Business model innovation: a review and research agenda | Emerald Insight

Value proposition (Why?)
Core offering
Why our products/services?
Value proposition
Al-Debei and Avison (2010)

Value proposition
Demil and Lecocq (2010)

Type of offering
Eyring et al. (2011)

Customer value proposition
Dmitriev et al. (2014)

Change in offering
Sinkovics et al. (2014)

Value propositions
Kohler (2015)

Value proposition
Mehrizi and Lashkarbolouki (2016)

Customer needs
Why customers purchase our products/services?
Customer needs
Eyring et al. (2011)

Perceived needs
Amit and Zott (2012)

Target customers
Why target the current segment(s)?
Target customers
Dahan et al. (2010)

Customer segments
Kohler (2015)

Customer segment
Mehrizi and Lashkarbolouki (2016)

Customer perceived value
Why customers choose us?
Meeting local needs
Wu et al. (2010)

Satisfy perceived needs
Amit and Zott (2012)

Operational value (What?)
Key assets
What assets do we need?
Key resources
Eyring et al. (2011)

Key resources
Kohler (2015)

Key resources
Mehrizi and Lashkarbolouki (2016)

Key process
What processes do we require?
Key processes
Eyring et al. (2011)

Partners network
What relationships should we consider?
Value network
Al-Debei and Avison (2010)

Value network
Demil and Lecocq (2010)

Network architecture
Mason and Spring (2011)

Value chain linkages
Baden-Fuller and Haefliger (2013)

Key partners
Kohler (2015)

Supply chain
Mehrizi and Lashkarbolouki (2016)

Distribution channels
What channels can deliver our products/services?
Distribution channel
Wu et al. (2010)

Sales channels
Mehrizi and Lashkarbolouki (2016)

Human capital (Who?)
Organisational learning
Who should be engaged in knowledge transfer activities?
Double loop learning
Yunus et al. (2010)

Skills and competencies
Who should execute specific activities?
Resources and competencies
Al-Debei and Avison (2010)

Resources and competencies
Demil and Lecocq (2010)

Core internal competencies
Morris et al. (2013)

Who should be reward?
Sorescu et al. (2011)

Crowd rewards
Kohler (2015)

Who requires development to carry out specific activities?
Human resource practices
Brea-Solís et al. (2015)

Financial value (How?)
Revenue streams
How do we generate revenue?
Value finance
Al-Debei and Avison (2010)

Volume and structure of revenues
Demil and Lecocq (2010)

Revenue streams
Kohler (2015)

Type of revenue
Peters et al. (2015)

Revenue model
Mehrizi and Lashkarbolouki (2016)

Cost structure
How do we cost our products/services?
Value finance
Al-Debei and Avison (2010)

Volume and structure of costs
Demil and Lecocq (2010)

Company cost structure
Kohler (2015)

Cost structure
Mehrizi and Lashkarbolouki (2016)

Cash flow
How should we manage cash flow?
Capital employed
Yunus et al. (2010)

How much surplus can we make?
Demil and Lecocq (2010)

Economic profit equation
Yunus et al. (2010)

Estimation of profit potential
Dmitriev et al. (2014)