Business Dashboard Software | SimpleKPI

Business Dashboard Examples

Business dashboards can be a powerful tool for any size of organization. They pull together all your performance data from many sources and create an easy-to-understand view of your metrics, data and Key Performance Indicators. Here’s a few examples of Business Dashboards in action. They are intended to inspire, or act as a good starting point for creating your own dashboards.

Customer Services Dashboard

Transactions, visitors, and nearly every aspect of the customer journey from lead to conversion is automatically tracked by E-commerce platforms. This data lends itself well for E-commerce dashboards to display KPIs, such as, the New versus returning visitors, the visits by social media source, or even the percentage of users that abandon their shopping carts. These dashboards provide valuable insights into how users interact with your site to make online purchases.

See a live version of this Customer Service Dashboard

The KPIs and metrics used in this dashboard:

  • Customer Retention

  • Satisfaction Levels

  • Support Calls

  • Customer Service by Type

  • Average Resolution Time

E-commerce Dashboard

Transactions, visitors, and nearly every aspect of the customer journey from lead to conversion is automatically tracked by E-commerce platforms. This data lends itself well to E-commerce dashboards to display KPIs such as the New versus returning visitors, the visits by social media source or even the percentage of users that abandon their shopping carts. These dashboards provide valuable insights into how users interact with your site to make online purchases.

See a live version of this E-commerce Dashboard

The KPIs and metrics used in this dashboard:

  • Cart Abandonment Rate

  • New Customers

  • Returning Customers

  • Average Basket Spend

  • Social Media Conversions

  • Sales