Best WordPress Hosting Reddit [2023 Update]

There are a few WordPress hosting companies which provide an exceptional service. The question is, how do you find them?

Well, the perfect place to find the best WordPress hosting provider in 2023, is Reddit.

And the best thing?

After reviewing dozens of hosting recommendation posts on Reddit, I’ve realized that there is one particular WordPress hoster that is being praised everywhere.

Reddit’s Favourite

The list provided is a small preview of what I’ve found, with the last update in early 2023.

WordPress Web Hosting
Best for?
Price from

1. DreamHost WordPress
Best for WordPress Hosting

2. WPEngine
Best for Premium WordPress Hosting

3. StableHost WordPress
Best for Budget WordPress Hosting

You can essentially open up any recent hosting post and you’ll find a redditor who’s recommending DreamHost.

reddits best web hosting 2023 is dreamhost

reddits best web hosting 2023 is dreamhost

reddits best web hosting 2023 is dreamhost

reddits best web hosting 2023 is dreamhost

No matter where you look, DreamHost is definitely Reddit’s go-to address in terms of WordPress hosting.

What Service Does DreamHost Offer?

current DreamHost services

As you can see DreamHost offers the whole package. No matter if you’re looking for a managed WordPress site, VPS, or Cloud hosting.

DreamHost Prices

If you simply want your WordPress website up and running and you don’t have more than 1000 visitors per month, you can choose the starter package for $4.59/month. Otherwise you can pick the “WordPress Unlimited” package for $8.95/month.

These are the prices for the monthly payment package, if you choose the yearly plan, it’s only $2.95/month.

Best Premium Hosting Reddit

You might be someone who needs more assistance with your WordPress website. If so, there is a WordPress hosting provider whom you might want to check out:

best wordpress hosting according to reddit

best wordpress hosting according to reddit

WPEngine offers exactly that. More support and a premium hosting package from the beginning.

It’s not only a good choice for WordPress, it’s also the perfect hosting provider if you do SEO. As we all know, page speed is a huge SEO factor and WPEngine is extremely fast.

wpengine reddit review

wpengine reddit review

WPEngine, in comparison to other WordPress hosting providers such as DreamHost, is considered to be expensive with its starting plan priced at $24 per month. Nevertheless, investing in a more costly hosting package will allow you to focus more on your website.

wp engine plans for hosting wordpress seo

The “Managed WordPress” package is perfect if you don’t have more than 25.000 visitors per month. And it’s easy to upgrade later on in case you need more.

So, if you want that extra help, make sure to check out WPEngine.

Best Budget WordPress Hosting 2023

If you’re looking for budget hosting, the next hosting company might be your thing! It’s the most affordable one.

Here’s one highly upvoted Reddit answer that resonates with me a lot.

best budget hosting reddit is StableHost

I’ve used StableHost for a lot of projects, and from what I can tell the support is fantastic. The page speed was on top as well.

They have a current offer at $ 1.75 for shared web hosting, and you won’t find anything cheaper than that. It’s also the perfect solution for beginners.

Because let’s be honest, if you’re just starting out, you don’t want to pay too much for a web hosting provider. So, StableHost is a good way to get started here.

current plans on


best web hosting according to reddit illustration

As of 2023, the best WordPress hosting provider according to Reddit is without a doubt: DreamHost. If you need a full-service WordPress hosting provider it’s WPEngine, and for budget hosting, make sure to check out StableHost.

WordPress Hosting vs. Web Hosting

best wordpress hosting acc reddit icon

Lots of people are looking for WordPress hosting because they manage to have a WordPress website. But in terms of hosting, where’s the technical difference between a standard hosting service and a WordPress hosting service?

To be up-to-date, I’ve asked Reddit myself.

The difference is that a lot of hosting companies offer specific support for WordPress installations or plugins, such as caching or security.

Other than that, there are no major differences between a “normal” hosting service and WordPress hosting.

The infrastructure is the same. However, in terms of marketing, it’s also a good way to reach all the clients who are specifically looking for WordPress hosting.

Best Hosting for a Small Business

Another big group who’s looking for decent hosting packages are small businesses. Every small business needs a website, which means every small business also needs a reliable hosting provider. The question is, is hosting for small businesses different than for a standard business?

Again, the answer is no.

The only difference is that as a small business, you’d choose the smallest WordPress hosting package from your hosting provider. You can always upgrade later on.

But I got curious and wanted to know what is Reddit’s take on this.

I’ve checked the “small business” subreddit and the answers didn’t surprised me. Look for yourself:

reddit post about the best hosting for small businesses

So, according to Reddit, if you’re starting out with a small business, choose DreamHost as your hosting provider. You can choose the starter plan and upgrade later along the way.

Using Reddit to Find Free Web Hosting

What about free web hosting in 2023? Is that possible?

Well, according to Reddit, it’s possible but Reddit doesn’t recommend it for non-developers. There is a learning curve.

So, if you want to concentrate on your website, go with our forementioned WorPress hosting providers. In case you would like to learn more, here’s some more information about that topic.

First of all, it’s only valid for static sites.

What is a Static Site?

A static site is a page where there is no user-generated content. Think of it as a flyer on the internet.

What do you Need for Free Web Hosting?

You can get free web hosting either by using GitHub pages or by using Netlify.

