Best Electric Skateboard

Best Overall Electric Skateboard

Onewheel Pint

Editors' Choice Awardonewheel pint electric skateboard reviewEditors' Choice Award

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  • Speed


  • Range


  • Ride


  • Hills


  • Build


  • Braking


Tested Top Speed: 14.16 mph | Tested Maximum Range: 10.8 miles



Easily climbs all but the steepest hills

Excellent brakes

Great off-road performance


Moderate range

Self-balancing isn’t for everyone

14.16 mph |10.8 miles

The Onewheel Pint is our top-scoring electric skateboard, handling poor-quality pavement as well as off-road terrain with ease. This pint-sized self-balancing skateboard is exceptionally fun to ride, with its massive monowheel easily cruising over obstacles and terrain that would stop other boards in their tracks. It’s pretty comfortable to ride, cruises up solidly steep hills with ease, and has excellent braking abilities.

The Onewheel Pint can be off-putting if you aren’t a fan of self-balancing boards. The board is essentially useless when its battery dies and it can be a little less comfortable than the standard boards to ride for long distances. It also can’t go up the steepest hills without bottoming out. It’s a fantastic choice if you are searching for the surfy feel of a self-balancing monowheel board, but those looking for a more traditional feel to their E-skateboarding experience might take a look at some other models.

Read more: Onewheel Pint review

best overall electric skateboard

The Pint had no problems cruising over rough roads and even shallow puddles without issues.

Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Best Bang for the Buck

Backfire G2



  • Speed


  • Range


  • Ride


  • Hills


  • Build


  • Braking


Tested Top Speed: 22 mph | Tested Maximum Range: 12.9 miles



Great wheels



Mediocre uphill speeds

Other models offer greater range


22 mph |12.9 miles

If you’re looking for a hub-driven electric skateboard and you don’t want to break the bank, check out the Backfire G2. This affordable option holds its own against the best of the best in the speed department — clocking an impressive 22 mph maximum speed during our time trials. Our testing team loved the handling and overall rider of this model. The large wheels, wide trucks, and extra-long wheelbase ensure that you’ll be smashing over cracks and carving high-speed turns all over town.

During our range testing, we found that this model falls a bit short of some other models. If you’d like to cruise at lower speeds and make sure that you can go further on one trip, you might want to go with a different board. When we climbed hills with the G2, we found that it struggled a bit, although it did make it to the top of our testing course. This board falls right about in the middle of the road as far as weight goes, but it is definitely bulkier than the mini models or the Onewheel. Despite these few shortcomings, we loved shredding this skateboard around town and would recommend it to anybody looking for this style of electric skateboard who is shopping on a budget.

Read more: Backfire G2 review

electric skateboard - this board is one of the faster models of the group.

This board is one of the faster models of the group.

Credit: Jason Peters

Compare Products

select up to 5 products to compare Score Product Price


Onewheel Pint

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Backfire G2

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Skatebolt Breeze II

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Hiboy S22

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Teamgee H5

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electric skateboard - electric skateboards are a ton of fun to ride.

Electric skateboards are a ton of fun to ride.

Credit: Jason Peters

Why You Should Trust Us?

Austin Palmer and David Wise make up our E-skateboard testing and reviewing team. Austin is an avid skateboarder — both motorized and not — and has been riding for almost 2 decades, logging over a thousand miles. Since 2015, he has personally ridden and tested over 30 electric skateboards. Over these last seven years, he has ridden over all sorts of terrain including sand, dirt, grass, rough mountain passes, trails, gravel, snow, and ice. David has formal training as a mechanical engineer and has significant experience with lithium battery and brushless motor systems, including building electric go-karts, race cars, scooters, and even a self-balancing skateboard. He lends his expertise when it comes to comparing and scoring the range and power of each board, as well as aiding in the creation of our test plans for these products.

We spent countless hours researching the specifications on these products and comparing different manufacturer’s claims to first determine which boards were good enough to cut it for our review, and then to determine a grueling series of challenges to crown the winners. We conducted over 15 comprehensive side-by-side tests, measuring and scoring everything from the maximum speed to the stopping distance on both flat ground and down a steep hill. We rode these boards hundreds of miles to see how they held up to sustained use — even taking them off-road! — and measured their maximum range head-to-head on flat ground.

Analysis and Test Results

We broke our test into six different weighted metrics that encompassed the most important aspects of these products and pushed them to the limit. While your first impression of these products may be that they exist only as a novelty item, these boards can be a great daily commuter vehicle for the skateboard enthusiast. It’s hard to argue with the ability to easily and quickly activate brakes or to zoom up a hill with ease. These products as a whole are quickly becoming more and more affordable, making them accessible to a wide variety of users.

Safety First!
We always recommend that everyone wears the proper protective equipment, whether they are a new rider or an experienced one, and check local rules and regulations regarding the use of these products before they go ride — no one wants an injury, ticket, or citation.


Unfortunately, you are going to have to pay for it if you want a high-performance electric skateboard. All the best boards easily cost over a grand — a hefty chunk of change, so it is worth considering how much you plan on using the board and how much utility it will give you if you are looking at the upper echelon of boards.

electric skateboard - feel the need for speed?

