Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce – American Economic Association


Just as the industrial revolution mechanized the manufacturing functions of firms, the information revolution is automating their merchant functions. Four types of potential productivity gains are expected from business-to-business (B2B) electronic commerce: cost efficiencies from automation of transactions, potential advantages of new market intermediaries, consolidation of demand and supply through organized exchanges, and changes in the extent of vertical integration of firms. The article examines the characteristics of B2B online intermediaries, including categories of goods traded, market mechanisms employed, and ownership arrangements, and considers the market structure of B2B e-commerce.


Lucking-Reiley, David, and Daniel F. Spulber.


“Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce.”

Journal of Economic Perspectives


15 (1):


DOI: 10.1257/jep.15.1.55

JEL Classification

  • L86
    Information and Internet Services; Computer Software
  • D21
    Firm Behavior
  • L22
    Firm Organization and Market Structure