Blog VS Vlog Ultimate Guide. Which One Is for You? Blogging or Vlogging

“Blog VS vlog” is a debate that has the internet community split. A blog is a website that contains written events, stories, topics, etc. On the other hand, a vlog contains video content instead of written content. Which is better for you? The one you find easier to do day in day out! Thus you will get the desired results.

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What Are Blogs and Vlogs for?

A blog or a vlog is a very effective diary or journal used by individuals, brands, and companies. Both blogging and vlogging are concerned with generating the maximum amount of traffic for a website or, promoting a business or a person. Sometimes, a blog or a vlog are used to simply earn money and have fun. There are different platforms that feature vlogs, such as YouTube, Viddler, Vimeo, DailyMotion, and Facebook. Whereas, platforms that feature blogs are such as Wix, WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger. For most successful bloggers or vloggers, it’s their primary or secondary source of money. However, it’s crucial to know which medium is best for you or your business.

Blog VS Vlog: Definition and Terminology

What Is a Vlog?

According to eMarketing Institute, a vlog is short for a video blog which features video content. It’s established for business or non-business related purposes. In terms of “blog VS vlog”, vlogging is similar to blogging in many aspects. In fact, many bloggers have become vloggers, and many vloggers also have a blog. The main difference in the context of blog VS vlog is the presentation and form of content.

Podcasts are similar to vlogs, however, they only use audio to publish content as opposed to videos for vlogs. Vlogging, therefore, has become a mix of blogging and streaming. A vlog sometimes goes by “videocast” or “vodcast.” In addition, Motovlogs are vlogs that feature the act of riding a motorcycle.

A vlog is a type of online content marketing. Vlogging involves creating regular videos, with a single person speaking directly to their audience. These can be hosted on a wide number of different platforms, including YouTube.

The goals of vlogging are similar to those of blogging. These include engaging, growing and monetising an online audience for your brand. There are a wide range of ways to do this, including affiliate marketing and display advertising. Vlogs can also follow a number of different formats and lengths, which may be appropriate for different audiences and industries.

What is a Blog?

Typically a blog, short for “weblog”, is also used by large scale sites to release articles and posts to their followers, however some blogs can be more like an online journal. Usually, a blog is a website or featured within a website but people can also create a blog within social media. Blogs can feature text, images and other methods of content including GIF’s and documents such as PDF’s.

Ideal use for a blog is to share thoughts and material that your followers would like. For instance, a photographer may feature more images within their blog as they would want to share more photography material.

There is a ProfileTree Blog. Within this blog, we like to share information to our followers including many articles about the services we offer. This blog post will feature within our blog. A good way to understand how blogs work is to read a range of blogs, work on your writing skills and of course start blogging. 

No matter which route you decide to go down – you will need content seo or youtube seo, a digital marketing strategy, content plan and a lot of hard work and determination. These will all help ensure you will become a successful vlogger or successful blogger. 

Blog and Vlog Topics

TheArtsDevelopmentCompany has it that most vloggers talk directly to the camera while discussing their opinions and views with their audience. In addition, vlog posts include different categories such as documentation of daily life events, makeup tutorials, video games reviews and tutorials, or product reviews. As a result, viewers often develop a personal bond with the vlogger.

You can vlog in live broadcasts from social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram. Once you create your video, you can upload it online or include the video within a post on your blog or website. In addition, vloggers often record videos in a prepared setting. They record this kind of video in public, during events or performances. The topic and the style of a live vlog can vary, so there are many sub-types of recorded videos.

What is the Difference Between a Vlog and a YouTube Channel

Many people use the terms vlog and YouTube channel interchangeably, but this is a mistake. In fact, there are a number of important distinctions to be make between these two related ideas.

For one thing, a YouTube channel is a platform, whereas a vlog is the actual content. That is a YouTube channel might be where you decide to host your vlog, but it isn’t the vlog itself. In fact, there are a number of other vlog websites which you might use as an alternative to YouTube.

You might also come across the term YouTube blog, but this is very outdated, and rarely used nowadays. In fact, most people would use the phrase YouTube blog meaning a blog about YouTube.

Finally, just because something is posted on YouTube, this does not make it a vlog. The trailer for the new Avengers movie doesn’t suddenly become a vlog when someone uploads it to YouTube.

