Business Plan Executive Summary Examples & Tips to Write One

8 Tips For Writing an Effective DIY Executive Summary

Whatever your reasons for writing an executive summary are, there are a few general rules of thumb that will make it easier, and ultimately more effective. Keep these in mind as you begin:

1. Attract The Reader’s Attention.

In addition to being informative, a good executive summary should also capture the audience’s attention immediately so that they feel compelled to read the rest of the report.

It should be thorough, but it shouldn’t divulge everything. Investors should be able to read your executive summary and feel like they have a general understanding of your business concept, your abilities, and the kind of information they’ll find inside the plan,” Ferriolo said. “This is your chance to draw them in and make them want to know more.”

2. Consider Revising Your Executive Summary Until It Can Stand Alone.

It should be easy for a person without prior knowledge of your business or industry to grasp the key findings from your research, as well as the primary parts of your business plan, with a tightly informative introduction, body, and conclusion.

3. Write It Last

Your business plan shouldn’t begin with your summary. Many experienced entrepreneurs (including me) like to write an executive summary after they’ve finished their full business plan.

4. Keep Your Executive Summary Short

Keep it short and to the point. I know experts who recommend a single page, just a page or two, no more than five, and sometimes even longer. For me, less is more. Keep it concise without omitting anything essential.

5. Start Off Strong

You can capture the reader’s attention by beginning your summary with a thought-provoking statistic or a related and inspiring quote.

6. Keep A Positive Attitude

The executive summary should highlight only the positive aspects of your research and business plan. You should leave the discussion of risks, obstacles, and challenges to the body of your plan. Maintain a positive tone throughout your summary.

7. Sections Should Be Prioritized Based On Importance And Strength

The most important information should appear at the top of your executive summary. You should begin with the most important item and follow up with items in order of importance. A summary that starts with a problem often inspires drama and urgency, which tees up the solution in your business.

8. Provide Supporting Research.

Make sure you provide research to support the claims you make in the executive summary and cite this in the footnotes of a business plan.