Best silent guitar – Full review – we are for musicians

The silent guitar is a guitar with a whole or hollow body, which transmits the strings’ vibration electrically with the help of a piezoelectric pickup. The goal in creating these guitars is that the musician can practice and play without disturbing the environment with the help of a type of headphones. This type of guitar has become increasingly popular over time, even in classrooms, rehearsal rooms, and more. In this article, we will give you an easy way to all the knowledge that is required before buying the guitar.

How does the silent guitar work?

We will explain it very simply in a few steps.
A normal guitar produces its sound through 2 factors
1. The strings  
2. Resonance box
The strings without a resonance box will produce a minimal, almost inaudible sound. On the other hand, an electric guitar produces the sound using a pickup that senses the strings and translates them into an electrical signal. The silent guitar produces a sound using the same technology as the electric guitar but with additional technologies that produce a more natural sound. Like improving the sensitivity of the strings, and an adjusted pickup.

What is the point of a silent guitar?


There are several advantages and reasons that you will want to buy yourself one of these.

  • The first and most common reason is noise. Like any other musical instrument, a guitar makes noise in the environment and causes nerves. Whether we want to play in the afternoon or early in the morning, a silent guitar will allow us to do so with the help of connecting a pair of headphones. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, this is a smart choice.
  • The second and more creative reason is our multiple sound options in such a guitar. You can add effects, change the sound and play different styles.
  • The third reason is that silent guitars are sometimes made in a small, hollow body, which gives us unlimited portability. Sometimes they even fold up.

Is silent guitar good for beginners?


Silent guitars are one of the smartest choices for beginners and students who want to spend time practicing every hour.
Think about it, even if you are not at home at any time of the day, you have free time. Due to the ease of carrying these guitars, you have a huge advantage of training, and even if you are at home and no one has the nerve to hear your guitar sounds, just put on a pair of headphones and enjoy Own(:.

How quiet is Silent Guitar?


Good question! After all, that’s what we gathered for. So silent guitars are usually 90% quieter than regular guitars, why not 100%? Because the nylon or iron strings still make some small rustling, but it doesn’t bother anyone because there is simply no sound box for the guitar, so the sound stops at that moment. In addition, guitars that have a hollow or folding body are usually quieter because the player cannot accidentally knock on wood or make various background noises.