Instead, a vlog is still a video of someone speaking to camera, whether it is hosted on a YouTube Channel, or any other online platform, but YouTube video seems to be one of the preferred ways today.

A Brief History of Vlogging

Vlogging to many people’s surprise has been a term used since the early 2000’s, although it increased in popularity around 2004/05. This was when YouTube was founded and led the internet and users online down a new path of content. Before the likes of YouTube and other video platforms, keeping up to date with a vlog/vlogger was a tough job and it was mainly done through email marketing.

Since the birth of YouTube, vlogging has become the main method of income for many social influencers and a very large community. Vloggers now gain millions of views and followers by sharing their daily lives and thoughts to their individual community. In the beginner of the YouTube revolution of vlogging a camera was needed, but now phones have caught up with the vlogging generation. As phones continue to develop and get better upgrades year on year, vlogging using phones has also got easier.

In 2019, we estimate that most people watch a vlog every month or week, due to their popularity. In late 2016 Mediakix calculated that 44% of all internet users watched a vlog every month. Since then many content creators from many other sub-genres on YouTube and other platforms such as Vine (Which no longer exists), now also create vlogs. (Logan and Jake Paul are two creators that moved to vlogging on YouTube after Vine was shut down). This only suggests that more people since late 2016 are vlogging their daily lives and thoughts.

Some may call vlogging – “video blogging”, so do not be surprised to hear this also. As a content creator – you should chose the platform your audience are most likely to use. Video quality does not need to be amazing, but sound should be as good as you can make it. You will find over time – your video blogging skills will improve! We also need to consider short video v long video as well as the blogging platform you end up on, if not more than one.

A Brief History of Blogging

According to eMarketing Institute, in the context of “blog vs vlog”, a blog is a website or a web page that produces written content. The content is in the form of articles or posts, and the newest posts are always at the top of the page. When blogging was still new in the online community, blogs were usually run by individuals or small groups. A blog was firstly a platform for sharing personal thoughts or opinions online. It has now become one of the essential and most effective tools that marketers use for online promotion.

By 2004 blogging had become completely mainstream. This is mainly due to the introduction of the well-known content management system called WordPress in 2003. WordPress is one of the best free platforms that make blogging available to everyone, even those who don’t have technical skills.

More and more people were starting blogs, and more readers were interested. This trend grew so quickly over the years to now where users are uploading blogs every second. During the last couple of years, we started seeing thousands of blogs around the globe, both businesses and personal, turning into very profitable tools.

What Is the Difference between a Blog and a Website?

It is important to know the difference between a blog and a website. Granted, a website and a blog share a similar use. However, the content that each present and the purpose each serves is what makes a difference between the two. The first big difference between a blog and a website is the frequency of updates. Updates occur regularly to blog content because the blog pages are more dynamic than website pages.

Blogs publish updates at short or long intervals. On the other hand, a website features static pages with content that can change from time to time. However, it usually stays the same over a long period of time.

Blog VS Vlog: Which of the Two Best Defines your Character?

Vlog VS Blog: Popularity

Why Are Vlogs Popular?

With regards to eMarketing Institute, depending on the content idea and presentation, videos can be quite easy to create, especially live broadcasting vlogs. In general, all you need is your phone, and you are ready to start vlogging. Of course, according to the quality of the video, professional vloggers may use extra lights or props. Moreover, video editing software can edit your recorded videos. Vlogging is essentially an easy-to-create type of content, despite the potential complexity that comes with video production.

Why Are Vlogs Popular?

Well, you don’t need other equipment than your phone and no other software than YouTube. As a result, that makes vlogging very affordable. You can start vlogging with no budget at all. Starting with a budget or an investment can make a difference later on. People love watching videos. The video format is easy to digest and understand. It is easy to view on the go, and it can attract more attention than written content. Users watch Over 70,000 videos on YouTube in one second.

YouTube is the most famous vlog website on the internet. Vloggers profit of advertisements through their content on YouTube. In “blog VS vlog”, visual content performs better than written content. Vlogs can do the same job as blogs, but even better. Vlogs can be a great addition to your blog in the form of engaging content. Moreover, blogs can be a useful platform to promote your vlogs.

A huge benefit of live vlogs is the ability to broadcast events in real time. Live streaming also gives a chance for the community to interact through live chat. However, live streaming can also be a drawback since there isn’t room for mistakes, streamers can’t edit their video, and it can cause different problems for them. These problems may be hateful messages, not having privacy, or harassment.

