
A simple, extensible blogging platform for October CMS.

Editing posts

The plugin uses the markdown markup for the posts. You can use any Markdown syntax and some special tags for embedding images and videos (requires RainLab Blog Video plugin). To embed an image use the image placeholder:


The number in the first part is the placeholder index. If you use multiple images in a post you should use an unique index for each image:



You can also add classes or ids to images by using the markdown extra syntax:

![1](image){#id .class}

Excerpt Vs. Read more

Posts are managed by selecting Blog > Posts from the menu. Each post can contain an excerpt by entering some text in this field on the Manage tab. This content is displayed on the page using the summary attribute of the blog post.

{{ post.summary }}

Alternatively this field can be left blank and the excerpt can be captured from the main content (Edit tab). Use the special tag <!– more –> to specify a summary from the main content, all content above this tag will be treated as the summary. For example:

This is a great introduction to a great blog post. This text is included as part of the excerpt / summary.

<!-- more -->

Let's dive in to more detail about why this post is so great. This text will not be included in the summary.

Finally, if no excerpt is specified and the “more” tag is not used, the blog post will capture the first 600 characters of the content and use this for the summary.

Note: The HTML contents will be stripped from the summary attribute.

Markdown guide

October supports standard markdown syntax as well as extended markdown syntax

Classes and IDs

Classes and IDs can be added to images and other elements as shown below:

[link](url){#id .class}
![1](image){#id .class}
# October  {#id .class}

Fenced code blogs

Markdown extra makes it possible to use fenced code blocks. With fenced code blocks you do not need indentation on the areas you want to mark as code:

Code goes here

You can also use the ~ symbol:

Code goes here


A simple table can be defined as follows:

First Header  | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell  | Content Cell 
Content Cell  | Content Cell 

If you want to you can also add a leading and tailing pipe:

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |

To add alignment to the cells you simply need to add a : either at the start or end of a separator:

| First Header  | Second Header |
| :------------ | ------------: |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |

To center align cell just add : on both sides:

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | :-----------: |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |

Definition lists

Below is an example of a simple definition list:

:   A popular PHP framework

:   Awesome CMS built on Laravel

A term can also have multiple definitions:

:   A popular PHP framework

:   Awesome CMS built on Laravel
:   Supports markdown extra

You can also associate more than 1 term to a definition:

:   Built using PHP


With markdown extra it is possible to create reference style footnotes:

This is some text with a footnote.[^1]

[^1]: And this is the footnote.


With markdown extra you can add abbreviations to your markup. The use this functionality first create a definition list:

*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
*[PHP]:  Hypertext Preprocessor

Now markdown extra will convert all occurrences of HTML and PHP as follows:

<abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</abbr>
<abbr title="Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</abbr>