Business Day Calculator with Customizable Workdays and Holidays
This free online calculator will calculate the number business days between two dates, or calculate an ending date based on a specified number of business days to add or subtract to or from a starting date.
Plus, unlike other working days calculators, this calculator will not only let you choose which days of the week you want to be counted as business days, but it also allows you to indicate which, if any, holidays you would like excluded from the count.
This customization feature means you can also use the calculator to count work days only (working days calculator), or any other types of events that are counted based on which days of the week they reoccur.
If you would like to calculate the years, days, weeks, hours, and minutes between two dates, please visit the Date Difference Calculator.
Many Fun Uses!
Here are just a few of the many uses for this business days calculator:
- How many working days before my vacation starts?
- How many rounds of golf can I get in before my membership ends?
- How many weekend shopping days left before Christmas?
- How many school days left before spring break?
- How many working days until I retire?
- How many days until June 6 without weekends?