Best Cheap VPS Servers In USA For Hosting High Traffic Websites

Improve the performance of your website with cheap VPS dedicated resources, full SSH root access, and affordable infrastructure. Choose a cheap & easy VPS package, pay with web hosting prices!

Top 10 VPS Hosting Providers USA

  • Type: VPS Hosting (Virtual Private Server)
  • Cost: From $ 19 per month
  • Suitable for: Medium-sized websites/blogs, virtual stores, and other applications
  • Level of difficulty: Low (managed) to high (un-managed)
  • Overall rating: Good value for money

During the life cycle of a website, at some point – especially when the audience of this site begins to grow – an ordinary web hosting may not be enough anymore. At this time, a VPS can be a good choice to keep the site stable and support the increasing demand for resources and requests on the server.

In order to evaluate the resources needed in a VPS, the hosting company that it is hiring itself can help. Do not be afraid to ask for more information, after all this is a choice that could affect the future of your online venture.

As the service is becoming popular, a free Windows or Linux VPS Server is not offered by any company (Never expect to get a free vps server forever, but there are some provide free vps hosting trial on windows or linux OS). Below are some of the top hosting companies that provide the service.

Here are some of the best free and cheap VPS hosting providers and their plans.



  • 512 MB Memory
  • 1 Core Processor
  • 20 GB SSD Disk
  • 1 TB Transfer*

Price/Month: $3.50

2. VPS Hosting Review For InMotion

VPS-1000S Plan



  • 4GB RAM
  • 4TB Bandwidth & 75GB Storage
  • 3 Dedicated IP Addresses
  • SSD Disk Drives
  • Free Domain & SSL’s
  • 90-Day Money Back

Price/Month: $ 27.99

3. VPS Servers Review For HostPapa

VPS Plus Plan



  • 50 GB Storage & 1 TB Transfer
  • 4 Core CPU
  • 1.5GB RAM
  • Managed VPS SSD Server
  • 2 IP Addresses & Free SSL Certificates

Price/Month: Rs 1499.00


  • 1 GB RAM & 2 GB Burst RAM
  • 2.4 GHz CPUs
  • 20 GB Space & 1000 GB Bandwidth
  • 1 Dedicated IP
  • SSD Disk Drives
  • 30 days Money Back Guarantee

Price/Month: Rs 599.00




  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 20GB SSD Disk Space
  • 2GB Ram
  • 1TB Bandwidth
  • 30 days Money back Guarantee

Price/Month: Rs 550.00




  • 500 GB Transfer
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 0.88 GHz
  • 20 GB HDD
  • 1 Free IP
  • Reliable 24/7/365 Support
  • Supports: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Php, cPanel

Price/Month: Rs 799.00

7. VPS Hosting Review For iPage

VPS Basic Plan



  • 1TB Bandwidth
  • 40GB Disk Space
  • 1GB RAM
  • Cores 1
  • Free Domain name
  • Supports: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Php, cPanel

Price/Month: $ 19.99




  • Unmanaged VPS
  • Root Access
  • Optional cPanel Addon
  • Choose Your Linux OS
  • From 20 GB Storage
  • 2 TB Transfer
  • From 512 MB RAM
  • 1 Core Server
  • SSD Option

Price/Month: Rs 320.56

VPS Standard Plan



  • 30 GB SSD & 2 GB RAM
  • 2 Cores & Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Supports: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Php, cPanel

Price/Month: $ 19.99


  • 1TB Bandwidth
  • 30 GB Disk Space
  • 2GB RAM
  • Dual Core
  • Free domain name
  • Supports: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Php, cPanel

Price/Month: $ 29.99

It is natural to have doubts about what kind of plan to choose during this process. So on this page, we’ll help you understand what a VPS server hosting is, its advantages and limitations, and how to choose the best VPS providers.

What is a VPS Hosting Server?

The acronym VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. To better understand the meaning of VPS and how it works, we need to understand each of the 3 terms below:

  • Virtual – Not physical; Virtual environment created by software
  • Private – Restricted for use of your site
  • Server – Location where files and data are stored

For comparison, let us consider the traditional shared and dedicated server. In shared hosting, your site will be stored and sharing space and resources with hundreds of other sites hosted on the same server. On the other hand, on a dedicated server, the physical machine (the server) only hosts your site, that is, it is dedicated to you and your site (s).

In this scenario, it is easy to imagine that shared hosting will have lower resource limits than those of a dedicated server. This difference will also be revealed in the price of services: a dedicated server is much more expensive than shared web hosting because in a shared hosting a single server is shared and funded by several clients, while at a dedicated cost it is exclusive to a customer.