Basically, it works like this:

  • 1: Create your page with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can easily use a free HTML theme for that.
  • 2: Create a GitHub account and upload your page to your repository.
  • 3: Go to Netlify and connect your repository and your Netlify account.
  • 4: You even get free SSL and a custom domain name through Netlify. The custom domain name comes with a Netlify branding, but you can easily buy your own domain and connect that.
  • 5: Alternatively, create your page with Jekyll and upload it to your GitHub repository. Then, name the repository the same as your username, and GitHub will automatically create your website.
  • 6: As with Netlify, you can connect your custom domain to your GitHub pages site.

As I’ve said, there is a small learning curve, especially when you’re new to all this. But if you want to learn it, don’t let this intimidate you. Start by creating your GitHub account for free and upload your page. After that it’s just a lot of trial and error.

If you have any further questions, feel free to send me a message. I’m happy to help.

Best Web Hosting for WooCommerce


WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin which makes it pretty easy to sell your own products online. It’s widely used and you can build up a great business with it. A lot of people put a lot of energy into their WooCommerce stores, that’s why I haven’t forgot to include it in my Reddit list.

The thing with WooCommerce is that since it’s build on WordPress, you can easily get the hosting provider we’ve already found for WP: DreamHost. Other than that, there is no special WooCommerce hosting provider.

Hosting Provider Reviews on Reddit

If you want to look up a specific hosting provider, here are some more reviews I’ve found on Reddit. But first let my tell you why Reddit absolutely doesn’t recommend any hosting provider from the EIG brand.

You’ll also find out if your hosting provider operates under the EIG brand umbrella.

Reddit’s Opinion on EIG Hosting

EIG stands for Endurance International Group. It’s a service provider that offers a lot of hosting services under one umbrella. Reddit’s opinion about EIG isn’t really good.

Basically, this post sums it all up.

The main thing is that the service is really bad and as a newbie, you won’t realize that you have switched to another hosting provider. So, even though costumers might think they’re switching to a different hosting company, they aren’t.

To be fair, I’ve never used an EIG service provider myself, so I can’t really say anything at all about my personal experience.

That being said, if you’re looking for Reddit’s hosting recommendations for 2023, you should should be aware of that topic. If you want to find out if your hosting company operates under the EIG brand, you can visit their Wikipedia page.

Here’s a quick summary of all the common EIG hosting brands for 2023:

EIG brands hosting 2023

Reddit’s Opinion on SiteGround

Not so long ago, SiteGround was being recommended pretty much on every Reddit post. However, in February 2022 things have changed.

The first complaint is that SiteGround has increased their renewal prices and the other one is that they have removed cPanel and added their own system. It seems that Redditor’s don’t like that.

siteground opinion from July 2023 on reddit

Other than that, the service still seems good. I think if you consider these two points, SiteGround can be a good hosting service.

Siteground does not belong to the EIG group.

Reddit’s Opinion on Hostinger

So, a hosting provider you might already have heard of is Hostinger.

Hostingers specialty is that they are extremely cheap.

However, a quick search on Reddit reveals that people are not really recommending Hostinger.

From what I see, one of the biggest problems is that, according to Reddit, they were generating fake reviews.

But you’ll also find people who haven’t had any problems at all.

So, if you have modest needs, you can go ahead and try them.

Reddit’s Opinion on A2 Hosting

A2 hosting according to Reddit

A2 hosting is being recommended a lot on Reddit. The reason I didn’t put it up on my list, is that other hosting providers, like DreamHost or WPEngine, have been recommended way more than A2 hosting. However, A2 hosting isn’t an EIG brand so, according to Reddit, there weren’t any major issues with A2 hosting I could find.

A2 Hostings offers a wide range of hosting services. For instance shared hosting, VPS or WordPress hosting. Their hosting plans start at $10 for a starter plan and they go up to $22 dollars for a turbo plan. A turbo plan offers better site speed. As always, the prices depend on your payment period. I’d choose a monthly plan since I like to be flexible when it comes to web hosting.

Reddit’s Opinion on Bluehost

Bluehost is an EIG brand so generally speaking, even I’ve found some postive reviews on Reddit, EIG hosting brands aren’t part of Reddit’s hosting list. If you look up Bluehost you’ll find good and bad reviews. Here are two interesting comments I’ve found lately.

bluehost review on reddit

So, even there are quite a few complaints about BlueHost on the hosting subreddit, some people still like it. Bluehost offers every hosting package you can imagine. From WordPress hosting to VPS hosting. Just be aware, if you choose Bluehost, that they are part of the EIG family.

FAQ Best WordPress Hosting

What’s the Difference Between WordPress Hosting and Web Hosting?

It’s mostly a marketing move. The only real difference is that a WordPress hosting company will help you with specific WordPress setups. For instance backups or installing WordPress.

How much does a Reliable Hosting Package cost?

According to Reddit, a good hosting package should cost you between $12 and $18 per month. Depending on the quality of the support.

Is Shared Hosting bad?

Shared hosting has the downfall that you can have “bad neighbors” who either do some weird stuff or who’ll take all the bandwidth and the ram. But for starters, you shouldn’t have any problems at all.

You can always upgrade. After creating a few shared hosting websites myself, I’ve never experienced any kind of problems. So don’t stress out too much on this.

That’s all for 2023.

Now you’ve seen the best WordPress hosting providers according to Reddit, and you know exactly which one to choose from. If you think I’ve missed something or if you have a different recommendation, let me know and send me a message.

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