Benefits of Driving an Electric Vehicle | BC Hydro

There’s never been a better time to consider an EV

You’ll never forget the first time you drive an electric vehicle (EV). Even the least expensive models feel like a glimpse into the future: everything is luxuriously quiet and surprisingly fast – especially from a standing start.

So what do you need to know about going electric? Let’s explore some of the many advantages of owning an EV.

6 great things about owning an EV

1. You’re fighting climate change

If your electricity is generated by coal or other fossil fuels, you could argue that driving an EV doesn’t make much difference to carbon emissions. But EVs make total sense in B.C., where 98% of the electricity we generate is clean.

Find out more about how EVs are a key part of B.C.’s Climate Leadership Plan.

2. You’ll save on fuel costs

Electricity is not only cleaner, it’s also a lot cheaper. Most EV owners in B.C. do the bulk of their charging at home or at work. This means that they’re usually only paying our regular residential rate – and maybe even charging for free at work.

Based on BC Hydro rates, this means that a Nissan Leaf can travel 100 km for just $2 in electricity costs – a tiny fraction of what it would cost to drive an equivalent gas-powered car the same distance.

3. You’ll save on maintenance

EVs have far fewer moving mechanical parts than gas-powered vehicles, so there’s a lot less to go wrong. Braking is different in an EV, with the vast majority of slowing and stopping performed by regenerative braking. So an EV’s traditional friction brakes get used much less. Anecdotal evidence from drivers suggests those friction brakes can last up to 300,000 km or more before being replaced.

Once you move to an electric vehicle, you can also say goodbye to oil changes. In fact, a Canadian EV cost study published in September 2018 concluded that on average, there was a 47% maintenance cost saving for electric vehicles over gas-powered vehicles.

4. You’ll love driving it

Driving an EV is a refreshingly different experience. As we noted at the top, you’ll be amazed how quiet and fast it is, and reassured by all the efficiency information on display.

Don’t believe us? Ask any EV driver about their experiences – and see if they’d ever go back to a gas-powered vehicle. You can also explore B.C.’s growing EV community at Emotive.

5. You’ll enjoy some perks

Have you ever noticed the big white OK decals on EVs as they whizz past you in the HOV lane? If you own an EV in B.C., you can apply for an HOV lane/EV permit and decal which allows you to drive your EV in HOV lanes even if it’s just you in the car.

You’ll also find public charging stations that often serve as convenient parking (sometimes free for both charging and parking). Just remember to vacate the spot once your EV is fully charged or you’ve met the parking time limit.

6. You’ll boost your green cred

Along with the benefits we’ve highlighted above, there are also other social benefits to driving an EV. Wherever you go, you’re signalling your beliefs on sustainability and protecting the environment to everybody who sees you. If you use an EV for work, you’re conveying a positive message about your business. And within your community, you’re doing a valuable job of ‘normalizing’ EVs: the more EVs people see driving around, the more reassured they’ll feel about making the switch themselves.