Business Analyst Resume Examples (+ BA Summary Samples)

You’re about to create the best business analyst resume, but first:


Business analysts are heroes. You see the difference you make for your employer, and you want your resume to show it, too. But most overworked HR staff members don’t get it! It’s all Greek to them. You may as well be dancing backwards in heels. 

How do you translate your complex role to an outsider? How do you create a technical business analyst resume that a recruiter can understand? This guide will tell you all of that, and more.


It will show you:


  • A business analyst resume example better than 9 out of 10 other resumes.
  • How to write a business analytics resume that will land you more interviews.
  • Tips and examples of how to put skills and achievements on a business analyst resume.
  • How to describe your experience on a resume for a business analyst to get any job you want.


Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.


Sample resume made with our builder—See more resume samples here.

One of our users, Nikos, had this to say:


[I used] a nice template I found on Zety. My resume is now one page long, not three. With the same stuff.


 Targeting other jobs in business and finance too? See one of our dedicated guides:


Here’s how to write a business analyst resume:



Format Your Business Analyst Resume


The mantra “anything goes” isn’t going to work here. Your job is complex, and a lot of what you do is in the details. So, while there are three resume types to choose from:


  • Reverse-chronological
  • Functional
  • Combination


Only two make the cut for a BA resume. If you have a resume with less experience, go with the traditional reverse-chronological resume format. The format is ideal because it focuses on the details that matter most – your most recent role and degree. 


If you’re more experienced, go with a combination resume format. It focuses on skills by using them as subheadings in the experience section. Think about it like this:


What does a business analyst do? 


A business analyst solves problems. They look at a company’s organization and performance, find the problems, and introduce change. They translate mountains of data into actionable, bite-sized information. 


And how does it translate to writing a resume for a business analyst?


The ability to translate large into small is a necessary skill to have when writing a resume. And a strong business analyst resume should reflect that skill in action. 


You’ll need to take the huge amount of data behind your career and break it down into a bite-sized, one-page resume. That’s why it’s best to choose a traditional format.


Be sure to include:


  • White space – your resume should be easy to scan instead of data heavy.
  • Formatting – use italics, bold, and caps to add meaning and attract the eye.
  • Achievement tripwires – use achievements as speed bumps to hold attention.



Pro Tip: Want to go with a template? Choose a style that matches the culture of your industry and/or employer. For example, traditional resume templates may work better for conservative companies. 


Still not sure which resume format is right for your business analyst resume? Read our guide: 3 Resume Formats: How to Choose the Best One [Examples]



Add a Business Analyst Resume Summary or Resume Objective


After your contact information, what comes next? Well, the best BA resumes start with a resume summary or resume objective. But which should you use, and does it make a difference?


A resume summary is a short elevator pitch at the beginning of a resume for a business analyst.


But what is it selling? Your professional career to date. So, the senior business analyst resume benefits the most from a resume summary.


Business Analyst Resume Summary Example


Experienced Business Analyst with 8+ years experience boosting warehouse profitability by 50% for a  Fortune 100 e-commerce retailer. Seeking to use people management and analytic skills at Amazon Corporate. Have a Ph.D. in Computer Science.


IT Business Analyst with 10 years of experience working for an e-commerce retailer.


The best business analyst resume summary showcases skills and achievements at once. You have about 7 seconds to catch the attention of the hiring manager, according to our HR statistics report. That means you need to deliver your value in the first three lines of your senior business analyst resume. A great resume summary does just that.


So, when do you use a resume objective?


  • When you’ve just graduated and you’re starting your career.
  • When you’re transitioning from one role or position to another.
  • When you’re transitioning from one industry or niche to another.
  • When you’re a career changer who’s just becoming a business analyst.     


A resume objective is different from a resume summary in that it explains where you are now and where you’re going. Then it highlights what relevant skills and value you’re bringing with you.


You can explain unusual job titles such as “Product Owner” or “Functional Consultant.” Allowing the hiring manager to know right away that your BA resume is relevant and valuable. 


Business Analyst Resume Objective Example


Senior Product Manager with 5 years experience seeking to transition to Business Analyst at Amazon Corporate. Can improve the sales performance of product lines up to 60% by leveraging and analyzing big data. Have an MA in Computer Science and a BA in Finance.


Product Manager seeking Business Analyst role at Amazon Corporate to improve my ability to analyze product lines and big data.


Keep in mind that no one cares what you want. You need to show the hiring manager that you can give them what they want. Like a 60% boost in the sales of crucial product lines.


Pro Tip: Use an irresistible offer to make your BA resume summary and objective compelling. Provide a unique solution for a problem prospective employers are looking to solve.


When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check. Start building a professional resume template here for free.

When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better.


Still not sure how to construct the best business analyst resume summary or objective? Read our guides: Resume Introduction (Paragraph Examples and Writing Tips)



Describe Your Business Analyst Experience


Your business analyst resume experience section is where things get a little tricky. 


