Business practices in the United States –

American business culture is efficiency-oriented and money-driven. “Time is money” means that no one has time to waste with business opportunities that would not be thoroughly prepared and/or could not demonstrate their return on investment. The culture of the country is also based on the belief that it is hard work that drives success, not status or age.

Depending on the industry, region or company history, the hierarchy can be vertical or flat. Thus, the respect of hierarchical differences may vary and it is advised to learn the rank and titles of all the members you engage with inside an organisation. Decision-making is often a well-defined process inside the organisation. Final decisions are usually made quickly by a person with chief authority, but anyone is welcome to express their opinion in meetings or during the decision-making process, no matter their age or position in the hierarchy.

In general, it is not necessary to develop a personal relationship to establish a lasting and successful business relationship. Americans are generally more interested in your product, service or project, expected payoffs as well as quality of the business collaboration, rather than trying to create a personal relationship.