Business Information Systems | Thạc sĩ tại VGU

    5. Scholarships:

  • Merit scholarship: The VGU Talent Scholarship is one of the most prestigious studies at the Vietnam-German University (VGU). This scholarship is awarded to both successful candidates and current students at VGU, based on academic performance or outstanding academic results. Talent scholarships are awarded to 30% of students at the school, not limited to faculty/disciplines 

  • WUS Scholarship:  provide financial support to students with good academic records and difficult economic circumstances. Scholarship sponsored by the Hessen State Department of Economy, Energy, Transport, and Regional Development (HMWEVL)

  • VGU Friendship Association Scholarship, which is supported by the VGU Friendship Association and sponsored by the Hessen State Department of Economy, Energy, Transport and Development (HMWEVL).

  • The German Academy Exchange Agency (DAAD) scholarship, aimed at promoting student and scientist exchange programs in Germany.

  • Industry scholarships: Click Here to Learn more