

In this article

by Simon Tan


BlogEngine.NET is an open source .NET blogging platform for Microsoft .NET. For more information about BlogEngine.Net, refer to the BlogEngine.NET Web site. For step-by-step instructions on installing this application in an IIS environment, see the Procedure section of this document.


For information about technical requirements for your IIS environment, refer to Install Server Components.


Step 1. Install the application in an IIS test environment.

To install the application, you can use Web Platform Installer or WebMatrix. These procedures are described in this step.

Web Platform Installer

The Microsoft Web Platform Installer 2.0 (Web PI) is a free tool that allows you to easily install and run the most popular free web applications for blogging, content management and more with the built-in Windows Web Application Gallery. For more information about Web PI, refer to the Microsoft Web Platform Installer 2.0 Web site.

To use Web PI to install this application, complete these steps:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, click Programs, and then click Web Platform Installer.

    The Web Platform Installation window appears.
    Screenshot of the Web Platform Installer window. The box next to BlogEngine dot net is checked.

  2. Click the Web Applications tab, select the BlogEngine.NET check box, and click Install.

    Screenshot showing the selected third party applications. The I Accept button is selected.

  3. Select the BlogEngine.NET check box, and click I Accept.

    Screenshot showing the S Q L server express administrator password page. Mixed mode authentication is selected.

  4. Select Mixed Mode Authentication, enter a password, and click Continue.

    Once the preinstallation steps complete, the site information window appears.
    Screenshot showing the site information window. The Continue button is selected.

  5. In the Web Site list, click New Web Site.

  6. Enter an application name in the application name field.

  7. Enter a web site name in the Web Site Name field.

  8. Enter a physical path in the Physical path field.

  9. In the IP address list, click All Unassigned, and enter 80 in the Port field.

  10. Enter a host name in the Host Name field, and click Continue.

    The application information window appears.
    Screenshot showing the application information window. The continue button is selected.

  11. In the Choose your database list, click SQL Server.

  12. In the Create a new or use an existing database list, click Create new database.

  13. Enter a database administrator user name in the Database Admin Username field.

  14. Enter a password in the Database Admin Password field.

  15. Click Continue.

    Once the installation process completes, the final installation window appears.
    Screenshot showing the successful installation window with Finish button.

  16. Click Finish.

    The BlogEngine.NET web page appears.
    Screenshot showing the initial blog engine dot net web page.


WebMatrix is a free, easy way to customize and build Web sites from popular open-source applications, such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. In addition, you can build sites from the ground up using ASP.NET, PHP, HTML and a number of other leading technologies. For more information about WebMatrix, refer to the WebMatrix Web site.

To use WebMatrix to install this application, complete these steps:

  1. Launch WebMatrix.

    The WebMatrix home page appears.
    Screenshot showing the WebMatrix home page window.

  2. Click Site From Web Gallery.

    The Site from Web Gallery page appears.
    Screenshot showing the web gallery page. The Next button is highlighted.

  3. Click BlogEngine.NET, and click Next.

    The Accept EULA page appears.
    Screenshot showing the Accept E U L A dialog. The I Accept button is highlighted.

  4. Click I Accept to agree to the end-user license agreement.

    WebMatrix installs the BlogEngine.NET software on your local computer. This page appears once installation is complete.

    Screenshot showing the successfully installed dialog with an O K button.

  5. Click OK.

    The BlogEngine.NET application starts as indicated in bottom-left corner of the page.
    Screenshot of the BlogEngine dot net window. A message showing that the session started successfully is circled.

  6. Click Settings in the left navigation area.

  7. Select .Net 4 (Integrated) from the Select .NET Framework Version drop-down list.

  8. To configure the settings for your hosting provider and domain, select Publish > Configure.

    Screenshot showing the Publishing Settings dialog. Protocol is set to Web Display.

  9. Add your hosting provide and domain-specific information, and click Validate Connection.

  10. If the connection was successful, click Apply, and then click Publish.

    WebMatrix determines changes to be made.
    Screenshot showing the Publish Preview dialog with a notification message displayed

  11. Once changes have been determined, check the Publish to SQL Server check box, and click Continue.

    Once the process completes, the Publish Preview dialog box appears.
    Screenshot of the Publish Preview dialog. The BlogEngine box is checked.

  12. Click Continue.

    The status of the publishing process is indicated in the bottom-left corner of the page.
    Screenshot showing the BlogEngine window. Publish Starting is circled.

  13. Once publishing is complete, go to your domain, and verify BlogEngine.NET is running.
    Screenshot of a browser window showing the BlogEngine web page.

Step 2. Build the application package from the IIS site.

To build the application package from the IIS site, complete the steps described in Export a Package through IIS Manager.

Step 3. Install the application on the target server.

To install the application on the target server, complete the steps described in Import a Package through IIS Manager.