Business Codes

Business codes

(used in Sections 1, 2, and 3)

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Aerospace and Defense

33642 Aircraft engine and engine parts manufacturing

33641 Aircraft manufacturing

33644 Guided missiles, space vehicles, and parts manufacturing

33692 Military armored vehicle, tank, and tank components manufacturing

33452 Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical system and instruments manufacturing

33660 Ship and boat building

33643 Other aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment Manufacturing

Automobiles, Motorcycles, and Components

33620 Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing

33630 Motor vehicle parts manufacturing

33610 Motor vehicles manufacturing

33691 Motorcycle, bicycle, and parts manufacturing

33651 Railroad rolling stock manufacturing

33660 Ship and boat building

33699 All other transportation equipment Manufacturing

Capital Equipment

33311 Agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturing

33332 Commercial, service industry, temperature control, and airflow control machinery manufacturing

33312 Construction machinery manufacturing

33500 Electrical equipment, appliances, and components manufacturing

33360 Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipment manufacturing

33322 Industrial machinery manufacturing, except semiconductor machinery

33390 Metalworking and other general purpose machinery manufacturing

33319 Mining, oil, and gas field machinery and equipment manufacturing

33331 Photographic and photocopying equipment Manufacturing

Chemicals and Materials

32402 Asphalt paving, roofing, and saturated materials manufacturing

32510 Basic chemicals manufacturing

32790 Cement, concrete, lime, gypsum, and other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing

32710 Clay and glass products manufacturing

21200 Mining

32592 Paint, adhesive, and other chemical manufacturing

32200 Paper manufacturing

32530 Pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing

32600 Plastics and rubber products manufacturing

33100 Primary metal manufacturing

32520 Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial synthetic fibers and filaments manufacturing

32591 Soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparations manufacturing

32100 Wood products manufacturing

32403 Other petroleum and coal products manufacturing, including motor oil, hydraulic fluid, and charcoal

Consumer Goods

33333 Digital cameras manufacturing

33430 Audio and video equipment manufacturing

31210 Beverage manufacturing

33200 Fabricated metal products manufacturing

31100 Food manufacturing

33700 Furniture and related products manufacturing

32300 Printing and related support activities

32591 Soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparations manufacturing

31990 Textile, apparel, and leather products manufacturing

31220 Tobacco manufacturing

33990 Miscellaneous manufacturing not listed elsewhere (games, office supplies, slot machines, etc.)

Energy and Mining

33360 Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipment manufacturing

21200 Mining

33319 Mining, oil, and gas field machinery and equipment manufacturing

21100 Oil and gas extraction

32401 Petroleum refineries

21300 Support activities for mining, including oil and gas

Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate

52200 Finance: banking and credit intermediation

52400 Insurance carriers and related activities

53100 Real estate

52310 Securities, commodity contracts, and other financial investments and related activities (including funds and trusts)


32543 Biotechnology-based pharmaceutical and biological products (except diagnostics)

33451 Electromedical, electrotherapeutic, and irradiation apparatus manufacturing

62200 Hospitals and nursing care facilities

32542 In vitro diagnostic substances manufacturing

62150 Medical and diagnostic laboratories

33910 Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing

62110 Offices of physicians

32541 Pharmaceutical, medicinal, and botanical products manufacturing

54173 Research and development services in biotechnology

54174 Research and development services in physical, engineering, and life sciences (except biotechnology)

62199 Other ambulatory health care services (ambulance, dental, home health care)

Information Technology – Goods and Services

33333 Digital cameras manufacturing

51801 Cloud computing applications and internet based software services

54150 Computer systems design and related services

33412 Computers and peripheral equipment manufacturing, including magnetic and optical media

51800 Data processing, hosting, and related services

33500 Electrical equipment, appliances, and components manufacturing

45411 Electronic shopping and electronic auctions

33459 Measuring and control instruments manufacturing (not listed elsewhere)

33422 Radio, television, and wireless communication equipment manufacturing

33440 Semiconductor and other electronic components manufacturing

33321 Semiconductor machinery manufacturing

51120 Software publishers (except Internet)

33421 Telephone apparatus manufacturing including routers, modems, and gateways

42500 Wholesale electronic markets and agents and brokers (business to business)

33429 Other communication equipment manufacturing (except radio, television, and wireless communication equipment)

51910 Other information services, including Internet publishing, broadcasting, and web search portals

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

54180 Advertising and related services

54130 Architectural, engineering, and related services

54150 Computer systems design and related services

54111 Legal, accounting, tax preparation,

bookkeeping and payroll services

54160 Management, scientific, and technical consulting services

54190 Professional, scientific, and technical services (not listed elsewhere)

54173 Research and development services in biotechnology

54174 Research and development services in physical, engineering, and life sciences (except biotechnology)

54172 Research and development services in social sciences and humanities

54140 Specialized design services

Telecommunications and Utilities

51500 Broadcasting (except Internet)

51740 Satellite telecommunications

22100 Utilities

56200 Waste management and remediation services

51710 Wired telecommunications carriers

51720 Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite)

51790 Other telecommunications (not listed elsewhere)

Other Services

72000 Accommodation and food services

56100 Administrative and support services

71000 Arts, entertainment, and recreation

23000 Construction

49200 Couriers, messengers, and express delivery services

53300 Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets (including patent licensing)

55100 Management of companies and enterprises

42300 Merchant wholesalers, durable goods

42400 Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods

51200 Motion picture and sound recording (except Internet)

51110 Newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers (except Internet)

53200 Rental and leasing services

44000 Retail trade, except electronic shopping and electronic auctions

62400 Social assistance services

21300 Support activities for mining, including oil and gas

48000 Transportation

49300 Warehousing and storage

81000 Other services (not listed elsewhere)