Why Are Blogs Popular?

According to eMarketing Institute, there are 91.8 million new posts each month on WordPress alone. There isn’t a doubt that blogging has become mainstream. It’s an ideal outlet for everyone to have their voice heard. Blogging has become a supporting activity for both online and offline businesses.

Creating a blog is now much simpler and cheaper than it used to be. It’s also a chance to expand networking opportunities. Companies benefit from blogging through generating leads, increasing traffic, or boosting sales. Furthermore, you can advertise your services through a blog, or you can even open up your online shop. There are plenty of opportunities for blog monetization.

Blogging gives you a chance to reach online users for being an amazing asset for search engine optimization. With blogging, you can create new content that search engines love and provide to its users. This increases the reach of your blog and expands the influence of your brand on the internet. In addition, Google confirms that 15% of search queries have never been searched before, which means that new content updates are always welcome.

What Do You Need to Start a Blog?

All you need to start blogging is an idea and an internet connection. The online blogging platforms and tools are very user-friendly. They enable everyone to blog for personal or business purposes. By blogging, you can share your insight on a topic or a circumstance that you experienced. Therefore, that becomes a great way for you to share all kinds of knowledge. As a result, you can truly make an impact on your viewers.

A key factor in “blog VS vlog” is that blogging promotes and improves your writing skills with every new post. The best way to improve as a writer is to write every day about different subjects. In addition, you can publish your work online whenever you want without much effort. Ask yourself: in “blog VS vlog”, which of two will make your brand more popular?

What Kind of Camera Do You Need to Vlog?

When you surpass the stage of filming with your phone, a “Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II” is one of the best vlogging cameras to use. When you finish filming your vlog, it is best to edit it. Editing your videos can greatly improve its quality and effect. Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best editing software to use. However, don’t over edit as that can be hurtful rather than helpful.

A key difference between “blog VS vlog” is that running a YouTube channel can be greatly time-consuming and hard to manage. Therefore, it all comes down to being able to prioritize what’s most important to you. In addition, it’s crucial to place a routine and to be consistent with your uploads. This will make people want to come back to your channel. To know how to be a YouTube blogger, you have to watch other successful YouTubers, and you have to start making YouTube videos yourself.

How To Blog?

Amy Lyn Andrews suggests that a common mistake in blogging as an individual is overthinking about what to write. Just start writing and edit your way to completion. However, if you’re part of a business, company or organization, your blog should be related to the product(s) or service(s) that you provide, or the causes that you promote.

When it comes to “blog vs vlog”, you are most likely not the first person to talk about the topic that you chose. Therefore, you need to come up with a unique perspective. The goal of any blog is to become the go-to resource for its topic or niche.

There are many blogging platforms to choose from such as WordPress and Blogger. However, WordPress is one of the most popular. With WordPress, you have two options: hosted or self-hosted blogs. Hosted WordPress blogs are free but limit your income potential. Self-hosted WordPress blogs cost a little money but give you much more control, and don’t limit your income potential.

Writing a good blog isn’t hard. You need to be straightforward; make short but clear points, and you need to be linguistically efficient. You also need to write for your reader, not for yourself. You need to offer something that no one else offers, such as information, quality or validity.

Blog about something that excites you. If your blog isn’t something that you would want to read, others will have the same reaction. Moreover,  try to blog about something with plenty of room for discussion. A blog requires a lot of content in order to keep it going.

In order for your online content to be the leading source above all else, you need to implement SEO into your blog. Ask yourself: “in blog VS vlog,” which of the two do you know how to do best?

What is a Content Marketing Agency?

Most vlogs are on-the-go which means taking your audience with you throughout your day. On-the-go vlogs are a great way of quickly producing interesting content. Vogue says that pointing a camera at yourself can feel unnatural or difficult at first.  However, starting is the easiest part.  Phone cameras nowadays are good enough, to begin with. Down the road, you can take things further.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make your first few videos perfect, it’s crucial to experiment, make mistakes and learn from them. People love watching other people enjoy themselves and that’s what makes a video great to watch. Be as much of yourself as possible. The more people connect personally with you, the more your audience will grow. Also, don’t be afraid to engage with your viewers as that builds loyalty between you both.

Most successful vloggers have diverse channels that contain different types of content. Therefore, keep your content general instead of specific.

