CHL Director joins the H2H Network Board | The Centre

Centre for Humanitarian Leadership Director Mary Ana McGlasson has joined the board of the H2H Network, to help guide the network in its mission of enabling efficient, impactful, and accountable aid during crises.

Mary Ana is one of three new member representatives to be appointed to the board, all of whom will provide an important link between the membership and the H2H Team, and provide strategic input and advice in support of the network’s mission.

Mary Ana says: “The H2H Network brings together a unique collaboration of humanitarian actors that is unmatched by other networks as it values local leadership, accountability, collaboration, and use of technology to improve humanitarian response in a changing world.

As a board member, I want to keep increasing H2H Network’s global brand and reach in service of more effective partnership and locally-led responses.”

The H2H Network’s Executive Director, Kim Scriven, said of the news:

“I am pleased to see three new highly qualified members join the Board, bringing their experience in the humanitarian system as well as the perspectives of their diverse and impactful H2H organisations.

“I’m grateful to them for their commitment to the H2H Network, and looking forward to working together.”

The other two newly elected members are Christina Wille, Director of Insecurity Insight, and Ewan Oglethorpe, Executive Director of Data Friendly Space. This brings the total number of board members to seven.

Together, the new board members bring valuable expertise and relevant qualifications to guide the H2H Network in its mission of enabling efficient, impactful, and accountable aid during crises, as well as in driving principled change in the wider system.