Blog – Duncan Edward – Progressive European Hair Style in Madison, Wisconsin

International Women’s Day. To us, this day is about empowerment. It is for spreading love to women all around the world, including right here in our salon, Duncan Edward. In our business, we see a lot of different types of women, all beautiful and strong. Our job is to make these women feel better than they felt when they walked into our doors, to strive to make them feel powerful and confident. We aspire to make all our clients feel their best and feel that they can tackle anything when they love themselves inside and out.

As a salon, we focus on hair, and on the freedom, our clients have to express who they are through their cut, color, and style. We help women rock edgy pixie cuts, bangs, bright colors, neutrals with a twist, and even all-natural. There is no right or wrong when it comes to how a woman wants to express themselves with their hair. International Women’s Day 2020 for us means giving women the ability to show who they are and build up their confidence through whatever look they choose. We love seeing the look on a client’s face when they leave our chairs truly feeling like themselves.

It is 2020, women should not feel they need to maintain the same look just because it has always been that way. Just because people know them as a blonde or a brunette does not mean they cannot change their color and style for themselves. Break that barrier. Color your hair. Cut your hair. Embrace your hair. Whatever it is women want to do with their hair, we are here, tools at the ready at Duncan Edward European Design.