Best mid-range designer handbags – Best affordable designer bags

There is nothing quite like a handbag investment to revamp your entire wardrobe – and with a new season on the horizon, this month is the perfect time to find yourself some new arm candy.

Although we’re all about investing in high-quality classics that last a lifetime, a great designer handbag does not necessarily have to cost the earth. More and more mid-range designer labels are popping up, offering great options at a more affordable end of the scale, meaning it has never been easier to find yourself a great designer bag at a really reasonable price.

Here, we round up 15 of our favourite contemporary handbags which sit under the £500 price tag. From Jacquemus’ iconic mini bag and By Far’s fun silhouettes to more muted pieces from some of our favourite mid-range fashion labels, all of these beautiful designs will help you to accessorise well for less.

If you are in the market for spending a little more though, check out our definitive guide to the best luxury designer handbags that will stand the test of time, here.