Business English: What is Business English?

English is arguably one of the most valuable skills to master in the international business world because more and more multinational companies use it to communicate across borders.

What is business English?

Business English focuses on vocabulary and communication skills commonly used in the workplace. This includes focusing on presentations, negotiations, meetings, small talk, socialising, email correspondence, and report writing.

Who can take business English courses?

Business English courses are for anyone with intermediate English skills (B+) looking to gain a competitive advantage in the workplace and make more money.

How can English business skills help me make more money?

  • Level up your networking skills.
    Our business English tutors have corporate experience and teach industry-relevant expressions, idioms, and communication skills. They will help you prepare for networking events by practising conversational English.

  • It makes you more hireable.
    For many international companies, speaking English is a requirement. Upskilling your business English skills allows you to apply for more jobs and confidently use complex business vocabulary in interviews.

  • It improves your research skills.
    Learning business English in a structured course gives you the foundation to read industry-relevant books, blogs, and research papers. This will help to improve your performance at work and increase your offerings.

  • It can help you get a promotion.
    You can get ready for any new projects, display your excellent business communication skills, and put yourself forward for a higher paying promotion when the opportunity arises.

Where can I learn business English?

All OCTOPED Tutor courses are taught 100% remotely via our secure online school system. Our expert Tutor Tribe offer regular Group (1-on-4) and VIP (1-on-1) classes.

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by signing up for a trial class here