watch what happens, it is divided into three rounds, One foe each lane,There were many strategies that could be done here but there’s a catch, you can’t put the same card twice.