Business Competitor Definition | Law Insider
Any financial institution having branches or affiliates in Greenville County, South Carolina, shall be presumed to be a Business Competitor unless the Board of Directors determines otherwise.
Any financial institution having branches or affiliates within the counties in which we operate, shall be presumed to be a Business Competitor unless the Board of Directors determines otherwise.
C areful co nsideration has been g iven t o how t he co mpany t ax r egime ca n bes t su pport t he S tates’ eco nomic growth and inward investment strategies.
The coherence function γxy(f) is defined as: 1.0015γ 2 ( f ) =(4)xy1.00101.00051.0000 100 1000 10000f [Hz] and results equal to unity in the ideal case of x(t) and y(t) completely correlated.
Any financial institution having branches or affiliates within any state in which the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries operates or having (together with its affiliates) total assets or total deposits exceeding $500 million shall be presumed to be a Business Competitor unless the Board of Directors determines otherwise.