Blog VS Vlog – Making Money

How to Make Money through Vlogging?

Vlog Nation says that “Your audience is the main reason why you’re making money on YouTube.” In “blog VS vlog”, the most important aspect of vlogging is producing good content that will keep your viewers supporting you. In addition, you can freely advertise your products or services through your videos. However, there are other ways to make money on YouTube. Therefore, “how to make money through vlogging” is an argument with many variables to its name. Once you create a YouTube Channel, you need to gain 4,000 watch hours and then 1,000 subscribers to monetise your channel with adverts, but you can promote products from day one!

Advertising on Blogs and Vlogs

In “blog VS vlog”, both of them have the ability to profit off ads. You can make money by allowing others to advertise on your YouTube channel. You can do this by finding your own advertising clients and landing contracts with them. However, that can be difficult and time-consuming.

Meanwhile, you can make money vlogging with Google AdSense. You can easily and quickly monetize your YouTube channel by allowing Google to display ads on your YouTube videos.

This service is free to use, and it allows you to collect a percentage of Google’s commission every time someone sees the advertisement. To start, create an AdSense account, then go to YouTube’s Monetization page and click on the “Enable My Account” link.

With your AdSense account linked to YouTube, Google will start placing ads on your videos or next to them (depending on your settings). After that, you’ll start making revenue per engagement on each ad. The more people engage, the more money you’ll make.

Keep in mind, don’t tell or encourage your viewers to click on your ads. If Google sees that you’re going against their terms and conditions, they will ban you from monetizing your YouTube channel with AdSense. Therefore, just work on growing your audience and letting people click on whichever ads they want.

Brand Deals on Blogs and Vlogs

As you grow a community around your YouTube channel, your viewers are going to get more and more interested in your brand. They’ll recognize your logo when they see it on videos, websites, and social media. As a result, you can start creating branded merchandise, wearing or using it in your vlogs, and selling it through an online store. When it comes to the blog VS vlog comparison, both blogs and vlogs have the ability to make money out of brands as a side business. There are multiple print-on-demand sites that will take care of all of the production, inventory, and distribution for you.

You just need to design, upload and choose the merchandise and clothing you want to sell. The costs for materials and services are automatically deducted from each sale. Starting a blog is a great way to strengthen your YouTube channel with even more content. It can be another way of earning money on YouTube. AdSense can match targeted ads for your audience with your blog as well.

Sponsorships on Blogs and Vlogs

Find sponsorship. Brands that you like are great examples of potential sponsors for your YouTube channel.  You could start getting free products and payments in very little time. Most YouTubers get their YouTube sponsorship the same way you would; by contacting potential sponsors and asking them

If you have a brand in mind, you can contact them directly, or you can use an online sponsorship platform that features brands that are interested in sponsoring YouTubers. However, you’ll need to write a proposal that tells your potential sponsor who you are, what you do, and why they may want to sponsor your YouTube content.

Make each proposal unique to the brand you’re writing to. Don’t make the proposal about you, make it about your sponsors. In other words, don’t tell them why you want a YouTube sponsorship. They want to know how it will help them in terms of exposure, reputation, etc.

If you get a sponsorship for your YouTube channel, be sure to tell your viewers about it in your videos and as a result, they will appreciate it.

How to Make Money Blogging?

eMarketing Institute suggests that “when you use monetization tactics, be sure to only use those that enable you to stay in your niche (specialized field) and to keep targeting your blog audience. Relevant products or services that you are promoting have more chance of attracting your visitors and thus earning your profit.”

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular monetization tactic for bloggers who don’t have products to sell. Instead, they link to and recommend the products on third-party websites in exchange for a percentage of the sale. The commission is paid out based on the clicks on the links.

Sponsored Posts

Through sponsored posts, you can create a post that promotes a particular business, product, or service. As a blogger, you will receive an agreed commission for this post. The blogger is paid for the actual post with a link to the source of the product and the content about the product (or service) that is promoted.


The AdSense program allows you to choose where ads appear on your blog and that will decide how much views/clicks it gets. In addition, you can format the style of the ad to match your blog. Moreover, you can choose categories of the ads you want, and you can even block the ads you don’t want. You earn money when the ads are seen or clicked, depending on the type of campaign.

To get started with AdSense, you will need a Google account, a blog with original content that follows the policies of the program, and a phone number and a mailing address to receive payment.


