Business Model Generation

1. Because it has a great design.
2. Because it was published as a innovative business model.
3. Because it can easily change your life.
If you don’t believe me, read this review.

I wouldn’t know exactly if there is a definition in a book, but

If you would like to remember only one thing about this book, then remember: business model canvas. It has nine building blocs, left side presents the rationale and the right side presents the intuitive part. The canvas covers four main areas of business:
+ customers,
+ offer,
+ infrastructure, and
+ financial viability.

In business model canvas the intuitive or value-side is presented by: + customer segments, + customer relationships, + channels, and + revenue streams. The rationale or cost-side of canvas includes: +key activities, + key resources, key partners, and cost structure. Bost side are connected with value propositions.

You may freely download business model canvas at

What other detail where interesting to me? Really a lot of them. The book had really great impact on me. And I even managed, with the help of

On the broad scale business models could be divided into cost driven <=> value driven but many business models fall in between these two extremes. Business models with
+ similar characteristics, or
+ similar arrangements of business model building blocks, or of
+ similar behaviours
are called business model patterns. Where it is worth knowing that a single business model can incorporate several of these patterns.

Concepts described in this book include patterns such as: Unbundling, the Long Tail, Multi-Sided Platforms, Free, and Open Business Models. Every pattern is described with its context (before), challenge, solution (after), rationale, and really nice examples.

This part of the book helped me to find a way how to unbundle design services of my company. It is still very interesting to see the explanation of unbundling the business of mobile telecommunications firms, explained in the book on the cases of France Telekom, KPN and Vodafone. The author has mentioned also Bharti Airtel, one of the first mobile telcos that unbundled really in a strategic way, and is now one of India’s leading telcos focusing on its core competency: building Customer Relationships.

One other case was also very interesting, namely the transformation of the book publishing industry. Every author today has a possibility to publish his/hers book. Because the publishing business models have changed. While in the past the publishing houses had to decide if it’s profitable for them to copyedit, design, print and promote a book, today cost of self-publishing can be taken almost completely by the author with connection to publishing platforms like And in case of failure nobody gets hurt (well, the self-esteem of the author, maybe).

If you are going to try to sketch your business model remember: the entire business model design process should be guided from a customer perspective. The author calls it: it’s about THEM! Customer-centric business model design. It means shifting yours and everybody’s perspective from YOU. Away from organization-centric business model design. Just forget this perspective. Otherwise business model could also be:
+ resource-driven,
+ offer-driven,
+ customer-driven,
+ finance-driven,
+ multiple-epicenter-driven.

Once you have your business model canvas you have the opportunity to look at your canvas from the broader environment. You should or could include the key trends, market forces, macroeconomic forces and industry forces. Add some other details like your team, finance… and you have almost completed business plan. But first test your business model. And this is the greatest advantage of business model generation, you don’t need to make a whole plan to see or realize if your idea/product/service works or not.

The entire business model design process should be guided from a customer perspective. It’s about THEM! Customer-centric business model design. It means shifting yours and everybody’s perspective away from YOU (as a organization or company). Go away from organization-centric business model design.

One other very interesting connection is with the Blue Ocean Strategy concept. Especially when you are developing/designing your value proposition it could be very useful and efficient to use four actions framework of what to eliminate, what to reduce, which factors to raise in which to create new? Or use the empathy map to design or find your customer profile. What does the person feel, what does she see, what does she say and do, and what does she hear. Out of that you’ll be able to find out your customer profile pains and gains.

You don’t have to be some serious manager to design a business model. Sometimes it’s even better if you are not one. Because ideation is the crucial art to be mastered if you are to design a viable new business models. At least a little bit of creativity is therefore needed and we all know managers are not really creative most of the time. Children could do much better.

To warm up before you start designing or generating your business model you may use the silly cow exercise. Here’s how it works:
“Instruct participants to sketch out three different business models using a cow. Ask them to first define some characteristics of a cow (produces milk, eats all day, makes a mooing sound, etc.). Tell them to use those characteristics to come up with an innovative business model based on a cow. Give them three minutes.

Keep in mind that this exercise can backfire, as it is indeed quite silly. But it has been tested with senior executives, accountants, risk managers, and entrepreneurs, and usually is a great success. The goal is to take people out of their day-to-day business routines and show them how readily they can generate ideas by disconnecting from orthodoxies and letting their creative juices flow.” Danny Beckett Jr.

Innovative business model is more important if you wish to succeed than your great idea, product or service.

Prototyping of your next business model could be done at different scales: from napkin sketch to simple or elaborated business model canvas or to the field test. Remember that your breakthrough ideas may encounter strong resistance. Either inside your organisation or outside in your environment. Don’t let that stop you. Remember, innovative business model is more important if you wish to succeed than your idea, product or service.