Let’s say the person who will read your BA resume first is a typical HR recruiter. The person does have a vague understanding of what your role entails, but the minutiae will be lost on them. So, you need to make your complex responsibilities simple and easy to understand. 


But how do you do that?


Let’s say part of your experience is creating a financial model that analyzes current customer trends. At the same time, that can overwhelm an HR recruiter. And that’s especially true if it’s presented as-is heavy with technical jargon.


So, rule number one? Lose the jargon unless it’s represented in the job offer. Another problem that complicates things is the fact that job titles tend to vary. Business analysts aren’t always known as business analysts.


There are more than 24 different job titles including:


  • IT Analyst Solution Architect
  • Functional Consultant
  • Product Manager
  • Domain Consultant


Roles and responsibilities also tend to vary. Sound discouraging? Think of it as an opportunity for you to showcase the range of your experience.


Rule number two? As an outstanding translator, you need to show how your past roles translate to the role on offer. 


Finally, pay attention to the fact that the recruiter or hiring manager will focus on results. Regardless who reads your resume first, they’re looking to quantify any investment made.


That brings us to rule number three. While listing duties, don’t forget to mention performance details and wins. It’s even better if it’s quantifiable. 


Adding numbers to your business analyst resume examples draws the eye of the recruiter to your best skills.


Business Analyst Job Description for a Resume


Business Systems Analyst

Amazon Corporate, 2009 – 2017

Seattle, Washington

  • Redesigned fulfillment processes and customer communication protocols, saving the company a minimum of $15 million annually.
  • Implemented a customer service process that reduced refund requests by 32% and direct labor costs by $2.5 million.
  • Completed in-depth analyses for business optimization projects boosting revenue by 11.8%.


Business Systems Analyst 

Amazon Corporate, 2009 – 2017

Seattle, Washington

  • Fixed fulfillment processes for customer service reps.
  • Added a customer service process to handle refund requests.
  • Analyzed business optimization projects.


Try to add an accomplishment under each position on a resume for a business analyst. Remember to break your accomplishments down in detail. 


Pro Tip: Add as many as six bullet points under each job. When it’s relevant, match your achievements to the business analyst job description sample.


Not sure how to include your achievements and experience? Need help knowing where to start? Read our guide: Achievements to Put on Resume – Complete Guide (+30 Examples)



Mention Your Education Section


For most people, listing your education is simple. You add the name of your university, your degree, your graduation year, and that’s it. But what if there was a way to highlight your skills and accomplishments in your education section? Wouldn’t that be helpful? 


So, after adding the necessary information:


  • The type of degree you received.
  • Your major/minor.
  • The name of your school.
  • Your school’s location.
  • The year you graduated.


Consider adding a coursework description or extracurricular activities. Adding information about your classes and clubs is a great way to flesh out an entry-level business analyst resume.


All you have to do is select coursework that matches the knowledge listed in the job offer. Let’s say the job offer asks for strong organizational and interpersonal skills. 


Did you attend a head up a club or attend a communications class? If yes, add it.


Education on a Business Analyst Resume


Stanford University

MA in Computer Science

Stanford, California 2012


Stanford University

BS in Computer Science

Stanford, California 2010


Let’s say you attended a prestigious university like Stanford. In that case, lead with it. If your degree is more impressive, go with that instead.



BS in Computer Science

Kendall College 2009

2.89 GPA


MA in Computer Science

Kendall College 2011

2.0 GPA


List your degrees in reverse-chronological order. Don’t add your GPA if you graduated ages ago. Remember to add the location of your university.


And what does a coursework description look like on a resume for a business analyst?


Main coursework included written and oral projects for business administration and management studies.

Complementary coursework included projects and reports for accounting, marketing, economics, statistics, and computer science courses. 


Pro Tip: What about your GPA? If you’re a recent grad and your GPA is above 3.5, include it. Otherwise, leave it.


Not sure how to put incomplete education on your resume? Not sure how to format education entries? Read our guide: How to Put Your Education on a Resume [Tips & Examples]



Put Skills on a Business Analyst Resume


How do you decide which of your skills to feature as your business analyst resume skills? Well, that’s difficult when business analyst positions vary from company to company. 


You may have had a role that involved project management and consulting. But at your next job, your duties included financial modeling and software development.


Where do you start? At least that part is simple. Start with the job offer. Here’s business analyst job description sample:


Business Analyst Responsibilities and Skills:


  • Analyze business problems and provide solutions.
  • Participate with peers and represent the business on project teams.
  • Take ownership of projects from beginning to end. Is an autonomous worker who specializes in completeness and accuracy.
  • Effective communication skills with the ability to communicate complex ideas.
  • Strong analytical skills, ability to identify problems, research issues, and provide solutions.
  • Can manage a team and participate in team project planning.


The key is to match the skills and duties from your previous roles to those you find in the business analyst job description. 