Feel the need for speed?

Credit: Jenna Ammerman


Do you have a need for speed? This metric accounts for 25% of the final score for each skateboard and is based on both the measured top speed and acceleration. We measured how long it took for each board to complete a known distance, giving it sufficient room to build up to maximum speed before entering the course, and then calculated its top speed. We then averaged the results of multiple trials to determine final scores.

To assess the acceleration of each electric skateboard, we timed how long it took each model to travel a 50′ course, with a stationary start. We also took into account our various testers’ intuition of the acceleration after they had logged significant time on each board.

electric skateboard - we conducted our testing along the beautiful shores of lake tahoe...

We conducted our testing along the beautiful shores of Lake Tahoe, California.

Credit: Jenna Ammerman

The Skatebolt Breeze II topped out at 20.73 mph during our speed assessment, and we recorded an average acceleration time of 4.26 seconds.

electric skateboard - the skatebolt tops out at nearly 21 mph.

The Skatebolt tops out at nearly 21 mph.

Credit: Jason Peters

During our speed assessment, we were impressed by the Backfire G2. This skateboard isn’t the fastest at accelerating compared to the others — we recorded an average time of 4.69 seconds. However, during our top speed analysis, we were able to get this model up to 21.26 mph.

electric skateboard - the backfire g2 is one of the best if you want to go fast.

The Backfire G2 is one of the best if you want to go fast.

Credit: Jason Peters

The Hiboy S22 did fairly well with a top speed of 18.16 mph. This model’s average acceleration time was 4.91 seconds.

electric skateboard - we got some decent speeds out of this skateboard.

We got some decent speeds out of this skateboard.

Credit: Jason Peters

The Teamgee H5 is pretty quick, clocking in with an average maximum speed of 17.43 mph in our test. The Onewheel Pint didn’t have one of the fastest top speeds in our tests, clocking in at just over 14 mph, but it has phenomenal acceleration.

electric skateboard - you can get some serious speed on the pint.

You can get some serious speed on the Pint.

Credit: Jenna Ammerman

It’s extremely fast off the starting line and gets up to speed faster than almost every other board in the entire group.


Our range tests came next in terms of importance, comprising 20% of the final score for each skateboard. We ran each board on relatively flat terrain until the battery died, keeping them in either an “Eco” mode if it was available, or in the riding mode most closely in the middle. We also timed how long it took for each board to recharge after it was completely drained.

Caught with a Dead Battery?
If your battery dies while you are out riding, you aren’t totally out of luck — depending on which board you are on, at least. Self-balancing models like the Onewheel Pint can’t be ridden once they run out of power, so you’ll want to pay particular attention to the range of these boards when planning rides. The hub motor boards are the exact opposite, as they can be ridden the same as a normal skateboard when the battery dies, with only a barely noticeable increase in rolling resistance. The belt-driven boards have a fairly noticeable amount of resistance compared to a normal skateboard when you are pushing them around manually but you can usually manage for short distances without too much suffering.

electric skateboard - if you are looking for a top-tier e-skateboard, then this is one of...

If you are looking for a top-tier E-skateboard, then this is one of our favorites.

Credit: Jason Peters

When we range tested the Backfire G2 and the Skatebolt Breeze II, we saw solid results. The Backfire G2 was able to provide top-notch fun for 12.4 miles and then crawled for another half mile before the battery finally lost all of its juice. The battery takes about 2 ½ hours to charge, but considering the speed, acceleration, and range, we think this is totally reasonable.

The Skatebolt finished a bit short of the G2 at 12 miles, but the battery remained effective for just about the entire time. The Skatebolt doesn’t have a very impressive charge time — it took us 3 and ½ hours to get it to 100% although the manufacturer claims that it will charge in 2.

Finishing at the back of the group, the Teamgee H5 traveled for 7 miles before quitting. Unfortunately, it started slowing down quite a bit after 5.5 miles, and it took around 170 minutes to recharge.

electric skateboard - chris mcnamara testing downhill braking.

Chris McNamara testing downhill braking.

Credit: Viktoria Low


This metric encompassed how each board felt, in both ideal and difficult conditions. We evaluated the comfort of each board, as well as which models we were drawn to over and over again, that possessed that certain je ne sais quoi. We also assessed how each board fared in the face of adversity — how it handled traversing bumpy terrain and if it could successfully clear unexpected cracks in the road.

The Backfire G2 is comfortable, has a great grip, and it feels 100% solid at high speeds. Its large wheelbase, big wheels, and wide trucks aid in handling even the nastiest of bumps and cracks. This was one of our favorite boards to shred.

electric skateboard - the backfire g2 gets accelerates quickly and tops out at an...

The Backfire G2 gets accelerates quickly and tops out at an impressive speed.

Credit: Jason Peters

The Onewheel Pint isn’t quite as comfortable to ride for longer periods as a traditional 4-wheel skateboard, but we found we were drawn to this model over and over again — almost as much as the above board — simply because it’s so much fun to ride.

electric skateboard - loose sand and dirt can be a rough start.

