Business Administration Major and Minor

Why business administration at UW-Eau Claire?

Current, evolving curriculum. Business administration majors are forward-thinking, business-savvy individuals with a thirst for knowledge — and so are our faculty. Course curriculum focuses on ways you can stay sharp, current and on top of your game. Professors will do all they can to prepare and empower you to realize your full potential and excel in life.

Opportunities to gain professional experience. Build out your resume with real-world experience by pursuing internships and international study and participating in competitions and service projects. UW-Eau Claire’s business administration program offers many transformational educational experiences that will build your self-confidence while allowing you to apply and test what you’ve learned. 

Development of leadership skills. The College of Business hosts 15 student organizations — all of which are available to business administration majors. Seventy-one percent of our students report that they belong to at least one student organization and 30% hold a leadership position (Source COB 2015-16 graduating senior surveys). Student organizations are an excellent way to not only get involved on campus but to also build your leadership skills. These experiences are ones you can leverage in future job interviews to better demonstrate your ability to manage, delegate and work on a team.

Connection to local employers. Annual on-campus Career Conferences and a Client Communication and Management Career Fair bring potential employers right to you. These events are excellent opportunities to network and submit your resume for current and future job openings.