Business Administration | Cal Poly

Business Administration majors must choose from one of nine areas of concentration:

Accounting and Law

With an accounting concentration you will gain a thorough knowledge of accounting and tax laws and how to apply them in practical business scenarios. Accounting Area graduating classes often reach 100 percent employment.

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Consumer Packaging

The packaging program blends technical packaging courses with a marketing and entrepreneurship curriculum to allow you to learn how to conceptualize packaging designs that meet customer needs and validate designs with data and customer insights.

More about Consumer Packaging


The entrepreneurship concentration immerses you in a variety of business activities —strategy, marketing, sales, people management, technology, finance, accounting and more— to provide you with all the skills necessary to help businesses prosper. With an entire spectrum of resources available through the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE), including mentorship, pitch competitions, training and more, you have the opportunity to turn vision into reality.

More about Entrepreneurship

Financial Management

A financial management concentration gives you the knowledge and insight to manage anything from income securities to personal portfolios. You will work with the latest technology and focus on computer science, accounting, economics and more.

More about Financial Management

Information Systems

The information systems concentration combines the study of people, organization and technology and trains you in the technological skills and business strategies they influence. Information technology is highly valued, so IS students are in high demand among tech firms, consulting firms, startups and many other companies.

More about Information Systems

Management and Human Resources

The management and human resources concentration develops versatile leaders who are well-versed in organizational design, development and change, global business management and negotiation. The human resources portion of the curriculum facilitates practice in recruitment, staffing, training, development and compensation.

More about Management and Human Resources


The marketing concentration produces agile, flexible marketers who understand how the puzzle pieces of data analysis, creative strategy and customer relations fit together. Graduates are prepared for technical careers in data science, creative careers in digital media, relational careers in sales and much more.

More about Marketing

Quantitative Analysis

A concentration in quantitative analysis gives you the ability to analyze market data and trends in a number of different industries, allowing you to become a data expert. Companies from a wide spectrum of industries recognize the growing value of data analysis and are eager to hire graduates with this expertise.

More about Quantitative Analysis

Real Estate Finance

The real estate concentration will give you a broad background in all aspects of the real estate industry. The concentration helps prepare you for careers in real estate investment banking, consulting, insurance, brokerage firms and startups.

More about Real Estate Finance