Business Simulation Games | Learning by Doing | Cesim

  • “Simulations are a great way to teach students to make decisions with ambiguity, because they’ve taken all kinds of courses over the years, they’ve been tested, sometimes with cases, sometimes using regular tests; but this allows them to use the full range and make decisions.”

    John Kraft
    Susan Cameron Chair of International Business
    Warrington College of Business, University of Florida / Visiting faculty, Aalto Mikkeli

  • “Up until now, students have had an education where we’ve been cutting all the different business functions into pieces, and for a lot of them this is the first time that they get a chance to see how everything fits together and see some of those interactions that are pretty difficult to capture in a Power Point slide.”

    Kevin McIntire
    Senior Lecturer, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
    Visiting faculty, Aalto Mikkeli

  • “What we’d like students to take away is that they need to integrate information from many different sources when they’re making decisions. Regular subject-based courses are narrower and they may focus on the textbook. But here they’re trying to pull together rather uncertain information from different sources and somehow still make a decision as best as they can.”

    Joan Lofgren
    Director of the BScBA Programme
    Aalto Mikkeli