CIBSE Intelligent Buildings Group Committee

Image of Dr Yangang Xing, Nottingham Trent University - IBG Chair

Dr. Yangang Xing, Nottingham Trent University – IBG Chair
Dr Yangang Xing is an Associate Professor in construction technology and building services engineering. Yan is the current chair of the CIBSE Intelligent Building Group. Yan’s research Interest in Architectural Science and Sustainability spans the low energy building technologies, nature-based solutions, smart cities to biomimicry. Yan has been developing innovative applications of building physics research tools and, in a broader context, intelligent building systems modeling and assessment.

Yan is devoted to identifying and developing new research activities uncapping the full potentials of multidisciplinary collaboration and tackling the grand challenges facing society on the horizon. Yan completed his PhD in Dynamic system simulation for sustainability planning and has participated in EPSRC-funded research projects focusing on methodological and technical innovations supporting building and urban sustainability.

Apart from academic research, Yan also has industrial experience working for architectural and engineering consultancy firms specialized in discovering economically viable low/zero carbon building design and urban planning solutions.

Image of Mina Hasman - IBG Vice-Chair

Mina Hasman – IBG Vice-Chair
Sustainability Director
Mina Hasman leads SOM’s sustainability and well-being daily operations and long-term vision for achieving excellence in practice. She has experience in a wide variety of projects in Europe, the UK, the Middle East, and Asia, bringing a greater understanding of the implications for sustainable and equitable design in different climatic, social, and regulatory contexts.

As a recognised expert in her field, Mina has been elected to, and is actively involved in the UKGBC Board of Trustees, RIBA Council and the Practice & Policy Committee, CAA (as Chair of Practice), LETI Steering Committee, UNEP/GlobalABC’s COP Task Force, CIC Climate Change Committee, WorldGBC Advancing Net Zero Steering Committee, CIBSE Intelligent Buildings (as Vice Chair), and IWBI’s Health Equity Advisory Group.

Mina regularly contributes to the wider climate change, sustainability, and well-being debate in her role as a tutor at various academic institutions, as well as regular speaking appearances at many international events. She is also the author of a new book structured around the Climate Framework topics, due to be published by the RIBA Publishing in March 2023.

Image of Prof. Derek Clements-Croome - IBG Founder

Prof. Derek Clements-Croome – IBG Founder

Professor Emeritus Derek Clements-Croome at Reading University has worked in the building design and contracting industry before entering university life. He has founded and directed courses including a BSc in building environmental engineering at Loughborough University in 1970 and an inter­disciplinary Government funded MSc in Intelligent Buildings at Reading University in 1996.He has also worked in architecture and building engineering at the University of Bath (1978-1988) with Sir Ted Happold.

He founded the CIBSE Intelligent Buildings Group in 2006 and co-founded the CIBSE Natural Ventilation Group in 1992 and was commended by the CIB for linking the CIBSE IBG with his work as Coordinator for the W098 Commission on Intelligent and Responsive Buildings. He was Vice President for CIBSE in 2007—9 and holds their Bronze and Silver Medals.

Derek has been a commissioner on air quality and also biodiversity for some Boroughs in London.

He was a member of the UK Green Building Council team who wrote the Report Health and Wellbeing in Homes —July 2016 and the World Green Council Report on Health and Wellbeing in Offices 2014. He contributed to the BCO Report 2018 on Wellness Matters: the Guide to Specification 2019 and reports on Ventilation for COVID-19 in 2021 and also The Use of Wearables in the Office in 2021.

He edits the INBI Journal and has edited and written chapters in the 3rd Edition of Creating the Productive Workplace Routledge 2018. His book Designing Buildings for People: Sustainable Liveable Architecture was published by Crowood Press in late 2020 and includes his work on assessing the impact on the environment on people’s health and wellbeing including the economic and sustainability implications. Currently working on the 3rd edition of the book Intelligent Buildings being published by the ICE in 2024. 

Image of Dr Tong Yang, Middlesex University - IBG Website Manager

Dr. Tong Yang, Middlesex University – IBG Website Manager
As a Chartered Engineer and Committee member for the CIBSE Intelligent Buildings Group, Tong bridges the gaps between technical rigour and creative exploration, research and real-world applications – enabling transdisciplinary collaboration, cultural and community connections for sustainable transformation of the natural and built environment.

She initiated and led MDX Living Pavilion project that was recognised as the runner-up for Teaching Excellence at Guardian University Awards 2020. Tong regularly contributes to effective communication between academics and practicing professionals, and promotes state-of-art building science and technology through international R&D collaboration.

Image of Dr Matthew Marson - IBG Newsletter Editor

Dr. Matthew Marson – IBG Newsletter Editor
Dr. Matthew Marson is an experienced leader, working at the intersection of technology, sustainability, and the built environment. Having founded WSP’s Smart Places practice and grown Accenture’s offering in this field, Matthew led a €100m business across a range of asset types and geographies.

Marson was named the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Young Engineer of the Year 2022 and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Young Visionary 2016 for his contributions to the global Smart Buildings industry.

As a recognised thought leader, Matthew is a keynote speaker at international industry events related to emerging technology, net zero design, and places at the building and city scales. He was an author in the Encyclopaedia of Sustainable Technologies and a published writer in a variety of journals, earning a doctorate in Smart Buildings.

Image of Gulay Ozkan - IBG Honorary Secretary

Gulay Ozkan – IBG Honorary Secretary
Gulay Ozkan received a BA degree in international relations from Bursa Uludag University, Turkey, and an MBA from London South Bank University, UK. She ran the Intelligent Buildings Master Programme at Reading University, School of Construction Management and Engineering, and worked with Prof. D. J. Clements-Croome. She is a Managing Editor for Intelligent Buildings International Journal. She has been a researcher and a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Bursa Uludag University. Currently, she is a visiting PhD student at Nottingham Trent University, working with Associate Professor Yangang Xing. Her research has been published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Community Mental Health, Applied Ecology, Environmental Research, and many international journals. Her research interests include sustainability, renewable energy, climate change, urban and rural development, and policy indicators.