You can earn money by offering a banner space for sale. In this case, you get contacted by companies interested in having their banner placed on your blog in exchange for payment. This type of advertising is similar to AdSense visually.

The main difference is that AdSense offers dynamic ads which constantly change which offers a cumulative income. On the other hand, the banner will be displayed all throughout the contract period in exchange for a fixed income. Another alternative is to have a banner which includes an affiliate link attached to the image.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is notable for having the highest conversion rate (amount of views/clicks on ads). For an email campaign to be successful, you need to have a relevant mailing list, a segment for the mailing list, and a good reputation as a sender. Moreover, the ability to write convincing and trustworthy emails and the ability to promote products increase your chances of success. To earn using email marketing, you will need some original content of high quality that attracts readers. That’s what will make your readers sign up for your newsletter.

Once you have the email addresses of your readers, you can interact with them personally. To start making a profit, you can either promote a product or use affiliate links. 

Creating a Product

Keep in mind, you will need thousands of visitors to have income using AdSense. Therefore, this can become an obstacle for blogs that are starting out. To counter that obstacle, you can make a business out of your blog. You can create a product or software of your own. The product you decide to create should be relevant to your target group.

The main obstacle could be the need for investment for creating the product. The ability to fully control the production process and sales strategy without profit sharing is a motivation for many blog owners to consider that route.

Offering Services

You can otherwise think about a type of service that you can provide such as legal or medical advice, or something related to consulting. Unlike creating a product, offering a paid service does not require an investment, but rather a plan such as an availability schedule.

Selling Merchandise

You can create merchandise. This is a common business for people who have a huge following. You only have to design the product and thereafter, you are not responsible for the actual production. Instead, a company will manage your business. Therefore, you will have to share the profit of the business with the manufacturer.

Write a Book

Furthermore, writing an ebook or an actual book can be an option to earn money from your blog. However, publishing an ebook is much easier because you don’t need to seek official publishers. Anyhow, both options are great ways for bloggers to turn their skill and love for writing into a product that they can sell through the blog.

Create an Online Store

In a blog VS vlog context, both can be used to open online stores as a side business. Your blog can gradually evolve into an online store, where you can sell your own products, merchandise, or products from other manufacturers. However, running and managing an online store involves a lot of work. It requires knowledge about e-commerce and constant online promotion. As a result, these tasks could potentially distract you from your primary focus as a blogger.

Create a Course

If you are knowledgeable about a certain field, you can create and monetize an online course that your audience can benefit from. A lot of time is likely to be invested in creating the course and some topics might require course updates.

In addition, you will need to promote the course using online marketing strategies such as social media promotion. Therefore, making money from online courses can take a lot of time and effort.

Create and Monetize a Community

Building a community is a very important step in defining your online influence. Building a community starts with your blog. However, you can use other platforms such as a comment plugin, Facebook groups, emails, live chat sessions, etc. You can monetize the community by building a premium club. Meaning, the users will have to pay a subscription fee to join, after which they get access to specific perks. Those perks are such as consultation and downloadable content.

Vlog Types

There are countless different types of vlogs out there. This is because there are billions of people around the world, all with different hobbies, interests and desires. With the reducing cost of vlogging equipment, and the increased popularity of the format, vloggers have begun to pop up in just about every conceivable niche.

Beyond different vlogging topics, there are also a wide variety of vlog formats. For example, many vlogs are only a few minutes long, while some may even be several hours. Some vlogs may simply feature a single speaker on the screen, while others make extensive use of editing, B-roll and voiceovers.

Additionally, there are several different common genres of vlogs which are used across different industries and niches. These include:

  • Commentary,
  • Unboxing videos,
  • Lifestyle vlogging,
  • Tutorials,
  • Reviews,
  • And countless other types of vlogs.

Music Vlogs

Music channels have a very large amount of following in general. Music is a big part of YouTube as it is a platform for all artists around the world to promote and share their work. Whether you are a known artist or not, you have the ability to share your voice with the world. Some of the biggest music vlogs channels include the likes of BBC, Spotify and Vevo, who bring in music artists to perform in their own studios live. Other are personal vloggers include music into vlogs if they’re an artist.

Technology/Product Review

Before people buy into a certain product or technology, they want to know more about it and how it works. Basically, you are providing that service. Whether you are analyzing the product, comparing it with others and giving your opinion on it, or you are showing the product’s pricing, etc. If you can create a very informative and honest review of the product, this type of video would have a high potential of being successful.