Having said that, it would be nice if we could have an intermediate option, with more features than a shared one, but not as expensive as a dedicated one. It is in this space that the VPS fits. A VPS hosting server is a dedicated virtualized server, so it has features and capabilities similar to those of a dedicated one, but with a lower limit than one would have on a dedicated server. The server that hosts a VPS also shares its resources with other clients, as it happens in a shared hosting, however, the total number of clients dividing server resources is much smaller (much less even).

How does VPS Server Hosting work?

The virtual server works inside a physical server, but its resources and capabilities are well defined and separated in each virtualized environment, that is, there are private and exclusive areas between the sites of that server. This ensures that a site will not in any way affect another site hosted on the same server, since each site has its own virtual server, with dedicated resources for the site in question. Another interesting point is that a VPS uses its own operating system, regardless of the operating system used by other clients and also by the physical server that hosts all other VPSs.

Top 10 VPS Hosting Providers

As mentioned earlier, the VPS server works as if it were a dedicated server, but in a shared environment. The big difference compared to shared is that in VPS the user usually has root (administrative) access to the machine, which means that he can configure and install the applications and programs he wants, which would not be allowed on a shared server. This freedom of access is only possible through server virtualization. It’s as if a dedicated server is running virtually on another dedicated server along with other dedicated virtual servers.

In addition, vps hosting providers has its own resource limitations, thus ensuring that one virtual server will not interfere with another that is hosted on the same machine. This makes it quite interesting and a robust solution considering that the space and performance specifications are adequate to the needs of the site or application being hosted there.

How to configure a VPS Hosting server?

The configuration of the VPS server may vary according to the company offering the service. In general, you will find two scenarios: Managed VPS Hosting and Unmanaged VPS Hosting (or cheap vps hosting). The best option will depend on the technical knowledge of who will administer the server, as we will see below.

Managed VPS Hosting

cpanel VPS Hosting Providers USAIn managed VPS, the initial configuration of the service is done by the hosting company and a control panel is offered to administer the server. The cPanel control panel is used by many of the companies that offer the VPS service. In this option, the vps providers also supports everything related to the operation of the hosting control panel.

Unmanaged VPS Hosting

In the unmanaged VPS plan, the company does the initial configuration of the virtual server, but offers it in a basic way, with only the desired operating system, and without a control panel. Here, the client will have access to the server by command line (SSH) and will be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the services he want, such as the desired programming language, database, and other resources. In this case, the hosting company will only support the basic server issues, such as network and availability.

Which to choose?

It is important to be aware of these points when opting for a VPS hosting plan: if you are not knowledgeable in Linux, the best option is to invest in a managed windows VPS hosting, which is preconfigured by the vps service providers and will have support for various issues related to server administration. Likewise, if you intend to host a site, we recommend that you choose the managed option. The unmanaged VPS is only recommended for Linux programmers or network administrators who have some command-line experience.

Advantages of VPS Hosting

Freedom to use the machine

One of the great advantages of VPS server is the freedom one has to configure the server in the way that one wishes. It is possible, for example, to restart the virtual machine to free up RAM or fix some crashes, something that would not be possible on a common shared server.

You can also install additional applications and services that are generally not available in traditional web hosting, such as Java applications or mass mailing (email marketing) programs. Another interesting point is that, by having a defined storage space, VPS can be used as a repository to store large amounts of files, something that many shared hosting plans do not allow.

In addition, because it is a virtual server, it is easy to perform upgrades, that is, to increase resources on the server. Expanding the amount of memory and processing are easy improvements to make in a VPS. Generally, the client itself can upgrade to the hosting control panel. Of course, the more resources available, the greater the investment in the hosting plan.

Low cost VPS Hosting

Another great advantage is the low cost when compared to a dedicated server. The cost of renting a VPS server is divided between multiple clients (fewer clients than it would be in a shared hosting), which makes the cost-effectiveness attractive. Nevertheless, when the amount of VPS resources expands significantly, the cost will increase proportionally, approaching or surpassing the cost of a basic dedicated. That’s why it’s important to be aware of this when thinking about more robust VPS plans.

Dedicated resources on VPS Servers

On a VPS server, the client has a number of dedicated resources on the machine running its VPS, such as memory and disk space. You can use these features to the limit, without worrying about harming other customers. If any feature is exceeded, you will be notified and can choose to optimize your application or expand the features of your VPS.

