Business courses

Justin: The best part about studying business at RMIT is all the staff. They’re very helpful. They’re friendly. They really like to interact with their students. And as well as being in the city, you get to interact with a lot of the businesses around, like all the major firms, which is also a bonus.

Tristan: Talent search for RMIT, I think it’s actually really good ,and it’s actually booming. [inaudible 00:00:18], currently with their events, great, and they throw great events to fit everyone, no matter where you come from, your background, anything. Everyone’s included. Everyone’s welcome.

Adriana: I love learning at my own pace, but also working alongside mentors, such as my teachers that have industry experience as well. So I thought that was so valuable when I was choosing this course.

Sandra: RMIT has really allowed me to kind of learn at my own pace whilst working part-time, because they kind of understand that I can’t be at Uni five days a week, and flexible learning has allowed me to really adjust my timetable to cater to working part-time.

Tristan: The working’s better learning experiences so far have actually been really great, and I’ve think they’re really beneficial. Working with real clients, in my perspective, is a lot more engaging and it actually applies all the knowledge you’ve got to actually real-world scenarios that will actually take place. And there are limitations. You can’t just make things up. You actually need to have evidence to back up everything that you bring to the table. That real-world sort of experience that they’re giving you, which you really can’t get anywhere else.

Samara: One of our subjects that you have to do as a core subject, you actually go work in our RMIT practice firm, which is absolutely amazing. You get your own little desk, and you have a client that you go to to work for. So I think there was three files that you’re managing.

Samara: Yeah, so it shows you what work in industry would actually be like.

Justin: During the summer, I’ll be doing a vacationer internship with Deloitte. I’m really interested in starting that, because it’ll be able to put what I’ve learned into actual the work force.