Other channels such as ‘What’s Inside’ complete tests on different technology especially mobile devices to find out how strong the device is. This seems to be a very popular style of video with many videos gaining millions of views. One massive channel who complete tests like this is ‘GizmoSlip’ who have a video with over 36 million views.


One of the biggest genres on YouTube is gaming. Gaming channels have proven to be one of the most, if not, the most entertaining and attractive form of content on YouTube. It focuses on the idea of a person playing a game while recording it and then letting others watch the gameplay through his or her experience.

The reason for the popularity of this genre is due to the fact that people like to watch others enjoy themselves. However, the gaming scene can be very competitive as it’s likely to be the most widespread across YouTube.


Everyone wants to have a laugh from time to time. Prank or comedy videos are very popular for that reason. They can make someone’s day. Some comedy channels feature stand-up comedy such as “Laugh Factory”. A lot of famous comedy clubs and comedians now have a YouTube channel to upload comedy skits and more. One of the biggest comedian vloggers is SaraBeautyCorner, who has amassed almost 10 million subscribers on the platform since starting on YouTube over 6 years ago.

Health and Fitness

Most people rely on fitness videos when they are trying to start exercising or when they want quick tips for their workout.  The more helpful, reliable, and informative you are as a YouTuber, the more views and subscribers you get.


Fashion videos are widely watched as most people seek reliable advice from stylists to help them with their choice of clothes or makeup.


This specific market is very successful for a lot of YouTubers. Millions and millions of people online search for answers to their questions on a daily basis. If you can provide the answers, you can be their go-to source for anything they want to know, from academic-related questions to simple how-to videos.

In addition, educational videos are often watched more than once depending on the reliability of the video which can be very profitable for a channel. As a result, the channel gets more views which translates to more money.


Lifestyle vlogs showcase your everyday life or life adventures in general to the audience. Those kinds of videos are considered to be one of the most famous around YouTube. Often, people don’t have the privilege or freedom to live a certain lifestyle, therefore, they turn to daily vloggers in order to have that personal experience. Casey Neistat is one of the most followed lifestyle vloggers as well as Jennamarbles, who has over 30 million subscribers over 6 different social media platforms.


This genre involves anything sport-related, whether they are broadcasting channels, or sport entertainment companies such as “UFC” or “WWE”.


Furthermore, there are other categories on YouTube such as drama channels, cooking videos, talk shows, etc. Videos on these channels can easily go viral all over the world which can lead to a channel amassing millions of subscribers on YouTube.

Graph showing proportion of American who watch vlogs

Around half of Americans watch at least some vlogging content every day. Image credit: YouGov

Types of Blogs

Personal Blog

Personal blogs are likely to be the most famous type of blogs, they were the reason for the evolving of blogs in the first place. The idea of a personal blog is to share your experience and thoughts about a certain topic. On a personal blog, an individual may or may not be an expert on the topic, but he/she rather has experiences and opinions to share.

Business Blog

An individual blogger can run a business blog as a promoter for a company. Also, a company can run a business blog and then include a number of writers who can write their content. A business blog usually focuses on a certain topic related to the company’s business strategy. For example, if a company is selling software to other companies, they will create a blog about running a business or increasing sales.

Niche Blog

Niche blogs focus on one and only one topic. This strategy gives a chance to specialize in a certain topic that can attract a lot of visitors. When creating a niche blog, choose a topic that you are passionate and know a lot about.

Affiliate Blogs

The goal of an affiliate blog is to recommend products or services through affiliate links. The goal is to encourage visitors to click on these links and eventually buy the products. This allows the blogger to earn a commission without having to own products or services to sell. This type of blog typically features product reviews or other related content such as how-to guides.

To maximize the efficiency of an affiliate blog, it is recommended to create a niche affiliate blog. This means that you need to choose a topic to write about and then create an affiliate marketing strategy to combine with that topic. It is crucial however to choose affiliate programmes that include products related to the blog niche. 

Can You Blog and Vlog Together?

Once you understand how to define vlog and blog, it’s time to think about how to put them into practice. One thing that many people fail to realise is that blogging and vlogging complement each other as part of your overall content marketing strategy.

In fact, this is rarely an either-or situation.