Here are some other common hard and soft skills you might find in a typical business analyst job description: 


Business Analyst Skills for a Resume


  • Analytical Skills
  • To-Be / Future State Assessment
  • Verbal and Written Communication
  • As-is Analysis
  • Businesses Process Re-engineering
  • Public Speaking
  • Benchmarking
  • Negotiation and Persuasion
  • Gap Analysis
  • Attention to Detail
  • Defining Solutions and Scope
  • Organizational Skills
  • Financial Analysis / Modeling
  • Directness
  • Wireframing, Prototyping, and User Stories
  • Adaptability
  • Role Change
  • Collaboration Skills
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Roles and Permissions
  • Flexibility
  • Risk Analysis and Management 


The resume keywords list is not exhaustive. Also, keep in mind that you should list your skills in an order that spotlights your best skills first. You may also be tempted to over do it. Don’t. Your resume isn’t a research report – it’s a sales document.


To make a perfect skills section, list your best skills and the best skills you have from the job offer.



Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Analytical Skills

Teamwork and Project Management 

People Skills

Accurate and Detail-oriented


Effective Communication Skills

Communication Skills

Public Speaking 

Public Speaking 

Microsoft Project 2016

Microsoft Office


If possible, quantify your skills and add details. Who would you rather hire? Someone who can manage a team of 15 people or the person with “management” skills?


Also, be sure to sprinkle skills from the job offer throughout your business analyst resume.


For example, let’s take point three from the job description:


“Take ownership of projects from beginning to end. Is an autonomous worker who specializes in completeness and accuracy.”


For example, add that to your resume summary:


Autonomous Business Analyst with 5+ years of experience in the Automotive Industry. Can take ownership of projects from beginning to end, specializing in completeness and accuracy. Have an MBA in Project Management.


Pro Tip: Remember, the best place to add technical skills or software is your skills section. Plus, it’s a good idea to show hiring managers you’re skilled with the technology they already use. 


Not sure which skills and achievements should go on your business analyst resume? Read our guide: Skills and Achievements To Put On A Resume – Complete Guide (+30 Examples)



Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume


It’s common for analysts to run out of room after adding the standard sections to their resumes. But other sections can position you as a unique candidate. 


So, ask yourself:


  • Do I have any relevant licenses or certifications?  
  • Do I publish anything or win industry awards? 
  • Do I participate in or speak at conferences?
  • Do I have hobbies reflecting the company’s culture?


For a data analyst resume, consider highlighting awards:


Marie Stafford, ABC Co. Analyst of the Year


For a healthcare business analyst resume template, consider adding a section for software:


  • Wrote custom charting solution in Python.
  • Co-author of “Manifesto for Agile Software Development.”


For a finance business analyst resume template, consider examples of special training:


Certificate in Business Analysis, UC Berkeley


The rule of thumb? Create an extra section when the content adds value to your resume and needs the space.


Wait a minute. Isn’t it unprofessional to add these extra details to a resume for a business analyst?


Actually, no. It’s incredibly beneficial as long as it’s incredibly relevant. 


Other things to consider:


  • Volunteer Experience: Can show that you’re a great culture fit.
  • Industry Blog: You can write, and you have an audience to support company goals.
  • Industry Awards: You’re an all-star, and you bring prestige to the organization.


Pro Tip: Once you’ve completed your business analyst resume highlights you may need to make cuts. Does your resume fill more than a page? Cut it by deleting extra sections first.


Feeling unsure about the interest, hobbies, and extras you should include? Not sure how many to add? Read our guide: 20 Best Examples of Hobbies & Interests To Put on a Resume (5 Tips)



Write a Cover Letter


Cover letters are still a must-have. Your business analyst cover letter works with your resume, offering hiring managers the most eye-catching and important aspects of, well – you. 


If you write a cover letter well, it’s a quick and impressive snapshot of your career that does two things:


  • Proves your written communication skills and attention to detail.
  • Explains roles, gaps, or career changes that need explaining.


Just be sure to address your cover letter to the person who will read it. And don’t worry. If you’re more of a technical person, you don’t have to write a novel. A short cover letter will do for most business analyst positions.


Pro Tip: The only thing you want to avoid is repeating your resume for a business analyst. Cover letters should compliment resumes not repeat them. 


Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here. Here’s what it may look like:


See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Need a compelling cover letter but not sure where to start? Looking for sample cover letters for business analysts? Read our guide: How To Write A Cover Letter [Complete Guide With Examples]


Key Takeaway


Remember these points when writing a business analyst resume:


  • Meet your employer’s expectations. While this takes a bit of analysis, that’s what you do best.
  • Most employers tell you what they’re looking for via job descriptions.
  • Hiring managers want you. All you have to do is prove that you understand their needs.
  • Make it about them, and you’ll position yourself as an all-star, above the rest.


Feeling unsure about how to present yourself as an entry-level or junior analyst? Need more business analyst resume examples? Let us know in the comments!