Business: Management (BMG*)

BMG*202, Principles of Management (3 credits)
Gen Ed Competencies: Continuing Learning/Information Literacy,  Critical Analysis & Logical Thinking, Global Knowledge

An introduction to the principles of management and their application to business organizations. Emphasis is placed upon the management functions;development of a philosophy of total quality management; interpersonal behavior; and business problem solving activities. Prerequisite: Eligible for ENG*101. (Updated April 2018) (Fulfills a “D” course requirement for students who enrolled in a degree program prior to the Fall 2016 semester.)

BMG*204, Managerial Communications (3 credits)
Gen Ed Competencies:Critical Analysis & Logical Thinking, Oral Communication in English

The development of effective written, oral and electronic business communication. Selected assignments include writing business memos, letter and short reports, nonverbal communication, oral presentations, electronic mail and listening. Prerequisite: ENG*101 or ENG*101E. (Updated Fall 2017)  (Fulfills an “L” course requirement for students who enrolled in a degree program prior to the Fall 2016 semester.)

BMG*210, Principles of Organizational Behavior (3 credits)
Gen Ed Competency:Critical Analysis & Logical Thinking

This course examines concepts and theories that help managers understand, motivate, and supervise employees. Emphasis is placed upon interaction of individuals and groups relative to management’s actions and the organization’s needs. Contemporary case studies are presented to develop an effective management skill set. No credit awarded to students who have previously taken BMG*105, Supervision and Organizational Behavior. Prerequisite: BMG*202.  (Updated Fall 2017)

BMG*220, Human Resource Management (3 credits)
Gen Ed Competency: Critical Analysis & Logical Thinking

This course examines the decision-making process of managing human resources. Topics include organizational environments; recruitment, selection, training and development, and performance appraisal; leadership and motivational philosophies and strategies; and group behavior. Emphasis upon current labor market and case study analysis. Prerequisite: BMG*202. (Updated Fall 2017)