Best Food Dehydrators of 2023 (and How to Choose the Right One for You)


I bought my first dehydrator about 7 years ago from a thrift store. It was one of the best things I’ve ever bought.

Thanks to my dehydrator, I’ve been able to do things like:

  • Make my own MREs and backpacking meals
  • Preserve surplus food from my garden
  • Save money by buying produce in season and then dehydrating it for times when it is pricier
  • Build up a stockpile of emergency foods

But, after 7 years, my dehydrator has taken a beating, and some of the trays are cracked.

I’ve been thinking about buying a new dehydrator for years, but I don’t like to buy something new when the old one is still working perfectly!

There is too much waste in the world with people buying the “newer and shinier” versions that they don’t need (Yep, I’m thinking of you, iPhones!).

I digress.

Now, you can find lists of the best dehydrators of the year. But our goal is to find the best dehydrator for you.

Best For Quality

Excalibur Food Dehydrator 9-Tray

This machine oozes quality and will tackle any food you can throw at it. Comes with a hefty price tag to match!

Excalibur Food Dehydrator 9-TrayExcalibur Food Dehydrator 9-Tray

Check on Amazon

Best For Value

Nesco Snackmaster Dehydrator

Has some limitations but offers good quality at an affordable price.

Nesco Snackmaster DehydratorNesco Snackmaster Dehydrator

Check on Amazon

What to Consider When Choosing

Tray vs Shelf

All modern dehydrators can be broken down into either stacking tray dehydrators or shelf dehydrators. Each type has its pros and cons.

Tray Dehydrators

These are the most common dehydrators and are generally very affordable.

They have trays that stack on top of each other. The trays have holes in them so air can flow through them. A center hole serves as a channel to ensure air gets to all of the trays.

The heating device and fan are located at the top or the bottom.


  • You can adjust the number of trays
  • Some models can hold lots of trays to dehydrate lots of food at once
  • Are usually smaller, so good for people pressed for space


  • The trays closest to the heater tend to dehydrate fastest; you’ll have to rotate the trays for even dehydrating
  • You have to unstack the trays to see whether the food is done
  • If the heater is on the bottom, juices from the food can drip down on it

TOP TIP: To compensate for uneven drying with tray dehydrators, you can put foods which take longer to dehydrate on the bottom (such as tomato slices) and foods that don’t take as long (such as kale) on the top.

Shelf Dehydrators

These dehydrators look like mini ovens with lots of racks inside them. At the back there is a heater with a fan to blow warm air over the food.


  • Because the heater is located at the back, the air flow is distributed horizontally across the shelves for even drying
  • Shelves can be pulled out easily to check on the food
  • You can put thicker foods into one, such as whole bananas
  • You can use them to make yogurt
  • There is no air channel in the middle, so it is easier to dehydrate liquids like tomato sauce


  • You can’t adjust the number of shelves
  • They are harder to clean
  • They tend to be pricier
  • They take up more space


making yogurt in a food dehydratormaking yogurt in a food dehydratorYou can make yogurt in a shelf food dehydrator.


The capacity of a dehydrator is usually measured by the number of shelves or trays it has. However, the power of two different 7-tray dehydrators can vary depending on the tray sizes.

If you only plan to do occasional dehydrating (such as for making camping meals), then a smaller model dehydrator will be fine.

If you have a lot of food at once to dehydrate (such as from your garden), then go for a larger model.


Some cheap dehydrators don’t even have temperature controls. Avoid these at all costs!

Without the temperature controls, you’ll be limited to what types of recipes you can make. Also, no temperature controls are a sign of a bad-quality dehydrator.

Most dehydrators will reach 140 ° F. However, even quality dehydrators will fluctuate a bit in temperature.

Thus, if you want to make jerky, getting a dehydrator with a temperature of 155° F or above is best.

Air Flow

It is hard to determine which dehydrators have good airflow design and quality heaters just by looking at them. Even if you read the manufacturer’s description on websites, it still won’t give you much (unbiased) info.

Instead, consider looking at the reviews on sites like Amazon. The number of stars will give you an idea of the quality.


I have a separate pantry where I do my dehydrating, so the noise doesn’t bother me. However, the noise can drive you crazy if it’s near your living space!

Good dehydrators will have their decibel rating listed. Choose a low rating if noise matters to you.

Cool Features to Have

  • Clear Trays: If you get a stackable tray dehydrator, go for clear shelves. You’ll be able to check on the food more easily without lifting all the trays.
  • Timers and Auto Shutoff: Because dehydrating food takes hours, you might forget about it and end up with overly-dehydrated food. These features prevent that from happening.
  • Multiple Temperature Settings: Only advanced dehydrators (like the Excalibur model listed below) have this feature. It allows you to set one temperature and then switch to another one after a specific time.
  • Dishwasher Safe: Dehydrators get sticky, so you want trays or shelves which can be cleaned easily.

Best Food Dehydrator Reviews

Excalibur 9 Tray

Best For: People who are serious about preserving food

Check Prices on Amazon


  • Has a temperature range of 105 to 165° F, meaning it is safe for making jerky
  • 15 square feet across 9 shelves
  • 26-hour timer


  • Other than the price, there is nothing wrong with this dehydrator!

Nesco Snackmaster

Best For: People who occasionally dehydrate food and want a quality yet affordable dehydrator.

Check Prices on Amazon


  • Top mounted fan reduces the mess
  • 600 watts of drying power
  • Adjustable temperature from 95 to 160 degrees
  • High temp means it is safe for making jerky


  • Trays aren’t clear, so it is harder to check on the progress of food
  • Some users report longer drying times than advertised

Gourmia GFD1950 Shelf

Best For: People who want easy dehydrating lots of food without hassle.

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  • It is one of the most affordable shelf dehydrators available
  • Good airflow ensures even drying
  • Digital thermometer and timer
  • 6 shelves
  • Has a drip pan for easier cleaning


  • Highest temperature is 158° F – might not be safe to make jerky
  • Can only use preset temperatures – no fine control
  • Timer maxes out at 19 hours 30 mins – could be annoying if dehydrating large batches

Hanging Pantry System

Best For: People who want to experiment with solar dehydration but don’t want to build their own system (the trays on this are great and would be hard to make yourself)

Check Prices on Amazon


  • Don’t have to rely on grid electricity
  • No noise
  • Keeps insects out
  • Trays are perforated for better airflow


  • Kind of pricey for something you could easily make yourself

Don’t Forget about Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers!

If you want to use your dehydrator to dry foods for long-term storage, you must seal them in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers.

The oxygen absorbers remove oxygen which would cause spoilage. The mylar bag prevents light, moisture, and oxygen from getting in.

For extra protection, put the sealed mylar bags into buckets. The buckets protect them from rodents, insects, flood water, and other damage.

You can read more about this in my article on Food Preservation Methods.

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