The important thing here is that if you already create blogging content, it is much cheaper and easier to start vlogging. The reverse also applies. To understand this, consider what is the purpose of a vlog?

It’s to package information into a consumable format, and use this to promote your brand online. The hardest part here if figuring out what information your audience needs, and then going off and researching it. What’s a vlog if it’s not informative?

Blogging presents the exact same challenge.

In fact, once you’ve done the legwork of creating a vlog, repurposing the same topics as blog articles should be a breeze.

Similarly, your vlog and blog can be used together as a powerful tool for audience cross-pollination. This sounds complicated, but basically it’s when you use your different marketing channels to promote one another.

This offers a number of concrete benefits. Your blog can be used to direct traffic to your YouTube channel or blog. Alternatively, embedding video on your website can offer a powerful boost for SEO on your blog.

Is Blogging Better than Vlogging?

Thousands of bloggers and video bloggers start blogs and video channels to promote their products and services to their audience. Which one is better for you? Should I opt between blogs or vlogs? This issue is a debate among many content producers for more than 20 years. While you may be able to get a good amount of income from both content types , it can be hard to decide where to start. 

Each method is worth considering their respective advantages and disadvantages, we would always suggest you should select the content type you personally are more comfortable with. In regards investment or expense – both can be completed free if you are selective in how you start. For example using your mobile phone to create content on a YouTube channel or using a blogging platform such as medium or even some social media sites could be used as a great place to start blogging on – for example LinkedIn. After this vlogging maybe more expensive due to camera and mic purchases. 

 Another option to explore is podcasts. Podcasting is a very useful tool for gaining audience. Podcasts have generally audio and video components. Podcasts are a perfect solution for people who like the convenience of listening at home and listening to information on a regular basis, but that is another article! 

FAQ-Blog VS Vlog

What’s the difference between Blog vs Vlog

  • Time

Vlogging is a lot more time consuming than blogging. Although writing and proofreading a blog may take up a good bit of time, it doesn’t take as long as recording and editing a video for a vlog.

  • Format/ medium

A blog is a written text posted for people to read, whereas vlogs are videos that people can watch.

  • Equipment required

To make a blog a blogger only needs a computer and a platform to write their blog on, however if a vlogger wants to make a vlog they will need a camera, computer, microphone and other vlogging accessories.

  • Cost

Vlogging is more expensive than blogging as a vlogger will need to purchase equipment in order to vlog. Vlogging equipment and editing software can be expensive compared to the cost off setting up a blog.

  • Income options

In terms of Blog vs Vlog, they actually earn money in a similar way however certain types of ads work better depending on whether it is for a blog or a vlog. A blogger can get income through affiliated links easier than a vlog as people are reading the blog and can click on the link, whereas with a vlog a viewer might be less inclined to click on a link in the caption of the video. For this reason, Vlogs would mostly earn money through ads and sponsorship.

  • Demand/Competition/Engagement

Vlogs get a lot more traffic than blogs as a lot of people prefer a visual medium. Viewers can watch a vlog easily and without effort. Someone can watch a vlog while they are doing daily task as it doesn’t take them a lot of concentration. However, a blog has to be read and the reader must give their attention to it. For this reason the size of a vlogs audience is bigger than a blogs.

How to Make a Blog – 7 Step Guide

1. Find your Target Audience

If your blog is on fashion then you will be appealing to people who have an interest in the fashion industry, similarly if your blog focuses on school and study tips you will be targeting students and teachers. If you know who your target market is you won’t waste your time on writing a variety of articles for groups of people. Instead you can be specific in what you write.

2. Determine What Your Niche Will Be

Topics can be very broad so it is important that you focus your blog on a specific area of a certain topic. To carry on from the fashion blog example, you can narrow down people who have an interest in fashion even further to attract people who have a love for 70’s fashion. Or your blog might be specific for remote workers and you might write articles on must need appliances to work from home and how to stay focused.

3. Discover your Unique Selling Point

The uniqueness of your blog is what will make your blog stand out from others. What can your blog offer readers that the competition cannot. Your blog may be on DIY and its unique selling point might be its expertise on how to make home decor.

You want your blog to become the go-to-blog when people want to make something for their homes. To add to its uniqueness you might add “how to make ..” or “Step-by-step guide” videos and pictures to your blog piece.