Loose sand and dirt can be a rough start.

Credit: Jenna Ammerman

While the self-balancing models aren’t as comfortable to ride as the Backfire G2, their performance at traversing bumpy terrain and handling unexpected cracks is unparalleled. Unsurprising, as it’s easy to see that boards designed for traveling over mud, grass, sand, and snow should easily handle some rough spots on the asphalt. Either of these boards would be our first choice if we knew we would be riding over less than perfect pavement.

electric skateboard - not all models can handle the slippery snow.

Not all models can handle the slippery snow.

Credit: Jenna Ammerman

The Skatebolt isn’t especially comfortable to stand on, but we did like the flex and we felt that it was an overall smooth ride.

electric skateboard - some electric skateboards have a kicktail that allows you to send...

Some electric skateboards have a kicktail that allows you to send some manuals or even crack an ollie if you’re brave.

Credit: Jenna Ammerman

The Teamgee H5 has a jarring and unpleasant ride when going over bad pavement, so we weren’t particularly drawn to it unless we knew we were going to be going over smooth roads. However, it is comfortable enough that we didn’t hate riding it for longer periods, provided the road was smooth.


One of the best benefits of having an electric skateboard is the ability to zip up hills with ease. However, not all electric skateboards are created equal, and a hill that is easy for one model may prove an insurmountable obstacle to another. We put these products through their paces to find the maximum hill grade that they could climb and see if it matched the manufacturer’s claim. Once again, our tester was an average-sized, adult male for these tests, and a smaller or larger rider might find slightly different hill climbing abilities than we did. However, the overall trend and order would remain the same.

The Onewheel Pint boasted phenomenal hill-climbing performance. This board has more than enough power for most hills, but it can’t make it up the steepest ones since the board will bottom out and start dragging if the incline is too great.

The Teamgee H5 ascended the 15% grade test hill without too much of an issue. However, it protested a bit at the start until it had some momentum built up. However, the 23% grade hill was too much for the Teamgee H5. The Backfire G2 made it to the top of the hill, although it took longer than the highest-scoring models.

electric skateboard - some of the different remote styles of the boards we tested.

Some of the different remote styles of the boards we tested.

Credit: Jenna Ammerman


For this metric, we compared some of the non-riding aspects of these products. We looked at the ergonomics of the remote control (if there was one), how responsive each electric skateboard and remote felt, the level of customer support we received, and the weight of each unit.

The monowheel boards both have regenerative braking and excellent customer support. We found the self-balancing control input of the Onewheel board to be the most responsive — far superior to those with remotes. Additionally, there is also a companion app to allow you to adjust settings on this board through your phone.

The Backfire G2 just feels solid. We love the deck, the grip tape, the wide trucks, and the large wheels. The remote has an ergonomic feel, and we are always fans of finger hoops and thumb throttles. The lanyard helps to keep it attached to you in case of a bail. Our testing team did not find any connectivity issues between the remote and the board itself.

electric skateboard - we found this board to be super comfortable and fun to ride.

We found this board to be super comfortable and fun to ride.

Credit: Jason Peters

The Teamgee H5 is a bit heavier, but it is much more responsive to inputs, with no noticeable lag. We also liked the remote, but we found its customer support to be lacking.


Last, but certainly not least, the stopping abilities of each board comprised this final metric, worth 10% of the total score. We tested how the brakes worked at allowing you to maintain a controlled descent down a steep hill, as well as how they did at completely stopping you on flat ground and how long the stopping distance was.

The Onewheel Pint had the best brakes of the bunch, only taking 14′ to fully stop from a speed of approximately 12 mph. It also makes it very easy to control your speed while going downhill, but you are limited if the hill gets too steep, as the back of the board will start dragging.

Too Much Faith in the Brakes? Don’t Push Your Limits.
While having brakes on a board is a fantastic addition, it’s prudent to remember that these are not 100% reliable. Many of these boards use the electrical properties of the motor to slow down and divert that energy to the battery — rather than a mechanical brake — and can become disabled if the battery is too full or under other circumstances. A prudent inspection of the owner’s manual will state the required precautions to take when using the brakes on each board.

electric skateboard - ready to ride off into the sunset after a long day of testing.

Ready to ride off into the sunset after a long day of testing.

Credit: Jenna Ammerman


Picking out the perfect electric skateboard that matches your needs and budget can be a surprisingly difficult task given the enormous spread of costs and capabilities. Cheaper boards can save you initially but are more of a novelty toy than a high-end model that could even replace a vehicle and become a daily commuter. Hopefully, this review has helped you identify which boards are the best fit for you and helped you make a purchase decision that you will be content with for a long time.

Picking out the perfect electric skateboard that matches your needs and budget can be a surprisingly difficult task given the enormous spread of costs and capabilities. Cheaper boards can save you initially but are more of a novelty toy than a high-end model that could even replace a vehicle and become a daily commuter. Hopefully, this review has helped you identify which boards are the best fit for you and helped you make a purchase decision that you will be content with for a long time.