Other Benefits of VPS hosting

  • Higher level of security and privacy than shared hosting
  • Possibility of accessing the server to install software and applications, which would not be allowed in shared hosting
  • The maintenance on the server is performed by the hosting company
  • Possibility of choosing the operating system
  • Can host several sites in the same VPS
  • Possibility of customizing firewall settings
  • Can upgrade plans and resources, according to the growth of the site

Limitations of VPS Hosting

Although the VPS client has its virtual private space, these servers may also have limitations regarding RAM, processing, disk space, and bandwidth. This is because, just like the dedicated one, VPS has limits on all these features, which vary according to the company and the plans offered by them. And as there are many companies in the market offering plans of all types and costs, it is advisable to research all the information about what is being offered in order to avoid restricted plans that do not meet your needs.

If you’re ready to go beyond shared hosting, but still do not see a need to invest in a dedicated one, consider VPS Server as a solution, even if it’s a middleman. You may find that it also meets your future needs.

How to Choose a VPS Hosting

VPS can be a wise choice for websites, online stores and medium to large-sized blogs and/or moderate-to-high traffic. In general, you’ll find more storage space and more efficient (fast) processing of the information, which can make a lot of difference when the server is overloaded with peak visits.

It is important to know that very large sites and/or traffic peaks may require a dedicated server, rather than a VPS. If your site has a lot of audiences and it continues to grow, be prepared to invest in a dedicated one in the future. At the same time, in many cases, it may be worth considering a cheap VPS hosting server before departing for a dedicated one, which has a much higher cost.

So to choose your VPS well, keep in mind how much you want to spend and how much resources you need to have on hand to keep your site posted 100% of the time. If you are unsure about how much resources your site is consuming, get help from a professional. Your hosting provider can also provide you with information about your site’s current usage.

Who can use VPS Hosting Solutions?

  • VPS solutions are aimed at anyone wishing to host all their websites on a single server. Among them, Web Design Companies, Agencies having several Internet projects, Reseller providers and etc..
  • VPS is the ideal solution for companies who wish to host complex systems that require stable, robust and scalable solutions; without a considerable increase in expenditure. Also, it is a safe and effective means to pass to production systems or web applications, Software as a Service (SaaS). Among them, Sugar CRM, Scalix, Zimbra, etc.
  • VPS is an excellent opportunity to acquire the characteristics and advantages of a dedicated server at a more cheap cost. The ideal place to start your internet business or mounting projects with the best support service and connectivity choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is VPS?

The VPS service combines the flexibility of dedicated hosting and the affordable prices of shared hosting services. As the name implies, VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a hosting service with servers that are configured virtually.


How does VPS work?

In VPS hosting, the server in the data center is divided into virtual parts. Each virtual server has its own resources such as operating system, bandwidth, and disk space so that changes made by other users will not affect the performance of your website.


Why do I need VPS?

We highly recommend the top 10 VPS hosting service providers for websites that require large resources. VPS hosting has its own resources that can ensure your website runs without interruption, an advantage that shared hosting services don’t have. The complete control, configuration, customization, and privacy of use will also be yours. Thanks to cloud technology, you can also upgrade perfectly without sacrificing performance!

All the advantages offered by VPS cloud hosting require a qualified technical understanding considering the configuration of VPS is quite complicated for ordinary users.


What VPS Control Panel can I use?

VPS service provides packages without a control panel, also the choice of using Webuzo or WHM cPanel. This option is optional considering there are a variety of other control panels that you can use. You can choose a package without a control panel if you plan to use your own VPS control panel.


Can I upgrade VPS?

Of course! Cheap VPS service resources can be upgraded whenever you want by clicking the “Upgrade” button in the member area. Please contact our customer support team for further assistance.


Do I Get Migration Assistance to VPS?

Yes, of course! Using the VPS service, you will get cPanel installation assistance on VPS and migration assistance from cPanel hosting to cPanel VPS by the customer support team for free.



If you need dedicated server resources, if you run specific software that is not supported by shared hosting plans, our VPS service is perfect for you. With VPS, you can install any operating system (Linux or Windows), configuring software modules, and run any program without restrictions. Our VPS servers include cloud computing infrastructure, a control panel that is easy to use, daily full backups including basic management.

Virtual Private Servers with Virtuozzo technology, hardware running on high availability and performance. Fully managed and not have to worry about the configuration and system administration, we deliver a turnkey solution that is ready for operation. Fully scalable, it can grow according to your pace and to the extent require, paying exclusively by the settings you use.

Choose Linux and you will have a virtual private server with Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. On it, you can install the applications you need, and you can manage it from Plesk Control Panel or cPanel, or the SSH console.

Select Windows if you need to use ASP or ASPX pages, accessing databases or SQL Server database MSAccess. Also, you can use PHP and MySQL, and you can manage it from Plesk Control Panel, or from a remote desktop.

We hope the information on this page has been useful to you! If you have liked, share it across in your network so that more people can benefit from this content. If you have any questions, leave a comment here on the page and we will do our best to help you!