Buy Xing Datasets



Scout talent & generate leads with a Xing dataset

Analyze promising leads and top talent, enrich your CRM, understand company growth and movement with a dataset covering Germany’s top job listing and company insights platform.


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Xing dataset

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Xing dataset

Use our Xing dataset, a career-oriented social networking site similar to LinkedIn but focused on the European Union. Identify and verify the best candidates for your company through strategic hiring and recruiting decisions. Depending on your needs, you can purchase the entire dataset or a customized subset.


Dataset Marketplace Sample

Improve your lead generation

Leverage fresh and updated jobs and company data listed on Xing to focus your lead generation efforts, enrich CRM, and cut your prospecting time.


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Locate investment opportunities

Track movements within and between German companies for emerging business opportunities, and use company data to screen potential investment candidates.


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Xing dataset for recruitment

Follow & recruit top talent

Locate & keep track of top talent, including comprehensive insight on the skills, education, and experience of professionals from German-speaking countries.


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Recursos do conjunto de dados

obtenha conjuntos de dados fáceis de usar e bem estruturados para qualquer caso de uso.

Mantenimiento de la estructura

Se da mantenimiento a los conjuntos de datos con base en los cambios en la estructura del sitio web.


Campos de exportación personalizados

Personalice los campos de exportación para satisfacer los requerimientos específicos del negocio.


Soporte 24/7

Brindamos asistencia a nuestros clientes cuando sea que lo requieran.



Alimentación de datos de registros nuevos/actualizados con base en un programa predefinido.


Múltiples opciones de entrega

Amazon S3, Google Cloud PubSub, SFTP y Microsoft Azure.


Diferentes formatos para exportación de archivo

Conjuntos de datos en formato JSON, ndJSON, CSV o Excel.


Gerente de cuenta dedicado

Gestión de su recopilación de datos por un gerente de cuenta dedicado.


Escala de datos

Configuración de servidores para manejar grandes cantidades de solicitudes de datos.


Control de calidad de datos

Garantía de fiabilidad y precisión de datos para una mejor toma de decisiones.


We’ll provide the data

while you focus on the rest
Easy discovery

Easy Discovery

Tap into all data points available on a website, which can be very challenging to discover when collecting yourself.

Accurate and Complete

Get fresh, precise, and complete datasets, covering millions of pages and tens of millions of data points.

Enriched data

Enriched Data

Increase the value and usability of your dataset by integrating multiple data sources to create
a valuable enriched dataset.

Leader in compliance

Leaders in Compliance

Bright Data is fully committed to complying with all relevant data protection legal requirements, including GDPR and CCPA.

Various Formats

Datasets in JSON, ndJSON, CSV, or XSLX will be delivered to your preferred storage.

Delivery methods include: AWS, Google Drive, Google Cloud Storage, SFTP, and more!


Datasets formats Dataset pricing

Flexible Pricing

Send us your requirements and we’ll provide you with a quote for your requested dataset.

  • Price starts from $0.001/record
  • Dedicated support and account management
  • Free dataset sample for existing datasets


Globe icon

Mais de15,000+
em todo o mundo

leader icon

Número 1 na categoria
de dados da web

quality icon

3,300+ Reivindicações de
Patentes Concedidas
e Contagem

business icon

Usado por: Altos executivos, analistas, acadêmicos, engenheiros de software, profissionais de TI Fortune 500 Companies, instituições acadêmicas, negócios de médio porte, ONGs

Get your Xing dataset today.

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