Business Communication Challenges | USC Online MCM Degree

Communication technology and techniques have improved vastly over the years – becoming more vital to business growth, especially in the age of digital distribution. As a Master of Communication Management student and future communication expert, understanding industry wins and losses and what you can learn from them can help you better adapt your future strategies for the modern communication world.

Internal Office Communications

Internal communication is extremely important for office productivity and team cohesiveness. Nearly 100% of employees prefer a workplace where major issues are discussed truthfully. Indeed, office miscommunications can cost companies millions of dollars per year. That’s why studies show that a majority of both employees and executives agree that ineffective communication is a large issue that can lead to workplace failures.

The Ugly Side of Business Communications

While communication is key to business success, both external and internal company communications can also have an ugly side. Some examples include:
• Smartphones may negatively impact work efficiency, job satisfaction, engagement and stress levels.
• Excessive cellphone use costs U.S. companies almost $600 billion a year.
• 55% of employees agree that smartphones and texting are the biggest productivity killers at the office.
• Risks like cyber crime distractions and blunders pose difficulties at work.

Communications Disasters and Ways to Improve

Some past communication disasters can help students better understand what to avoid and where to improve:
• The Takata airbags controversy can teach us to be open and properly handle a crisis from the start to avoid escalation.
• The Thinx brand image scandal shows that living up to your mission statement is a must.
• The BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico highlights the importance of good management and proper communication in a crisis.
• The Chennai oil spill reflects the importance of communication for everyone — from management to employees, as well as between individual employees.

To learn more about these disasters and how they reflect important ways to improve business communications, view the infographic by the USC Annenberg Master of Communication Management program below: