Blog Optimization: 6 Proven Ways We Increase Conversion Rates Via Our Blog Posts – GetUplift

 at GetUplifttI’m currently working on other topic clusters so that there can be even more improvement. There are a few things I want to highlight here:

  1. Most of the traffic comes from the pillar page in my topic cluster

  2. The traffic is small but it has helped me sell some copies of my nonfiction book outline template

  3. I’ve gotten at least two business inquiries from the pillar page

The pillar page helps me get these results because it answers the questions people have about  the parts of a nonfiction book and how to write a nonfiction book that sells. The CTA is also clear. 

My story is small in comparison to what many large brands have achieved through the use of topic clusters. But the more website traffic you have, the better your results will be.

Strategy #3 : Blog Post Promotion

It Doesn’t Stop There; You Have To Promote

We’ve been working on refreshing some of our own articles at GetUplift. After editing each article to make it more SEO friendly, I repurposed it to create a series of posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages. 

A year-on-year comparison of the traffic created by this content repurposing and distribution revealed that there was as much as a 408% increase in unique page views and 38.85% increase in dwell time. That’s a notable increase that created new buzz about GetUplift’s existing content and got more traffic to the website. 

Remember that client I mentioned in the intro who got a sales call because of the blog content strategy I helped them execute? They got that lead mainly because I had been repurposing a series of content I helped them create for their topic cluster. One of those posts resonated with her and she reached out for a call. 

Your blog content strategy is incomplete if you don’t include content promotion. It’s what gets your blog posts in front of your audience. You can’t depend solely on SEO to give your blog posts the exposure they need, especially since the content marketing space is getting more crowded each day.

Tips For Creating A Blog Post Promotion Strategy

First, you need to identify your distribution channels. Side note…these aren’t necessarily the social media platforms you love to use. The best distribution channels are those your audience frequently uses. You may be a Twitter fanatic, but your promotion efforts would be wasted on Twitter if your target audience isn’t there. 

Another point to note when identifying distribution channels is that you shouldn’t limit your options to those social media platforms we all know and love. There are over 200 social media sites globally. So, there’s bound to be one outside of the big six (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Youtube) that are niche-specific and can help you better target your audience.

Now, I’m not saying that you should spread yourself thin by trying to be on every possible social media platform. Choose two where you know your audience is constantly present and focus on building communities there. 

When you’ve identified your distribution channels, the next step is to figure out how you’re going to repurpose your content. Each social media platform offers a wide range of post formats. Spend some time trying to understand the post formats using your own profile before diving in headfirst into repurposing your articles. 

A lot of people eat chicken globally but there are so many ways to prepare it. Fried chicken. Barbeque chicken. Baked chicken. Honey-glazed chicken. Chicken nuggets. There are so many possibilities. 

Content repurposing is like chicken. The meat is the same but the preparation styles are vastly different and present different flavors. One blog post can become:

  • A Youtube video that you can repurpose into video snippets for social media

  • Infographics

  • Image posts

  • Shorter articles for Medium and other blog-style websites

  • Text-only posts for LinkedIn

There are so many possibilities. It’s important to remember though that you should include a link to your blog article because that’s what you’re promoting.

For some social media platforms such as LinkedIn, it’s best to put the external link to your blog post in the comments. But using anchor text can work for a Medium post. Know the platform you’re using and how you should include any external links.

Never forget this one thing though – your blog post won’t get the exposure it needs without a clear repurposing and distribution strategy that includes these steps:

  1. Choose two or three distribution channels your audience frequently uses.

  2. Take some time to use the platforms yourself so that you have first-hand knowledge of how they work and the available post formats.

  3. Create at least three ways to repurpose your blog post for each distribution channel. 

  4. Publish your repurposed content.

  5. Respond to comments on your posts and thank people who share your post. Some of these comments can give you other blog post ideas. 

  6. Track the response to each post so that you can determine the types of posts your audience prefers. 

Strategy #4 : Case Studies

How To Use A Case Study As Part Of Your Blog Content Strategy

A case study should always be part of your topic cluster because it helps attract prospects who have transactional search intent. It’s like the icing on top of a decadent cake that helps seal the deal. Here’s why. 

First, it builds your credibility by using social proof. A case study shows that someone trusted you enough to buy your product or hire your services, and the purchase actually produced positive results. The beauty of a case study is that you’re able to outline the process step-by-step from identifying the problem to providing the solution and seeing the results. 

Second, a well-written case study shows a real life application of your solution. Your prospects are able to clearly see how your solution works and determine whether it’s the right fit for their needs. 

This is a content strategy that works well for GetUplift, and worked for Talia in the past at her previous agency. Writing detailed client case studies (about the client, their challenges, the approach to solving them and the results) led to direct client conversions. 

Here’s an example of one of those articles.