For big picture assessment you may use simple or detailed SWOT assessment of each building block of the business model canvas. So you should be able to:
+ first have a snapshot where are you now (strengths&weaknesses), and
+ second you should be able to realize some future trajectories (opportunities&threats).

You do not need a lot of knowledge of business to start your idea, because every business model design project is unique, so build your business models ASAP.

Why is this book worth reading for?1. Because it has a great design.2. Because it was published as a innovative business model.3. Because it can easily change your life.If you don’t believe me, read this review.I wouldn’t know exactly if there is a definition in a book, but Wikipedia says business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value (economic, social, or other forms of value). From the experience in this book I would add that in the first place there is a design thinking needed to generate business models because you have to combine rational and intuitive thinking. Design thinking.If you would like to remember only one thing about this book, then remember:. It has nine building blocs, left side presents the rationale and the right side presents the intuitive part. The canvas covers four main areas of business:+ customers,+ offer,+ infrastructure, and+ financial viability.You may freely download business model canvas at the business model generation web-site . So until know, you probably know that design approach or design thinking is necessary in every innovative, competitive, and/or growth business model. Authors of the book have proven it on the case of this book, that is a management book of the year 2011 in Germany.What other detail where interesting to me? Really a lot of them. The book had really great impact on me. And I even managed, with the help of my twitter profile and my followers to get to the Business models workshop and Masterclass held in Munich. Dan Roam’s has designed great visual presentation of the business model with the best visual approach I’ve seen, presenting all nine building blocks of building model canvas:On the broad scale business models could be divided into cost driven <=> value driven but many business models fall in between these two extremes. Business models with+ similar characteristics, or+ similar arrangements of business model building blocks, or of+ similar behavioursare called business model patterns. Where it is worth knowing that a single business model can incorporate several of these patterns.Concepts described in this book include patterns such as: Unbundling, the Long Tail, Multi-Sided Platforms, Free, and Open Business Models. Every pattern is described with its context (before), challenge, solution (after), rationale, and really nice examples.This part of the book helped me to find a way how to unbundle design services of my company. It is still very interesting to see the explanation of unbundling the business of mobile telecommunications firms, explained in the book on the cases of France Telekom, KPN and Vodafone. The author has mentioned also Bharti Airtel, one of the first mobile telcos that unbundled really in a strategic way, and is now one of India’s leading telcos focusing on its core competency: building Customer Relationships.One other case was also very interesting, namely the transformation of the book publishing industry. Every author today has a possibility to publish his/hers book. Because the publishing business models have changed. While in the past the publishing houses had to decide if it’s profitable for them to copyedit, design, print and promote a book, today cost of self-publishing can be taken almost completely by the author with connection to publishing platforms like And in case of failure nobody gets hurt (well, the self-esteem of the author, maybe).If you are going to try to sketch your business model remember: the entire business model design process should be guided from a customer perspective. The author calls it: it’s about THEM! Customer-centric business model design. It means shifting yours and everybody’s perspective from YOU. Away from organization-centric business model design. Just forget this perspective. Otherwise business model could also be:+ resource-driven,+ offer-driven,+ customer-driven,+ finance-driven,+ multiple-epicenter-driven.Once you have your business model canvas you have the opportunity to look at your canvas from the broader environment. You should or could include the key trends, market forces, macroeconomic forces and industry forces. Add some other details like your team, finance… and you have almost completed business plan. But first test your business model. And this is the greatest advantage of business model generation, you don’t need to make a whole plan to see or realize if your idea/product/service works or not.One other very interesting connection is with the Blue Ocean Strategy concept. Especially when you are developing/designing your value proposition it could be very useful and efficient to use four actions framework of what to eliminate, what to reduce, which factors to raise in which to create new? Or use the empathy map to design or find your customer profile. What does the person feel, what does she see, what does she say and do, and what does she hear. Out of that you’ll be able to find out your customer profile pains and gains.You don’t have to be some serious manager to design a business model. Sometimes it’s even better if you are not one. Because ideation is the crucial art to be mastered if you are to design a viable new business models. At least a little bit of creativity is therefore needed and we all know managers are not really creative most of the time. Children could do much better.To warm up before you start designing or generating your business model you may use the silly cow exercise. Here’s how it works:Prototyping of your next business model could be done at different scales: from napkin sketch to simple or elaborated business model canvas or to the field test. Remember that your breakthrough ideas may encounter strong resistance. Either inside your organisation or outside in your environment. Don’t let that stop you. Remember, innovative business model is more important if you wish to succeed than your idea, product or service.For big picture assessment you may use simple or detailed SWOT assessment of each building block of the business model canvas. So you should be able to:+ first have a snapshot where are you now (strengths&weaknesses), and+ second you should be able to realize some future trajectories (opportunities&threats).You do not need a lot of knowledge of business to start your idea, because every business model design project is unique, so build your business models ASAP.