Book Review: “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” by J.K. Rowling (2003)

Well, we’ve made it through Harry Potter’s fifth year at Hogwarts, and as an adult reader looking in, I must say that this was the most melodramatic book to date! I know that at age 15, Harry and his pals need to experience some growing pains, but since my kids are still in elementary and middle school, I was hoping to keep the drama of Junior High at bay for a few more years (at least). Alas, J.K. Rowling dragged us all into it, and so we had to enjoy the ride.

The drama of this tale includes Harry’s crushes (and first kiss) as well as difficult teachers, terrifying exams, and adults who just don’t understand these maturing students. But these issues are merely the backdrop to the real tale which extends through the full gamut of books, that the Dark Lord Voldemort truly has returned and wants young Harry Potter dead.

The book begins with an attack by a number of Dementors against Harry and Dudley on Privet Drive. Harry is very nearly expelled for his unauthorized use of magic in the Muggle world, but of course, he also has some great school leaders who come to bat for him. He learns about a secret order of wizards and witches that exists to fight against evil (the Order of the Phoenix), and we’re all surprised to learn that even Professor Snape is part of this team, along with those we’d otherwise expect, like Professor Dumbledore, Professor Lupin, Mad-Eye Mooney, and Sirius Black.

Once Harry is reinstated and returns to school, he learns that he’s essentially treated by his classmates as a liar and a traitor for his supposedly made-up story about Voldemort’s return and the murder of Cedrick Diggory (from Book Four). Some of his friends believe him, of course, and they even agree to learn some defensive magic from him in secret, for while all these things have been going on, the Ministry of Magic has also been slowly taking over the school under the heavy palm of the toad-like Professor Umbrage, a wicked witch who’s convinced the ministry to fire Headmaster Dumbledore and to name her the Grand High Inquisitor of the school, a role which makes life absolutely miserable for everyone—except perhaps Draco Malfoy and his thug friends who enjoy every minute of it.

This book seemed extra-long to me, and I found it quite a bit milder than the others. Perhaps “boring” is a better term. But then again, I’m not a Junior High reader, and I don’t pretend to be (though I recently admitted in a book review of Matilda by Roald Dahl that sometimes I am a child at heart). While I enjoyed the progress of the overarching story, especially the confrontations and battle in the Ministry of Magic in the final chapters, I got lost in the petty experiences and emotions of the students throughout this one.

I look forward to watching the movie with my kids, now that we’ve finished the book. Abnormally, I sort of hope this time that the director takes his licenses and livens the story up a bit, tying it more cogently to the series as a whole and awing us with some spectacular scenes.

Next up is Harry’s Sixth Year in The Half-Blood Prince. We’ll be starting it on audio this week as we drive halfway across the country. It may be that we finish the entire series this coming month! I’m looking forward to it as much as my kids are. My wife, though, probably less so.

©2022 E.T.

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