4.Name and Register your Blog

Use a name that reflects what your blog is about. If it is a personal blog about your life you could use your own name, if it is a Food Blog you should associate it with food/cooking for example “Natural Born Feeder” or if it is a Travel Blog your name should indicate this for example “Frans Travels“. You will also need to register your domain using a website, for example, Bluehost and find a platform like WordPress to write on.

5. Customize your Blog

It is important that your blog is noticeable. An attractive logo allows people to recognise your blog and gives your blog an identity. Having a bit about yourself on your blog allows readers to get to know you. Your blog should be easily distinguished from other blogs.

6. Write and Publish First Blog

All that’s left for you to do know is to begin writing. Make sure you write original and compelling content. Your writing should be authentic and easy to read. Use images to enhance you blog and to break up your paragraphs.

7. Promote your new Blog through Social Media

Use social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter to promote your blog post. This will allow your blog to reach bigger audiences as readers will be able to easily share it to others.

Why do Blogs and Vlogs Fail?

Blogs and Vlogs generate attention when done properly, however, when they are done poorly they will not provide desired results. Here are some reasons as to why a Blog or Vlog might fail;

Boring Content

Content should be exciting and captivating for your readers and viewers. If it lacks creativity people will stop watching and reading your content. It should engage them to want to see and read your other blogs and vlogs.

Badly Designed

If a blog is slow to load or a vlog glitches while being used then people will leave. Users remember bad experiences and are unlikely to read other blog posts or watch other vlogs if the website is deigned poorly or not mobile-friendly.


Posting regularly and around the same time builds loyalty. If users know that your new vlogs come out on set days and times then they will be less likely to miss them. However, if you only post once or twice a month you will be forgotten about as people want fresh and new content to read and watch weekly.

Not Optimising SEO

If vloggers and bloggers don’t invest their time into optimising SEO and keyword research then their are destined to fail. They will not get the traffic they want or need to their posts blogs and vlogs if they decide to ignore SEO.

AD and Sponsorship Overload

There is nothing more annoying for a user then when ads pop up throughout videos or blogs and disrupt their reading or watching. Although aware that blogs and vlogs need ads and sponsorship in order to create revenue for themselves, over-doing can drive users away.

Having a lot of posts sponsored also makes a user question the bloggers or vloggers judgement. They find it hard to distinguish whether or not the blogger or vlogger actually believe in the product or service or if it is just purely sponsorship.

What are the Benefits of Blog Vs Vlog

Blogs and vlogs allow a person to share their personalities, views and passions. Using a blog or vlog for a business can be a great representation of your brand and can increase traffic to your website. As a form of communication it can reach a wide audience, especially when shared on social media. You can interact with your audience through comment sections, giving great feedback as to what your target audience enjoys.

What are the Disadvantages of Blog Vs Vlog

Blogs and Vlogs become difficult to maintain if you are not disciplined and committed to putting effort into them. Editing posts can take up a lot of time and be difficult to do especially for vlogs, therefore, it can be disheartening if they don’t perform as well as you had hoped. When this happens it can feel like a lot of effort for little return. If you are using blogs or vlogs as your source of income it can be unreliable as you never know how people will react to your content.

Finally, Here’s What You Have Learned on Blog VS Vlog

1. “Blog VS vlog” in terms of definition:

An introduction to the meaning of blogging and vlogging, and the impact of both on the modern world.

2. “Blog VS vlog” in terms of popularity: 

A view of the prevalence of blogging and vlogging, and of the reasons for their success.

3. “Blog VS vlog” in terms of method of using:

A detailed explanation of how to vlog and blog, and of the tools to use to do so.

4. “Blog VS vlog” in terms of making money:

An introduction to the meaning of blogging and vlogging, and the impact of both on the modern world.

5. “Blog vs vlog” in terms of types: 

A general description of the different types of vlogs and blogs, and the function of each.

6. “Blog vs vlog” in terms of differences:

A list of the main differences between blogs versus vlogs.

7.”Blog vs vlog” in terms of set up:

A seven step guide on how to make a blog from scratch.

8.”Blog vs vlog” in terms of failures:

An explanation of how blogs and vlogs may fail if not maintained correctly.

9.”Blog vs vlog” in terms of pros and cons:

A description of the advantages and disadvantages of blog vs vlog.

We are looking forward to seeing you on your journey – why not share what you are doing on our social media channels or in the comments below.  

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