Business English Lessons, Courses and Apps by Business English Pod


Learn business English with over 500 lessons to choose from. Our audio and video business English lessons cover a wide range of common topics, situations, and skills, including: presentations, telephoning, negotiating, conversation, travel, meetings, interviews, vocabulary, idioms, and more. Our goal is to teach natural and effective business English. We want our learners to be able to face different business and work situations with confidence and skill.


Every Business English Pod lesson comes with a complete PDF transcript that can be downloaded by members. The lesson transcripts include a dialog, teacher explanations, examples and speaking practice sections. You can look up the meaning of key words and idioms in the glossary and practice the target language in the review section.

Lesson Modules

For the best learning experience on desktop or mobile our lesson modules combine the audio and transcript in a mobile-friendly multimedia presentation. You can follow the transcript as you listen and easily repeat sections to hone your skills. The lesson modules work great on Android and iOS devices as well as desktops.

Online Quizzes


Listening & Language Practice

Every Business English Pod lesson comes with a set of practice quizzes to help you improve you listening, language and vocabulary skills. Learning needs to be reinforced with practice and quizzes. You need to know how much of the lesson you have understood and practice the language so you can use it.

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